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Everything posted by bambi
No, its just my personal one from my resaerch over the years I use Cellcore protocol for detoxificaiton and regeneration. (best brand and technology imo) I have all the usually supplements Johnson does, curciminoids, sulfarephene, coq10, PQQ etc etc (have 50-60 different ones) I then also take peptides: Overall healing BPC-157/KPV -> LVLUP health Gi ultimate repair is a great product Immune peptides: Thymalin, Thymosin alpha 1. thymosin beta 4, also LL-37 for gut antimicrobe in small amounts Mitochondria peptides: MOTS-C, Humanin-G, SS31 Nerve repair peptide : ARA-290 Doapmine repair peptide - DSNP - 11 Brain health peptides, Pinaelon, Selank, Semax (have considered and resarch cerebrolsyin and Dihexa, but not sold on either of them yet). Also I came close to sourcing ABBV-CLS-7262 molecude from Googles Calico company that is current in trails. China were develpping it but struggled. This compound works on the ISR, helps the immune system find and repair cells that are under stress or damaged, especially in the brain and nervous system. This molecule will be in the market 2027 i think I am also going to do and use the peptide bioregulators, and I now use LSD/Psyilcybin too as part of my recovery. Will use 5meo malt and dmt shortly
Yes, he actually has developed his own supplements so he doesnt take as many pills. I actually have a similiar protocol to him, I have taken 60+ pills a day. I have taken a bunch of peptides too (15+), peptides are much more effective to me then vitamins in terms of noticeable change. Peptides are the future of modern health care imo Ultimately Bryan is just inspirational/motivaitonal in a positive way on health, excercise, lifestyle, sleep, quality of life. I will never 100% agree with anyones personal protocol, but thats minor
No I agree, I disagreed with HgH for thyroid rejuvanation for example. Peptides Thymalin, Thymosin Alpha1 and beta4 are way better choices IMO It just doesnt make sense to me when people shit on others who are at least try to positively develop and help
Lentils can contian lectins that can cause sensitivity issues. Pressure cooking removes alot of them, this may help. Besides this I found comitting 1-2 months to a new diet for full adjustments depending on how severe your reaction is
Absolutely not, theres risk with any experimental treatment, the gene therapy is risky for example. Other things are less risky. I respect the fact hes putting the work in and not just some armchair philosopher who thinks there super smart in their own mind, but doing nothing in reality to help anyone
Ah perfect, so you are claiming to be more intelligent then him and the whole scientific communtiy on this? Please lecture them with your wisdom, where did you obtain this wisdom? Do you honeslty think that people are not aware of the limitations of studies, reductivity issues with measurements, confounding variables etc etc? Do you really think these people are that stupid and your so smart? What is really happening is your pride and ego both envies and resents Bryan lol!
Thats pure fucking stupidity (no offence), look at his diet, excercise, lifestlye and bio markers. The guy gets 100% sleep, and lives a top 1% healthy lifestyle based on all modern science, your post is utter idiotic. AND AFAIK he uses topical creams not injections for what you mention, LOL! IF you want to criticise some nuances of his protocol sure, but you have such a gross mischaracterisaiton of him and his team. He has some amazing team of highly educated people (oliver zollman). Your stance is knee jerk uninformed idiocy
Of course lol! I even have tried lots of different peptides. I have been into bio-hacking for some time. But your posts are just inaccurate and false. Which shows your clear negativity. He has spoken about gut microbiome (he had a pill go through his intestines and posted the results), he has spoke about air, water etc. I dont resonate with your posts and attitude at all
How old are you out of interest?
I dont understand your negativity at all towards Bryan. We must have such opposite personalities. The guy is attemtping to be as healthy as possible, using all the latest research, all the latest testing methodologies, and is sharing with the world for free. And your response is pure disdain and negativity, bizzarre
No offence, but where are you getting this info from? BJ is one of the most tested humans in history, he basically has a mini hospital on his home and tests all his bloodwork, MRI and tons more after all the changes. I dont see how you could be more wrong with your post lol, humans are a special breed
bambi replied to RightHand's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you take care of your body, pain isnt the biggest issue in the world. Tooth ache, operations, broken bones arent the end of the world or life lol. Chronic depression, suicidial ideaiton, anxiety, isolation are much bigger issues -
bambi replied to RightHand's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Eh you experienced some tooth pain, your post reads as though your in chronic pain 24/7 -
Yes whats the basis for you claims, his team with oliver zollman etc is pretty stacked in terms of academia. Why are you saying such things?
bambi replied to RightHand's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What type of physical pain? -
How do the analogs compare to normal LSD?
bambi replied to enchanted's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think Leos used up all his spirtuality insights a few years ago. Now its just limtiing beliefs, negativity, theres nothing hopeful positive, novel or inspiring about his work, and its been like this for some time now. I wonder how the next 5-10 years turn out for him, it cannot be simply more of the same, it cannot be healthy to have such a deep disdain for life and humanity, which is equivalent for disdain for your self -
Gaslighting about gaslighting!
Again your post has no relevancy to his. If your not capable of having a normal conversation maybe sit on the sideline for a while lol! The OP is talking about the detrimental effects of pornography, not the fucking nature of infinity. 99% of pornography is damaging, on a neurobiological basis, emotional-psychological basis, and interpersonal basis. It encourages lust fantasy and dissoacation which negate good healthy sexuality in the real world You incapacity to acknowledge this without the deflacting hysteria is boggling. No one is morally judging or shaming or condenming anyone, you are completely mis apprehending the context and content of this conversaiton.
Touche lol! Its not possible to engage with the OP or have any normal conversation, its a shit show!
ITs irrelavent, none of them are valid responses to the OP, its not really an advanced assessment lol! The fact that people cannot engage directly with the OP is a sign of emotional immaturity, pain and trauma. We dont need to ressurect Frued and Jung to figure that one out
Humans are so crazy lol, none of you guys are capable of being rational or logical. None of your response actually address the OP, just a bunch of inauthentic emotional knee jerk enchanted probably has an issue with sexuality he isnt ready to face so is deflecting (reductio ad absurdum/false analogy/whataboutism) princess like has deep seated shame around sexuality, and feels mistreated, so also deflects (non-sequitor) The interesting part is that neither of them seem willing to be honest about this.
Ah yes the god old reductio ad absurdum fallacy. Logical reasoning will serve you well my friend
bambi replied to LSD-Rumi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes agreed all though punishment probably has a better word You just have to invert enlightenment, what is its diametric oppositon: meph addict who rapes, steals and murders for his addiction. Meph addicts are highly susceptible to mental illness and myriad physical issues, that become increasingly more probable the longer they stay stuck Conversely an enlighened person would be in their highest physical and psychologicla health, this doesnt move them to 0 probabiltiy of illness, but gives them the best chance at health -
Sure, but this doesnt directly address the differences of our experiences, my highest experiences would be characterized by love not neccasarily disdain lol