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About Arthogaan

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  1. Every statement put into words is ultimately just a construct. You can have a perspective that everything is fair. You could say from other perspective that life is pure unfairness. But ultimately this are just language-meaning-constructs. When you drop all of this you are left with only this mysterious THIS. In love and war everything is. Just is. Life just is. Consciousness just is. No meaning, not even meaninglessness. Just is.
  2. Awakening to reality guidebook from And Awake: it's your turn by Angelo Dilulo are two of the most clear, technical no bullshit books I have come across during my journey.
  3. I really like quote by I think Adyashanti, something along the lines of: it's not out and above - it's in and through.
  4. Its interesting because I get a cultish/con vibe from Mooji so it really is different for different minds. Interesting. Also Frank matured a lot during last year, he was still fresh and pretty unstable 3-4 years ago. Yeah but all of teachers are just temporary pointers.
  5. Each teacher from my list has a very different style of communicating. Different personality. Personality of the body stays even after enlightenment - there is no longer a mental construct of identity but a particular body is conditioned to express in certain way - so all of them behave very differently but I can sense that all of them transmit - but at the end of the day if you don't vibe with Frank then just vibe with some other teacher - you don't have to like them all - if you do not prefer someone that is supposedly enlightened that does not make you bad in any way - you are also conditioned. But it can be valuable to contemplate - what character traits/ what way of expressing makes me think that it is "less than enlightened" - because that is probably some part of you that you don't accept - like for example maybe you don't accept the part of you that would like to express in almost manic, energetic kind of way - which is something that actually pulls me towards Frank - because I would like to grow that part of me more. Much love
  6. Yeah, I know it's constructed - but in THIS ETERNAL NOW there is only THIS THIS. Nothing else here.
  7. The most Genius ones for me in no particular order: Leo Gura, Angelo DiLulo, Bentinho Massaro, Josh ("So awake" yt channel), Suzanne Chang (Suzanne Nonduality), Roger Thisdell
  8. But what Absolute Solipsism by Leo points to IMO is that there is only one Soup happening at any time.
  9. But that is the actual non-dual experience. Everything is one undiferentiated soup - and then you can mentally compartmentalize into thoughts, perceptions, visions, hearings, whatever.
  10. Just THIS thissing and appearing out of nowhere and dancing.
  11. I really like him. Has transmission power with his videos. He certainly is in my "top 10" spiritual pointers.
  12. Nice question, gets to the core, I would answer: Any idea of anything hidden is always just a thought. To wonder if it is a true thought would be engaging in more thought. And when I drop all thought there are only THIS sense perceptions. Nothing is ever hidden, it only seems like it is via thought.
  13. Those words literally create a feeling of Big Bang (which happens each second)
  14. I get what you mean and roughly agree but I would call that Nonduality/Enlightenment. Spirituality can be a less specific term that could involve all the other Consciousness Tricks like astral realms, insanity, aliens, exploration of exotic states of mind and so on. Clear Seeing that all of the above are just radiant constructs arising from the Unborn i would call Enlightenment Departament of Spirituality and I would tend to say its the most relevant for me and for humanity - but whos to say that Insanity Departament is less valid.
  15. I ask because I have been experimenting in a similiar ways and all you say is totally believeable and in line with my experience. I lately am immersing myself with feeling of cold and hunger and there definitely is a point of immersion when hunger feels full, and cold feels warm. I still struggle to make this kind of immersion a baseline/default. I still find myself habitually eating even tough I am not fully hungry. So it's interesting that I experienced hunger as pleasurable (even after 2 days of not eating anything) but I still fall into deeply imprinted patterns od behaviour - tough less and less.