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Everything posted by bambi

  1. Like you need to wake up. What makes Teal Swan different from any other human within her own experience (if she is even having one). She is experiencing a ton of negative mind-states, people around her the same Why or what do oyu think is speicla about it? Its a complete facade - a magicians trick, you are being tricked by appearences, we all are. That is what conciousness does, it tricks you, nothing appears as something, and you think that this something is real; it isn;t
  2. What does state of conciousness shoot up mean lol
  3. So if I have been drinking and in debauchery for the past month, isnt a good time to do it? Ive been in hedonism mode for 4-6 weeks, sex orgasm alcohol, should I save the trip until I am back in monk mode
  4. Thanks for this report and massive props, we need more of these types of experiences. It seems like it literally had an adverse physiological effect that felt extremely unpleasant (vomitting etc) How confident of it being real 5meo-dmt are you btw? And how long did this experience last in totality
  5. Psychologicallly ENTJ female is your top match lol, not sure about ennegram, your 5 and she is 4, I think 8 or 1 would be best for you, but at least you can have some context. Does she actually sleep with her followers? from her documentary it wasnt clear at all, it seems she wasnt a sexual person, but she didn ban everyone else from having partners, so couldnt tell if she was seriously narcisstical or just celibate and wanted her team to be that way too
  6. What is the best way to take shrroms, I have 3.5g of some. Im thinking 1g first trip then 2.5g for second trip. Do I literally just chew and eat on an empty stomach?
  7. How awake she is lol. You guys need to wake up. Teal swan had a horrifc childhood, she is an ENTJ type 4 ennegram, with tons of unresolved inner pain and turmoil, and she surrounds herself with other people who similiarly are going through pain, to make herself feel better and not so alone lol, the end.
  8. Lol I just watched the documentary Teal is an ENTJ btw. Shes a completely deluded nut job, very confrontational and intimidating, has created a system of self serving beliefs and coerces and intimadates weaker people into following them - if they are questioned at all, she bullies intimidates and expells them from the group. I laughed the whole way through the documentary, it's just pure cosplaying lol. These environments are nothing but a pantomine and facade, all built around fulffing the narcistitic needs of a seriusly damaged Teal Swan The most interesting thing for me, is how it isn't patently obvious to other people, how do they fall for it? She preys on the most damaged broken in society, hopefully some sort of government agency will shut her down, and she gets some help and healing
  9. What would be? intelligence? See this is the key thing people are missing; intelligence, sentience you think its dumb, still lol
  10. Why do most people on this forum including @Leo Gura think that infinity implies randomness, or an indifference? Notice this is similiar to the materialist view Why can't conciousness and infinity be purposeful, intelligent, meaningful, significant, engineered Did any of you stop to wonder?
  11. This also doesnt address anything Im asking or saying, and heres something for you to consider: 1) God has no control 2) God has control
  12. @Leo Gura Our current experience is being constructed from a top down intelligence. If this intelligence is so intelligent, and wants to experience high states of consciousness, or if it wants to increase its baseline state of consciousness, it should be able to do it instantaneously without the need for any psychedelics, furthermore if for some reason the game was to have to take them first, when you become so conscious and powerful why can't you consciously increase your baseline? Something isnt adding up etc etc Something isn't adding up with this old increase your consciousness omnipotent thing: either you are literally God and become omnipotent and can increase your state of conciousness there and then without needing to keep taking psychedelics, or you can't and its another illusion
  13. No, you don't know what your talking about, Im sorry, whilst most of what you say is true, it's just a statement of words you've read elsewhere. It doesnt address anything im asking or saying
  14. Already contemplated years ago, doesn't lead to any answers, creates division and distinction between you and God, please don't perturb the discource
  15. Yeah, release all self identification: i.e. buddhism orthodoxy Transcend as much as possible your personal and biological constraints, i.e. a monk Train your mind to let go of self identification: i.e. Jhana states of meditation
  16. Notice how this makes conciousness dumb and random. And your finite self smart purposeful and intelligence You think this incarnation or instantion of conciousness called your life, is completely and utterly random, meaningless, pointless? Mr @Leo Gura can you answer my questions please, theyre only small, or if your not sure please just say, would be grateful for your input
  17. @Leo Gura any response? If you become omnipotent, in this state of omnipotence, why don't you remove the need for pyschedelics, and instantaneously increase your baseline permentatly, do you see what isn't making sense here?
  18. doesnt make sense still, because the game is yourself, in fact none of this consciousness exploration ultimately makes any sense if the more conscious you become you still lack any sort of control or effect or will how does this equate to God. If you are God, and its better to have a higher baseline state of consciousness, this would happen instantaneously and we wouldn't even be on this forum talking about it, the whole thing doesn't add up, something is missing
  19. Sorry these are just cheap words, there is suffering, to say others is to deceive yourself via spiritual nonsense you've read somewhere
  20. Not really, it would actually give it its point lol, it would be the ultimate context for spirituality, for this infinite ball of madness and suffering to finally come to an end, this is precisely the goal of Buddhism
  21. I think death would be welcome for most people, the Buddha was right, life is discontentment and suffering, why would anyone want to infintely experience this. Nibanna/parinibbana seems like a desirable destination and an end to the madness
  22. How could two enlightened people fuck lol, theres only ever one enlightened person, no?
  23. @Leo Gura any input on above please friend
  24. @Leo Gura few questions please 1) Why create life just to realize Love, is there is no purpose in between, makes nosense, there has to be some sort of orthogonal experiential quest in between 2) if death is Love/God why awaken in-between? 3) everything is my imagination, but after physical death, why won't I then imagine being my mom in exactly the way I treated her etc etc? 4) God needs to fine tune the algorithm, couldn't we achieve the same results but with a much easier path, we aren't we surfing 20ft barrels in bali, drinking tequila with instagram models whilst we awaken. Okay relatively in my 20s (now 34) I experience sex with lots of girls and partying etc, but in retrospect if I was designing agame, we could get the same desired outcome with alot less suffering and affliction... why aren't we fine tuning things here 5) Is this singularity of Love, as you put it, a desirable thing for us, like mdma/ectsacy, it feels good and overwhelming, but its still a limit, do you see the paradox of Absolutely Unlimited is the same as Asbolutely Limited, your simply in a state of Absolute Love which is a singular state, great and then what???? I truly understand all of your work, but Im left with more questions then answers
  25. Touche Ive had some really bad trips recently, being proposition with these infinite hells, which is really a place with a lack of love, Im worried if I take 5 meo its gonna exacerbate them, this bad trips where after days of continued ketamine and god realization, just before you made your Gods of infinity video for me However its in these trips where I realized it was me creating them for me, there wasn't anyone else doing it to me lol, and this is when they stopped