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Everything posted by bambi

  1. Touche Ive had some really bad trips recently, being proposition with these infinite hells, which is really a place with a lack of love, Im worried if I take 5 meo its gonna exacerbate them, this bad trips where after days of continued ketamine and god realization, just before you made your Gods of infinity video for me However its in these trips where I realized it was me creating them for me, there wasn't anyone else doing it to me lol, and this is when they stopped
  2. Do you ever have bad trips anymore Leo? I will try to order 5 MeO, should I wait until Im in a good place, or do it in the midst of my suffering
  3. No this is a big misconception, lol There is no chaos, or nothing happening that isn't already known by God, its pseudo. God can try to infinitely deceive itself such it appears cchaotically and random, but thats only to you, the small self or ego, God knows precisely what it is doing This is something @Leo Gura is also seeemingly missing, there is nothing random about your life, or what has been happening to since your birth (materialist will say it is) In fact its the complete opposite, you are in a highly intelligent organised game, designed by yourSelf for your self, thats precisely why you are all on this forum, it isnt be just random chance lol This notion of God creating pointless infinite suffering is nonsense, you can suffer all right, but it precisely in this life now, not some other hell dimension, and your suffering will be down to you not God, and your suffering will lead you precisely back to God, such that you cant possibly stay in this suffering 'infinitely' lol
  4. No I do, and thats why I am telling you the stupidity of your proposition of pointless infinite suffering, thats an insult to Gods intelligence
  5. Either you are God or you aren;t, and if you are, you can answer these questions, and if you arent you can't Think about what you are saying, God would consciously chose to create suffering for no purpose, thats not how this works lol, thats an insult to the intelligence
  6. Thats like saying if you are truly interested in exploring yourself and life, you would torture and mutilitate yourself but you wouldnt get stuck doing it, just enough to completely disable you in pain for 5 years. Do you see the nonsensical nature of this
  7. But there is no purpose for God to do this. In the same way I can take my hand and put it on a stove until its all ash, and then my arm, then my leg, then my face, and burn myself slowly to death; I dont? Why because that would be fucking stupid Just because God could possibly imagine an infinite hell, that would be completely stupid, God would be a moron, which it clear isn't. You are robbing all intelligence from God If I have enough intelligence not to do it, and I am God, then God also has enough intelligence not to do it Have you ever experienced this infinite hell? No.
  8. @Leo Gura please answer these questions for me, as you are the only one who can 1) why me and my life, whats so special about this 2) why can't conciousness fragment itself into different perspectives, encapsulated by my experience, just by a dissociated boundary/divisions like a kaleidoscope, with mine being the outer
  9. And is DMT the only way? Ive done ketamine 1000 times and had crazy experiences, but nothng that is giving me anything conclusive... does DMT give more answers??
  10. @Leo Gura but why this incarnation, why my childhood, family, what so special about this 'bambi' out of the infinite number of other possible selves or identiites I could have been
  11. @Leo Gura life still makes no sense, I suffer deeply. I have been meditating and in solitude mostly for 3 years. I have a condition where if I engage in any sexual activity at all I get chronic brain pressure. It feels when I take psychedelic's I have infinity reconciling itself in my eye shakra. Ive been mostly celibate for 3.5 years (2.5 years no sexual activity) But what would you do if you were me? Nothing helps with the pressure in my head, I feel like im losing my mind. My symptoms match POIS (post orgasm illness syndrome) 100%. If Im God why do I punish myself like this. Via POIS Ive found and learnt so much, but isnt the time for learning over? What is the point of realizing God, its like a paradoxical nothingness Is it myself making myself renounce sexuality and become a monk Im the only person who exists who understands your latest video, and the wink was comforting, but help me , please (I wish you could have experienced the amount of paradoxes and strange loop shapes I saw and see in everything, very cool)
  12. Consciousness itself is a construct..., its an infinitesimally small part of God, when you think you know Gods limitation (conciousness), times it by infinity and your in the right direction
  13. But what is the point in all this madness, besides the point being its own point (a=a)... how to move forward Leo
  14. Okay understood And how would you compare Ketamine vs Mushrooms vs 5MEO in terms of helping you in life
  15. Nah Leo, this doesnt cut it, I did all of this, and theres a small reddit group of POIS sufferers all INTP/ENTP Do I just go celibate, as thats the only thing that seems to work (slowly) @Leo Gura youve done all this work, and just please tell me how this road doesn't lead to monkhood, why shouldnt we both become monks tomorrow and renounce the world (selflessness) give me your logic
  16. @Leo Gura is my guru, so what does he suggest
  17. @Michael Jackson you imagined the hand infront of you, and everything since your birth, so why would you imagine everyone else as anything less then infinite? that just means you were looking at everyone wrong
  18. Leo is an INTP there is no question about this. He should inspire everyone, forget about his philosophy, but how much he has pushed himself, to constantly grow and search for truth
  19. This is the only story that could ever be told
  20. After 500-1000 ketamine experiences, in light of Leos last blog, here are some messages over the years I had written down after my trips, maybe they resonate with you: Ethereal fabric substance of nothingness creating somethingness, thisness, as this out of an infinite number of infinite choices is the only thing worth creating, every moment is infinitely precious Pulling away reality piece by piece: as you pulled away the last piece, you will realize reality was telling you the same message every single time you pulled away the piece, but it took until there were no more pieces left, for you to finally confront the message God is the only possible author that wrote the only script that could be possibly written, by the only protagonist that could only ever had been cast, expressed infinitesimally precise in the only way it could have been told; by you As you come to understand, youll begin to understand theres only you that could possibly understand it Reality is so complex, no matter how much you understand, you are always infinitely far from understand its complexity, until you do understand, and in that moment there was never anything to understand
  21. Hi Leo, Just watched your latest video ketamine. In this video you start talking about not knowing infinity or its nature, but previously youve insinuated the opposite, that you can become directly concious of this full infinitude, can you explain I've done ketamine maybe 500+ times, maybe more, so well acquianted with it, including the bladder damage, so if anyone has any questions please let me know
  22. Hey just want to say not sure if its something you consciously worked on, but your communication recently has been so much more approachable and friendly, its good to see, definitely helps with the discourse quality on here
  23. This sense of time and perception coming back online happens in a k-hole
  24. TBH its not that dangerous as a one off, just take it and lie on your bed, its kinda fun before and after the hole, youll just be so disorientated you wont be able to stand up. But honestly I cant see how you could hurt yourself. I used to mix it with alcohol and go clubbing lol, just had some stupid experiences doing that, Ive never known anyone to hurt themselves k holing. Can be disturbing for other people watching you lol as youll be like a zombie