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Everything posted by bambi

  1. How many sexual partners have you had Lila?
  2. I can promise you I realise the unity of it all. I jsut think your propositions are wierd and biased. You are clearly trying to provoke an affect. God is Infinity, Omiscience, and Omipitence God is ego Therefore ego is Inf... <---- ah yes that sloppy logic and over-simplificaiton will get us into trouble By stating 'manifestation' you lose precisely 0 unity of it all, but it better explains the complexity of what God is. Simply equating God with rape is reductive to God and the manifestation mechanics
  3. Yes correct, its a manifestation of God. To say its God itself, is a simplistic intellectual slight of hand. While it mihgt be technically true, it is overly reductive and creates a false impression of what God is
  4. Not really, like I said its an oversimplificaiton, missing nuance and explanatory power. It also creates a false seperation between God and the creaiton. If it exists, its a manifestation of God. -> This is accurate, but it isnt equivalent to what you say And no, please stop projecting your preconcieved notions. This has literally 0 to do with morality to me, its about logic and accuracy
  5. No I would even argue nothing is caused by God, its enabled by God. Causality is a fasle paradigm To me you are making gross simplificaitons and reductions which obscure the truth. You are posiitng God to be a type of entity with an agenda and bias, this just isnt the case
  6. Nah this isnt correct at all 1) God is all that exists 2) Child rape exists 3) God can exist in anifninte number of forms, from highly selfish to selfless Conclusion: selfish instatiations of God enacts rape The type of monolithic entity you propose would be nothing more then a passive possibility machine. You could say God enabled rape, but that isnt the same as causing it, thata deeep fallacy you are making
  7. No mind is not no thinking, its a contextual shift of your experience. Essentially is when the context is set to emptiness or nibbana, its a high energy field. When this happens all the content is recontextualised within this field. Dr David Hawkins basically explains all of this phenomenon accurately. No mind doesnt mean no thinking, it means the energetic context of all the content is emptiness or nothing or nibbana. so all your previous mind activity, is now powerfully recontextualised. For this to happen there is an emotional purification that precedes it. Thats why most of the self-referential emotionally charged thoughts are reported to stop. This means you now have full control over all the mental functions that are useful: contemplating, reason, logic, planning, envisioning etc etc, but now they dont have a neurotic, contracted, self referential underpinning This rhetoric of no-mind being equivalent to some comatose state, or incapacity to think is not remotely correct, nor have I heard this anywhere
  8. Hmm 1) LSD stimulates a broader Dopamine profile, so it feels more stimulating. They both feel equally introspective, and Im not sure Id agree mushrooms are more empathy etc. LSD is more love to me persoanlly. But again theyre not as dissimiliar as perhpas your imagining 2) They have a slightly different receptor profile, but not what you are thinking. Psilocybin hits dopamine too, just not as many receptors 3) I would imagine neuroplasticity is similiar If you are talking about microdosing, then you are overthinking this to an extreme, it will be irrelevant,and something you can figure out directly yourself
  9. LSD simply has a more broad profile and longer duration. Mushrooms feel more specific This is both true experientially and scientifically. They are however similiar in terms of main effect, LSD feels more broader thats all, and the comedown can last longer. I personally prefer LSD, but both are fine, I wouldnt overthink it. Also mixing them has precisely 0 benefit, it doesnt make sense, they are already very similiar, and there arent any synergistic effects, you just have two slightly different competing experiences that are overriding each other.
  10. The end point is highly nuanced though, and a grey area to me. There is a whole category of rape or sexual assault that is occuring between naked drunked individuals sharing a bed. There is so much nuance and grey area here that it almost needs new nomenclature. We need to be able to see things on a continuum and handle the context to parse the severity of the situation. I have woke up before after a night out and woke up to girls having sex with me and I dont even remember bringing them home. I didnt class this is rape nor did I find it particularly traumatising at the time. But I definately wouldnt compare this to me being beaten up and raped in an alley by two large men. The latter would undoubtely cause me severe distress
  11. Sorry we are talking past each other, nothing in your post relates to any of my posts. The previous poster tried to seperate BDSM and rape solely on the metric of pleasure, but as per my post this cant be done, as many women orgasm during rape. As you highlight the only real difference is consent here
  12. Do you know a significant amount of women orgasm during real rape. This is more complex then you are grokking imo
  13. LOL! Agreed, consensual mutual abuse, normalised as a healthy sexual expression!!
  14. How are the motivations any different from BDSM or similiar sexual acts, except one is consensual and the other isnt. Theyre all equally about degradation, shame, control, power, dominance etc etc. So if rape isnt about sex, then neither is BDSM
  15. Have you also tried communicating 'It bothers me how selfish and self-centred you are around food and belongings, I have a need for sharing and genorisioty in a partner that often times doesnt get met especially in relation to food. I find it off putting and unattractive, which I have then been taking this out on you passively aggressively, as I was too much of a coward to own it and explain it you'
  16. Do you want to give an example. I think you simply joined a discourse to give me unsolicted advice. That isnt the same thats happening here. Im challenging Princesses view, paradigm and underlying reasons for her position - within an open discourse. Further I am claiming she is imposing this into every possible conversation around sexuality and gender dynamics. In fact Im pretty sure you were trying to give me advice on how I should speak to other users, hmm something feels familair here. lol! Am I missing something?
  17. Maybe his mistreatment is what got you into it! How old are you btw?
  18. Im not stalking you, thats just paranoid. I posted in this thread first. Dont mind me, enjoy your food and your date! I wish you a fun evening!
  19. LOL if you think the type of men or husbands you are attracitng in your life are indepedent of you engaging in sex work, you dont understand how life is working. It doesnt shock me at all that you personal relationships will be less than savoury. Everything is interconnected
  20. Well its the first step: you are seeing, engaging in, and enabling some of the most depraved or dysfunctional of human behaviour, and its warping your view of yourself, men, gender dynamics, sexuality and humanity in general lol Reality will simply reflect back to you, your state of being. And your state of being is deeply intertwined with your behaviours, actions, relationships
  21. Whether or not you are having sex or not, farting on their face or not, stroking their hair or not isnt the main issue - its almost agnostic. The commodificaiton and objectification of yourself and others in relation to sexual work is fundemental unhealthy, and will negatively impact your self-esteem whether you think it does or not, or idependant of any rationalisations you attempt to make. It goes beyond sex work, we as humans cannot just manipulate, abuse, dehumanise, objectify, mistreat etc etc ourselves or others without some negative impact onto our being. Thats all Im saying.
  22. This is my first time engaging with Emerald from what I remember. She seems to be attempted at least to give a somewhat objective analysis. I dont mean to be rude, but your just constantly projecting your subjective or personal issues (traumas) into every single gender or sexuality related convo, pretty much without exception. But now it makes more sense. Dont worry I will make a conceited effort to stop responding and telling you your traumatised around sexuality, didnt realise you were escorting
  23. Look come on, it doesnt take the most self awareness or honesty, to accept or admit that being in sex work is going to warp your view of yourself and others when it comes to sexuality. There is so much shaming, judgement, commodificaiton, objectification, dehumanisation, exploitation that happens in sex work, to think you are immune or unaffected is delusional, especially given your posts. Until you work through all of this, or are willing to, its pointless to talk or interact. Your view is clear: men are as much to blame for their own behaviour, and are not innocent. They need to stop shaming and judging women for their part as theyre equally culpable. This is clear. But injecting this into every single possible conversation on sexuality and relationship is boring and disruptive, you impede intelligent, progessive discussion around any of these topics