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Everything posted by bambi

  1. I just can't buy that you become omnipotent and omniscient on ketamine, there is no area of this substance I have not covered, Ive taken it so much in so many ways (my bladder is completely fucked), Ive taken it after a year off and two months in silent meditaton retreat. , I have taken such a sheer amount of it, used with spiritual practices at times, there is nothing that even insinuates with this compound you become infinitely concious of anything, quite the opposite, you lose all ability to become concious of anythign in any capcity, your simply incapacitated in a really fucked up space of existence, the notion you are infinitely powerful, knowledgeable etc on ketamine is absurd to me, unless we are talking about very different things or expectations in regards to omnipotence or omniscience. From what Leo says about 5MEO is as your in your room, you become clear concious of how everything in your concious field is being manifested by you, and you have full control of this, otherwise it would just be conjecture
  2. The dangers of all psychedelic's are escapism. Anything that changes your state in a positive manner has high potentiality for addiction
  3. These are some drawings I did straight after some k-holes, cos its impossible to put it into words. But essentially the wavy shit on the right is what you become in the k-hole, completely abstract fragmented wavy stuff, with no sense of anything, there is no reality, self, or anyhting else, its like your teleport to an abstract place. The left part and the bits in the middle are as you come back into this singular fixed concrete moment of perception, you go from disintegrated abstract waviness to complete fixed singularity is only way to describe it
  4. But I had so many crazy crazy experiences with ketamine, near death ones or at least it felt like that, the whole of reality collapsing and kundaline energy shooting up my body, until i collapse and the whole of reality is about to disintegrate apart form one spec of my will to live still remains, or so it felt like. I even had tons of ketamine experiences where my whole body just melted, and every single part of trauma i have kept in my body melted. Every single pain i had and didnt even know i had dissapeared. eye sight become super sharp, posture one 100% perfect, could move freely and sit in lotus. Would look at my body as though Im God, and that every piece of information i had learnt and my whole life is just a journey to help me understand i am imagingn everything but none of this is omniscience or omnipotence, and tbh i never paid to much weighting to any of this, cos it always wears of after the trip
  5. Lol there is no k-hole awakening, k-hole is like being blasted into a chaos of completely disintegration, there is no ability to even conceptualize a world or even oreintate yourself to a reality or a self or any concept of an awakening. Imagine being so blind drunk you cant stand up or see anything, now times this by 10, without any physical sickness, you lose all touch with reality, you cant see a thing, you go into a super super abstract dimension, have you seen intersaller where hes locked in the book case, this is like a k-hole
  6. Interesting Ive done those types of substances and had crazy experiences especially mixing with nitrous oxide, and don't see how you could possible become honestly omniscient using them
  7. I also just want to say @Leo Gura it seems you have a narrow view of buddhism lol, its super strange, you seem to think Buddhist meditation is about walking around as a zombie or with no mind. OR its about vipassana or cessation. Like Jhana meditation and ketamine, couldn't be more different. And I dont know any serious buddhist meditaiton monks who dont recognize Love or this type of thing Id love to know what study youve done of Buddhism, its super perplexing, or maybe your just speaking generally, like most monks dont meditate etc
  8. Are you talking about with 5meo? how many times did you take it?
  9. Im 34, I have been doing it since uni, and I liked how it gave you an additional ability to abstract in contemplation, plus lots the ability to remove physical and mental pain
  10. This is completely meaningless lol are you replying to the right post
  11. if you live without imagination, reality will collapse, as reality is imagination, so this discourse is non sensical
  12. Sure, but this isn't what he is saying??? What you are saying is simple and straight forward, he is literally being obtuse and cryptic
  13. But everything is imaginary so this is completely nonsensical unless Im missing something? In your model, you can't even ever talk about anything (why are you even writing) as the answer to every question is; nothing its all imaginary, its completely nonsensical. I can't even see how you would enjoy this type of communication, what is the purpose? your just bored and trolling genuine people? IF I live without imagining a future, doesn't mean the contents of my conscious experience are static, clearly they are dynamically evolving and changing... the centre piece of this experience takes a certain form, which is constantly evolving and changing, its not hard to extrapolate to a point this form is old and decrepit, etc etc etc
  14. No this is precisely not what he is saying, unless he is purposefully trolling and misleading people, in which case why are we all engaging
  15. But do you agree that different fantasies have different chances of becoming a reality? Like I can have a fantasy that there is 3 hot girls in my bedroom, and another where my bedroom is similiar to when I was there 5 minutes ago, next time I enter the room, not both fantasies will be equally accurate ?
  16. But what should we imagine the moments before our current physical birth, and after our physical death, my imagination stops at boths these points...
  17. There being one-mindstream that takes on different forms or contents, no problem, but what about when this form dies, is there any insights onto what form comes next, and conversely before this form, what was before, do you believe in the re-incarnation, or is it one and done for you? after this infinite Love singularity forever
  18. @Leo Gura can you tell me your views on the above, as I can't seem to find your position on this. Everything else makes sense
  19. Sure, but my imagination is only going back to when my current physcal body was born, what was before that? Inversely I can imagine a time when this body will be decrepid old and disintegrate, what will happen after that?
  20. What other compounds are able to access it? I've done psychedelic's maybe 1000 times over 10 years, but maybe not taking the right ones, or maybe Im having these experiences but not putting as much significance on them, I will try 5 MEO DMT at some point, kinda trying to to be sober as possible as have an addictive personality and can tend to self destruct
  21. IS 5 Meo the only compound to have these direct conscious experiences of what you describe? Like I have had God-realizations on Ket and Shrooms where something in consciousness changes, and your whole body just melts, and you feel completely different, and in that moment it's so obvious you are God dreaming everything, BUT never have these compounds given me omniscience, or directly conscious of how Im creating every hair on my body, unless you are over exaggerating your experience, or I am missing something, or perhaps 5 MEO is just unlike anything else
  22. I guess it's relative. The post you highlight here and quote, I have experienced at least 100 times, but I guess I don't draw down the same significance After every single one of my trips, its always the same: the experience fades, and I end up back in the same body, same thoughts, same place, same sensations as though it never even happened, accept perhaps the urge try to recreate or experience it again
  23. After using ketamine regularly for over 10 years, I can honestly say I don't see any value in it spiritually, nor would I recommend it to people for anything other than a fun, pleasurable dissociated time. Meditation and renunciation of sense pleasure for me is 100x anything ketamine can bring I will try DMT one day and tell the comparisons, but hopefully Leo can try both too
  24. Thanks, sounds interesting, will have to try it one day, would be interesting to hear your experiences with Ketamine if you ever try it