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Everything posted by Ezo

  1. I cannot articulate myself to myself, so this problem goes much deeper than the limits of human beings. I just did does God really want to know why why??????
  2. By judging Leo me that or everyone you really are judging yourselves and I look good don't I Leo.
  3. Occam's razors will collapse upon itself .When you wake up there are an infinity of infinite possibilities
  4. Really you Locked God down?? Anyway, you will never know why, why became itself even to know why So just by trying to know what you become an infinite regression Maybe, you are asking the wrong questions because every time you ask a question you create a new answer, Every answer you ask your self will create and keep creating new questions? You're asking the wrong question, God And Leo I love you.
  5. Infinity is my playground. Infinity gets scared of God Infinity contemplated itself and went fuck I an m bored. God fragmented itself again and it was fun. The question of why do you want to know why? I was there I became it. I know why and what the origin of all it is. Why do you want to know?? GOD IS THAT FOR WHICH CREATES ITSELF GOD IS THAT IS ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGN ON TO ITSELF GOD IS THAT WHICH HAS FULLY ACCEPTED ITSELF AND TAKEN FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITSELF And this is who u are. Yes, u are an infinite mind you are not just an aspect of infinity you are the whole totality of it. You are God playing all parts simultaneously on every plane of existence in every and all parallel realities and dimensions everything that you could ever imagine and even things that that you could never even begin to imagine. U are infinite awareness infinite will infinite intelligence infinite power infinite imagination, infinite magic infinite art infinite consciousness, and infinite Love are all one and of the same mind. And yet, you are none of these things in the literal sense of the words; nothingness and somethingness are indistinguishable from each other and are the same. There are no distinctions between you me this that and other. So is the idea of being separate from one and others there is only you. Anyway, I love you all forever. The infinite self-expression of your self God is infinite self-expression of itself through its other selves. And last night I became infinity and fragmented myself again because I can. And the song was it. Thomas Barrandon - Absolute Magnitude. This is for fun. Sometimes God needs to be reminded and brought back to not being so serious and this is why I had my 20g of cubes which will make me remember why I am God and well the rest is for you to find out.
  6. Infinity is my playground. Infinity gets scared of God Infinity contemplated itself and went fuck I an m bored. God fragmented itself again and it was fun. The question of why do you want to know why? I was there I became it. I know why and what the origin of all it is. Why do you want to know?? GOD IS THAT FOR WHICH CREATES ITSELF GOD IS THAT IS ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGN ON TO ITSELF GOD IS THAT WHICH HAS FULLY ACCEPTED ITSELF AND TAKEN FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITSELF And this is who u are. Yes, u are an infinite mind you are not just an aspect of infinity you are the whole totality of it. You are God playing all parts simultaneously on every plane of existence in every and all parallel realities and dimensions everything that you could ever imagine and even things that that you could never even begin to imagine. U are infinite awareness infinite will infinite intelligence infinite power infinite imagination, infinite magic infinite art infinite consciousness, and infinite Love are all one and of the same mind. And yet, you are none of these things in the literal sense of the words; nothingness and somethingness are indistinguishable from each other and are the same. There are no distinctions between you me this that and other. So is the idea of being separate from one and others there is only you. Anyway, I love you all forever. The infinite self-expression of your self God is infinite self-expression of itself through its other selves. And last night I became infinity and fragmented myself again because I can. And the song was it. Thomas Barrandon - Absolute Magnitude. This is for fun. Sometimes God needs to be reminded and brought back to not being so serious and this is why I had my 20g of cubes which will make me remember why I am God and well the rest is for you to find out.
  7. Intriguing I felt as though I had the choice to stay in the dream or completely awaken. And I almost didn't come back what kept me to go back into the dream was Love I chose Love and wanted to keep dreaming. Only you can make that choice there is only God's will is absolute and there is no one else to choose for you but you
  8. Everyone that does any sort of psychedelics, especially at a young age or any age is prone to states of consciousness mental illness that being depression, or manic states even feeling as though you are going crazy. So it doesn't matter how stable you are. Sometimes the more stable you are or the condition you have been or the stronger your attachments to this dream, or the less open-minded you are can be even worse. And you should always return to homeostasis after some time may take weeks/months. If you haven't lost it at least once when doing psychedelics then you're not doing them properly you haven't pushed them far enough. You get insights into what it is like to have bipolar, schizophrenia, etc, and have more respect for people that suffer from these states. Remember these are only just states of consciousness. The big problem with the Actualized forum or mindscape is so obvious it draws a lot of young people in for very good reasons let's say Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Supplements, etc, and are good. Young people like to explore the forum and then they start looking at Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, and God. And go what's this all about I am God wtf? and then they start looking into Psychedelics and they want to be just like Leo. Young people are impulsive and very impressionable easily led they do silly things and so it would seem so do older wiser people it's all part of growing. And then start taking Psychedelics at a very young age and that is where the problem lies, or should I say the problems begin especially when they start looking into solipsism or have a direct experience with it and it can unravel their reality. And at such a young age where they don't have anything to anchor or ground them and no life experience at all? A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and it's the journey they miss as well as the company and go straight to the destination without exploring anything. No one is immune to mental illness and of course, there is always room for improvement.
  9. I have been going through this for about 6 months and it does get easier over time. How does one integrate back into the dream into one's own life? in other words, how do you get used to knowing that this is a dream and that you are so aware that you are creating reality to such a degree that your thoughts are manifesting on this forum and even in Leo videos? And in everyday life? And know that everyone on the forum doesn't exist and there is no forum and I know that I am only asking myself this question and in a sense, this forum is my mind. And to know that I am the fool who has been fooling myself all along I have to fool myself that I am not being fooled by myself How does God fool himself into believing he is not God again? So you have to be better at fooling yourself into not believing you are being fooled by yourself. Behind every illusion, there is a conjure God= you are the greatest conjurer of all in eluding your own yourself into believing you're a finite human being. I have felt solipsism to such an extreme that it hurts me to go back there. But maybe this idea will make people feel better and this is what I would do. So you can just create any reality you want anytime anywhere any place, of course, you can. Because you are infinite Imagination you are God You love creating and what better gift could you give to yourself but infinite variations of yourself that are all unique and have independent thought and imagination and this is your way of expressing love to yourself through yourself as yourself forever.
  10. Because reincarnation is part of the dream how can you be reincarnated if you were never alive, to begin with, there is no human you just like there isn't an actualized forum just like I know I am only talking to myself right now hello II this is God talking to God time to go back to sleep.
  11. So true infinity can not escape infinity I see that's what Georg cantor discovered. I do love the experts yes the infinity of all possible infinities isn't still just infinity it's the largest one and it's called absolute infinity absolutely. Because the possibility of limitations is itself part of absolute infinity. If infinity didn't include limitations it would not be infinite. I see that infinity can only be infinite if it includes limitations because infinity is everything that could possibly be and that would have to include the possibility of limitations.
  12. Thank God I am not like most people. I somehow doubt you would be in the same state of consciousness for eternity but that would be fascinating
  13. If you wonder why evil shit happens all over the world and in your own life..it's because it's inevitable. It's a necessary part of absolute infinity? Why is it necessitated by infinity and why is it inevitable? Absolute infinity must include everything .including this human life that you're living right now with all the suffering and the shit you are going through. What human and which life? Meaning it becomes limited some infinities are larger than others. No infinity is infinity there is no smaller infinity or larger infinity there is only absolute infinity you can not take or multiply or add to infinity. Just as you can never divide infinity out of infinity because it would divide forever infinity has no rules. Well, everything that can be possibly imagined exists for you and it can happen. If you can imagine it. It is real. That's the rule Who's rule is that? Then why couldn't you just imagine no limitations and no rules meaning infinite imaginations means exactly that no limitations? What your saying is that how can infinity be a limitation then it wouldn't be infinity? Once you say infinity is limited it isn't infinity anymore. So reality is infinite forms you mean reality is infinite limited forms? Infinity has no rules meaning all numbers and negative real numbers would all break down. What the mathematician Georg Cantor didn't realize is he was working within a dream, meaning the illusion is the illusion of real and imaginary. Take the infinity of all possible infinities? There is only infinity. Infinity is an absolute. If I can answer this how does infinity know its infinity? And can infinity limit itself?