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Everything posted by bambi

  1. This guy gets it. Nibbana contextualizes infinite conciousnes (infinite creation), but Leo is stuck in an ifinite loop in the mind dimension of infinity, there are more dimensions he isn't getting, which is a shame, his understanding of mind is incomplete
  2. Yes we do, this moment is God, you think it is something outside of this moment, and the fact you don't even know about nibbana which is where every moment goes shows you don't understand Mind in its entirety yet. Move your hand from left to the right, every movement it makes is both creation and death -> Nibanna. Nibanna is at the core of the mind
  3. Leo what does Nibbana mean to you?
  4. Lol there is a state beyond conciousness, the deathless state this is nibbanna, nothing at all exist here, you probably just came close to this state
  5. Yes it is possible to maintain this level of conciousness - by recognising it in this moment, it keeps getting deeper and deeper You dont need physechedlics or anything else, you just need your mind to reconcile God/Infinity to the present moment, and let it deepen and deepen
  6. Many thanks to @Leo Gura in helping me on my journey to God-realization. At the end I was shown a technique by God that encapsulates my entire journey. It is essentially similar to @Leo Gura but this I believe to the direct method. If anyone needs any advice or help I'm happy to share. The whole video is less than 5 minutes, but contained within it is everything you need to get to God. Happy to expand more if its needed. Wish you all the best day
  7. No doubt, but here we are in this universe dreaming this dream, I dont think we should dream any other dream, what do you think Leo?x
  8. Yeah and if you were truly concious of the beauty of heroin and meph, you would also cry. So when are you shooting up crack mr Gurua? Ah right yeah gotcha lol
  9. You keep saying this, dsitracting you from waking up, waking up to what? Havent you relaaized the duality between awake and asleep, theres nothing to wake upto Leo from what I can fathom
  10. Any response to this @Leo Gura clearly in this moment there are emergent changing patterns, one of them being the physical form you class as your body. At some point this form will chnage drastically, what is the pattern there?
  11. It's more about what form God takes, or experiences, there are emergent patterns and trends within this moment, and what we conventionally call physical death, the form that appears after it, what conventionally people call re-incarnation, isn't clear. You seemed to dodge this constantly, or maybe it's just like everyone, no one knows what the next form will be Why this form right now? why dream this particular instantation of infinity, etc and so forth I do predict one day you'll end up in a purist Buddhist position
  12. New and exciting wouldn't be the words to describe childhood lol Would you honestly want to re-live your life or childhood Leo? Im 35 this year, hopefully the next 35 will be less stress, more enjoyment and contentment, but the first 20-30 weren't fun
  13. Would you want to re-live your childhood again? Or your life? Lol If at death you had the option to forget and re-live your life once more, would you ? and for how many times
  14. Sure, but I can respectfully request not to engage with someone else, and they can do the same for me, or maybe not in your worldview? 1) Being free of thoughts that decrease suffering doesn't solve the problem of suffering. Life is suffering (1st noble truth) or if you want dreaming is discontentment and suffering, or dualism is discontentment or suffering. Negative thoughts exacerbate this, sure. But I vehemently disagree and argue you don't understand the metaphysics of finitude and duality, or your not yet concious enough of the discontement of being in these states 2) Notice how you and the other dude always assume a position of authority and you assume others posts are through a lack of understanding or experience, when the inverse is true to me; you have no idea what im talking about, and I fully understand your positions, and it seems you just regurjitate stuff you don't understand, no offence
  15. I already asked in the past to refrain from speaking to each other, I don't enjoy your perspective, opinion, input or discourse style, please respect my boundaries. Not meaning to be rude, just being honest with you
  16. Your misunderstanding a fundemental fact: dreaming is suffering, so telling people oh your going dream again a new form (re-incarnate) isn't appealing, real death is much more comforting. You have an inverted view of life, life is suffering, or dreaming is suffering, duality is suffering, no one wants to do this over and over again for infinity, especially if they have no choice over the dream. You could die and re-dream a hell, how is that appealling
  17. Buddhists did no such thing lol, he just didn't understand Buddhism [like you] Did you decide what the end goal with all this work is yet? Correct me if I''m wrong but it seems to be: 1) realize right now this moment is God's creation 2) this moment right now is everything that exists 3) everything in this moment right now is you 4) you are this moment, this moment is you ------------- 5) take pyschedlics and you can experience the infinitude of everything within this moment 6) you can understand absoluitely everything in this moment, what its nature is, precisely and utterly all of the ifnite conditions that created this thing 7) apply 6) to everything and you become concious of the interconnected conditionality of everything in existence did all this, and then what? and you still refuse to engage in discourse without equivociation or posturing
  18. You do realise your gonna get old sick, ill health and die, life is suffering, or maybe your not old enough to have realised this yet. All your loved ones will die, you will get seriously ill and sick. Not in a 'oh its just a my perception of it, not looking at the bright side', if you get cancer and do chemo, it will fucking suck, not just your perception of it Now you can defintely make the most of things, mostly by accepting the suffering that is life, denying this truth gets your no where to the OP suicide doesn't work as you'll just rnadomly be reborn as an ant or something
  19. Which of Jung have you studied? I think you would enjoy his work, but who knows what you enjoy at this point
  20. Lol I have no idea why Osho gets any credibility or status within spirituality, the guy was a sociopathic nut job lol, how does anyone begin to fall for it
  21. Yeah I dont think @Leo Gura still has this same views as this video . In this video he states you will infinitely experience every possible permutation and reincarnation of experience. In the last years he has moved to, just this lifetime, it’s just a specific purposeful dream you will awaken from the views in the video you posted would posit god and consciousness randomly permutating and reincarnating through every possible possibility without any sort of choice or discernment
  22. Also remember that colloqualy shallow understandings of models don't mean you know anything or everything about what it is talking about. Knowing Godels 2 is a self referential problem, doesn't mean you understand the whole or any of math Knowing MBTI is a 20 question self assesment test to uncover a one of 16 personality archetypes - doesnt mean you understand the the constructs and dynamics of pysche, ego, or self Knowing that all humans get old, sick, and ill health, doesn't mean you understand all of or any biology and genetics etc etc
  23. It's not possible to infer accurately what he means from this short excerpt. The questioner didn't constrain it to religion, he simply stated God, and Osho replied and substantiated his reply using theological reasoning
  24. Why is osho considered woke or anything I dont get it, just cos he had some intellectual knowlege on spitirual concepts
  25. Berens beebe david keirsey et al are the most accurate depictions of the pysche. In terms of compatibility it really isn't hard, your shadow type is your top match. Your literal 'other half' that 'completes you' is the half of you that you reject: your shadow. So ENTP top match is INTJ. INTJ emobidies the positive ideal of all of the negative parts of yourself (your shadow). It's non complex, and theres like 3 or 4 different perspectives to reconcile it. Obviously it's more complicated then saing ANY ENTP will match with ANY INTJ, it's just that some INTJ will be your best match, ennegram plays a big part too. It's highly complex, but at least it can help narrow your search down