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Everything posted by bambi

  1. But Leo, I have watched all your videos, and to this day am confused to the point in it all? A temporary experience of infinite conciousness, then back to work? None of this work has an point, yes Im god, yes im dreaming a dream, but there is no alternative, who cares about temporary states at all in any way?
  2. You keep saying ths? But wake fully upto what? Go back to work the next day lol,
  3. How can you say this, what there is a Jhana called the mind-base of infinite conciousness, how are you not making the connection here? God realization and realms are in Buddhism, they just don't attach or identify it. Have you ever thought of studying non celebrity or mainstream people like shinzen?
  4. @Leo Gura So like you and many others it seems I've found myself somehow on this journey to 'awakening'. After many months of silent meditation retreats, lots of pyschedlic experiences, God realizations, I am always back in my apartment, with my job, same relationships, different perspective perhaps, but what is the point? Life continues ? Or is there some other point to this Im missing? 'Awakening' is great it recontextualzies everything, but at the end of the day, life must continue, and just play the role we are here to do OR Are you suggesting there is something else to do here, awaken to nibanna, to fall back asleep, or design life to reduce suffering, increase connectiviy and acceptence etc etc All Im asking fundementally is: Yes I am God, but then what? Like the old zen stories, nothing special, back to work? Or are you stipulating something else? its just not clear to me Appreciate all the support
  5. @Leo Gura do you agree the tradional version of infinity is too rounded? it lacks intentionality This is a more true reductive symbolic representation I drew, do you understand?
  6. What Im saying is, awakening and non awakening seems pointless, unless there is somewhere to go or something to do lol. At least within Buddhist context, there is a goal of reducing suffering, the art of living peacefully But the context here just seems to be: yeah you can have peak experiences were your concious your god, these will wear off quickly, and your back to your normal life, seems completely pointless too, who cares whether you realise your God or not, it doesn't change anything
  7. Nothing makes sense, can you see this? Awaken, but being unlimited is boring, so become limited, but limited is suffering and division and unconciousness..... so awaken, but oh awakening is boring and pointless, so on and so forth
  8. Leo can you please do a video on the goal of all this work? What is the point of awakening, if being asleep is better than awake?
  9. Why do you care about temporary states of God realisation so much? Take a pyschedlic have a temporary experience, come back to normal conciousness, whats such a big deal ?
  10. But from what you say, everything you imagine, you have 0 control over, its completel a random permutation of an infinite number of possible imaginations, so kinda like materialist paradigm of a random big bang
  11. @Leo Gura please be as honest as possible. In the relative domain there are cause and effect consequences, I take a knife, cut my finger, feel pain, see blood etc. I do good deeds for people, bad deeds to people etc can have an effect on the type of person I become. If I am constantly resentful and angry to people, I become an angry resentful person, have bad relationships with people etc etc etc etc So within the context of my life (current dream), there are causal consequences, Will the next dream be influenced by this dream?
  12. But what does that mean though? everything is imaginary Can you please please tell me your honest opinion, is this current imagination, completely selfless and random, or is it Selfleslly designed and engineered?
  13. Leo sometimes you talk about incarnation, then others you say its imaginary etc etc, but do you believe how we behave in this incarnation, will influence what happens in our next, can you make a video on this? It seems super ambigious. Yes we are God incarnating into this experience, its eternal, and imaginary. But this doesnt really say much about the contents of experience and relationship after this physical body dies, and a new one emerges It also doesn't say anything in regards to the creation of this life, do you believe this is just a random permutation, or a concious desing etc
  14. So do you now believe in re-incarnation, in the past youve changed your position several times
  15. Aha you mean waking up is the shit, not in the shit lol, sorry Do you think ketamine could get you there now youve tried it
  16. What do you mean waking up in the shit? And how to undersand it? Is 5meo dmt the only way? Mushrooms etc dont even come close to giving me this insight, theyre too trippy and wavy etc
  17. But why is it imagining this specific permutation of all possibile imaginations? I can't figure this out, and will it eventually imagine every single possible permutations, or is there an intelligence that is chosing what it experiences
  18. lol touche, but aren't you equally fulll of shit?
  19. Ah okay, why is that? I wouldnt describe myself as tripping, Ive just poured myself a whiskey and coke, are we allowed to post after drinks btw
  20. How much is the difference in experience beteen 1g and 2g? I did truffles in the past but only like 5-6g at once, and mostly just doing 3g a day for a week or two straight, but they don't do much I took 1g of mushrrom like 40-50 minutes ago on an empty stomach, just feel slightly different I've take ketamine maybe 500-1000 times, nad truffles maybe 20-30 times, maybe I should up by dose?
  21. Why isnt the ego and God working together, lol Seems absurd, either this life is a random dumb permutation of randomness, and the ego is just a random epi-phenomenon stuck in prison Or there is a meta-game or purpose going on here, and this life is hihgly engineered for the ego by God
  22. What would a low dose be considered? And would it help stop the hedonism lol seems like people only recommend pyschedlics when in an already good spiritiual space
  23. Everything you said applies to the homeless person on the streets who you aimlessly walk past everyday, to hitler, to your mom to your dad, do you get it yet??