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Everything posted by bambi

  1. @Leo Gura could you be so kind as state your current position in full or correct the previous video, as Im super confused. Do you believe God has divided itself into multiple perspectives, that once my current body and ego dies, I could re-incarnate as you, as in some linear sequential unfolding, etc etc, I'm kinda lost trying to follow your position, or are you planning to release update work soon?
  2. So does that mean this previous videos should be dismissed? As you claim that God is an infinitely re-incarnating sentient being, probing itself forever, lifetime after lifetime. You state that all humans and animals are different perspectives God is gong to re-incarnate into I understand that essential there is only one singular point that is imagine a single moment, but this moment essentially changes an infinite number of times, to encapsulate what we call an infinite number of experiences, comprising an infinite number of 'beings' or 'egos' or 'probes' -- is this what your saying Have you got a final position on this or are you still trying to figure all this out ?
  3. @Leo Gura can you confirm this? Also things like your video: What Is The Point Of Life? - An Advanced, Life-Changing Explanation - do you still stick by them as accurate, as there seems to be some nuanced differences between this and your latest work, it's kinda confusing or not clear