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Everything posted by bambi

  1. Got it. Lots of men are into rimming too, which is pretty vile if you think about it. Oral in itself is kinda disgusting. I wonder how much porn has contirbuted here
  2. Yes still hard to follow. But why would you not chose God, and how can you trust that your mind isnt lieing to you? Alot of your message presuppose lies are better than truth for you
  3. Sorry, where did you find this information from and what rationale are you using it to generalize in the manner you are? It seems like highly biased, anecdotel observations shared as some normalisation of male sexual preferences. How to take this seriously?
  4. So you are saying 1) Enlightenment for you is a complete denial of worldy life and even your humanity? 2) Enlightnement is a death of some sort (this was non specified) 3) That you dont want enlightenment in this life time 4) You want some other unspecified life as Emerald Is this correct?
  5. LOL where da fuck are you pulling this from??! Cite ur sources pls
  6. No just according to pretty much every study men simply are more pursuant of sex in general, on both pyschological and physiological level
  7. Yes thats why we dont take your personal anecdotes to be any honest representation of female sexuality
  8. None of this is remotelty accurate lol All the data shows that men masturbate more then women and think about sex more then women.on a more conistent basis over a longer period of time
  9. Can you summarise this in laymans terms, I simply cant follow anything you have written
  10. Chasing women and lust is definately antithetical to enlightenment. But being in a committed relationship isnt the same thing is it lol
  11. No idea what this ramble is suppose to say, can you please re-write with some coherency
  12. Suprise suprise the sex worker thinks sex work is healthy for the soul lol, who would have thought. Infinity is just being infinity, duh, how stupid to try figure out if its healthy. Drink all the liquid sugar you want, hit the cocaine, its just infinity baby, all equatable. Absolutely no cognitive dissonance whatosever here
  13. It will 110% create karma for you lol!
  14. There is a deep misunderstanding in this thread. God isnt sending anyone anywhere, its not an active force like this, it has no agenda. The real question is: can you, yourself, by your own actions and volition, get stuck in hell? And the answer is maybe. I could see how someone could get so overcome with hatredness, angery, bitterness, guilt, shame that it would be hard for them to be saved or for themselves to even want salvation. The mind can become extremely perverse and toxic, and taken to extremes you can see how some beings could spend a long time in hell. Think of the Sith lords in star wars for example. Youd like to think there some implcit metaphysical laws that allows enforced a return at some point. Thats why the Buddhist or Hindu model of hells might be more accurate. But even in this models beings can be in hell for an unimaginable amount of time, but thats why these dudes wanted mokhsa and get off this wheel of birth, isnt worth it for them
  15. How many sexual partners have you had Lila?
  16. I can promise you I realise the unity of it all. I jsut think your propositions are wierd and biased. You are clearly trying to provoke an affect. God is Infinity, Omiscience, and Omipitence God is ego Therefore ego is Inf... <---- ah yes that sloppy logic and over-simplificaiton will get us into trouble By stating 'manifestation' you lose precisely 0 unity of it all, but it better explains the complexity of what God is. Simply equating God with rape is reductive to God and the manifestation mechanics
  17. Yes correct, its a manifestation of God. To say its God itself, is a simplistic intellectual slight of hand. While it mihgt be technically true, it is overly reductive and creates a false impression of what God is
  18. Not really, like I said its an oversimplificaiton, missing nuance and explanatory power. It also creates a false seperation between God and the creaiton. If it exists, its a manifestation of God. -> This is accurate, but it isnt equivalent to what you say And no, please stop projecting your preconcieved notions. This has literally 0 to do with morality to me, its about logic and accuracy
  19. No I would even argue nothing is caused by God, its enabled by God. Causality is a fasle paradigm To me you are making gross simplificaitons and reductions which obscure the truth. You are posiitng God to be a type of entity with an agenda and bias, this just isnt the case
  20. Nah this isnt correct at all 1) God is all that exists 2) Child rape exists 3) God can exist in anifninte number of forms, from highly selfish to selfless Conclusion: selfish instatiations of God enacts rape The type of monolithic entity you propose would be nothing more then a passive possibility machine. You could say God enabled rape, but that isnt the same as causing it, thata deeep fallacy you are making
  21. No mind is not no thinking, its a contextual shift of your experience. Essentially is when the context is set to emptiness or nibbana, its a high energy field. When this happens all the content is recontextualised within this field. Dr David Hawkins basically explains all of this phenomenon accurately. No mind doesnt mean no thinking, it means the energetic context of all the content is emptiness or nothing or nibbana. so all your previous mind activity, is now powerfully recontextualised. For this to happen there is an emotional purification that precedes it. Thats why most of the self-referential emotionally charged thoughts are reported to stop. This means you now have full control over all the mental functions that are useful: contemplating, reason, logic, planning, envisioning etc etc, but now they dont have a neurotic, contracted, self referential underpinning This rhetoric of no-mind being equivalent to some comatose state, or incapacity to think is not remotely correct, nor have I heard this anywhere
  22. Hmm 1) LSD stimulates a broader Dopamine profile, so it feels more stimulating. They both feel equally introspective, and Im not sure Id agree mushrooms are more empathy etc. LSD is more love to me persoanlly. But again theyre not as dissimiliar as perhpas your imagining 2) They have a slightly different receptor profile, but not what you are thinking. Psilocybin hits dopamine too, just not as many receptors 3) I would imagine neuroplasticity is similiar If you are talking about microdosing, then you are overthinking this to an extreme, it will be irrelevant,and something you can figure out directly yourself