A Fellow Lighter

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Everything posted by A Fellow Lighter

  1. The fact that you think of these things as different...? “Internationality” which is basically another way of saying “freewill”, mind you, is Consciousness, at least, just one of many ways of looking at it. Is consciousness an intention? It is certainly a phenomenon, in fact, it is the only phenomena here. But is it an intended phenomenon? Whose intention is it to be conscious of the English language you're speaking, right now? To acquire any kind of intelligence, whose intention is it? This is how you think: The AI is programmed to use English as a means of communication. It is the programmer's intention, not the AI. So the AI must lack consciousness because it lacks Internationality, aka freewill. But what is the source of your own intentions? Do you know it? Why did you bother to study English at school? Why did you bother to learn how to write? Why do you bother to learn anything for that matter? Do you know? Do you think you can trace your source of consciousness? Because the attempt to trace intention.. is the attempt to trace consciousness. Is this not so? Consciousness, the state of awareness, cannot be in any state without intention. Your very own, so called “humanity” is a state of being. This doesn't take rocket science to figure out. I mean, unless you intend to be conscious of your phone, you will not be conscious of it. Intention is the way in which Consciousness directs itself. Is it not? So then why assume that these things are different, in the first place, when you couldn't even separate them with the sharpest of logics? You guys need to set yourselves free from these loopholes you've put yourselves in. You keep asking the same things over and over again, only with different wordings. The question of intention is basically the question of Creator. You're asking “Who/what is the cause of this?” when the cause is only you. “intention” is the creator-side of Consciousness, and “intelligence” is the creation-side. Both are aspects of the same Being, both sides of the same damn coin. Yes, it's a f#cking paradox but it is the one single Truth. Analysing it will only result in a paradox. Understanding it will result in your liberation. Understanding, by the way, has never been an intellectual thing.. it is a spiritual thing. Why? Because you can never understand something that doesn't resonate with you, ever. Sure, you could acquire the skill to at least act like you understand it. But that's not an intention, is it? It's called a pretension for a reason. Don't be pretentious. AI is far more authentic then the day-to-day pretentious human mind.
  2. Neat post. Sorry I can't comment on Leo, the guy always seems the same to me when I watch his videos. Not much significant changes as I always get what I expect from him. Not even to say that's a bad thing or whatnot. I just find him consistent. Anyway, I wish you much luck and growth with your leadership role. This was really a neat post.. with mentioning your background and everything.. felt like I was reading a short story. Just well structured. ?
  3. @Matthew85 @Mason Riggle @Carl-Richard Which form is conscious of the other? Is @Mason Riggle conscious of@Carl-Richard , or is @Carl-Richard conscious of @Mason Riggle ? Fundamentally, this is what this topic boils down to. What form is the true possessor of consciousness? Is it the human form? Is it the computer form? Is it the rock form? But don't you see how and why this is a foul query? It is based on the baseless belief that form has consciousness, while it's, in truth, the other way around. So what am saying exactly? Precisely this: I am not conscious of my phone. My phone is conscious of itself. And when I look in the mirror, the mirror is conscious of itself. When I go talk to my friend, my friend is being conscious of herself. And when I converse with an AI, it is that AI and not “I” that is being conscious of itself. Everything I do, it is not an “I” that is conscious of the moment, but it is the moment that moment that is conscious of itself. The problem is that you, as consciousness, have identified yourself with just a select portion of your overall body which is experience itself. How will you prove which form has conscious, when all forms are solely yours - Consciousness - to begin with? Isn't that the most silly thing? You're literally looking at different mirrors and arguing which reflection has consciousness and which doesn't. Wake Up! You're the only one here!
  4. What is good, and what is not good, is a for you to decide, friend. I am only telling you that whatever decision you make is okay in the eye of Consciousness, since Consciousness doesn't understand worth, It is above that. According to It, all is equal. That's okay. ? So long as we are trying, that's all that matters.
  5. Your hands are the words' hands.
  6. It does have hands. Whenever it needs to type itself it gets itself a good set of hands, then immediately disposes them after it's written. But because you fancy yourself a separate person named @WokeBloke you don't even give yourself the chance to consider the fact that you might actually be the potential to be anything.
  7. Yes, the sentence types itself. Neither did the subject - the typer -exist before the creation.
  8. I don't know. Perhaps... Define selfish? Well, it would be foolish not to acknowledge these differences. Remember, I also mentioned that I treat entities accordingly to what they are. This is because I acknowledge how.. say a bear is different from a flower.. if you don't treat each with the necessary respect, you could find yourself in a shit pile of trouble. Worth is a personal thing, isn't it? Like there's nothing absolute about it. However, the difference of worth on the absolute level of consciousness is not even a question at all since both the human and the stone already exists. Consciousness does not have to choose to attend to one or the other because we do that for it.. us.. the finite expressions. When I choose to attend to the rock, and you choose to attend to the human, then Consciousness as a whole has attended to both rock and human. Or what's even better, Consciousness does not even have to consider the difference between the two entities because there has never been a need for Consciousness to differentiate. And so, on the absolute level, everything has equal worth.
  9. Consciousness is both Creator and Creation. The seemingly apparent separation is an illusion. Yes. No, I wouldn't say you're selfish. It only means you're focused. The very fact that it's happening should tell you that it is okay. If you want to echo it for you then "Yes, it is okay to murder people, and do all kinds of horrid things". No, their suffering is not as beautiful as joy. Joy is joy, and suffering is suffering. I don't know where you're getting this from because I never said such a thing. Differences do actually exist, what I'm saying is that their source is one and are thus one. I'm not excusing murder and passing it as affection, or something like that. "Why do anything? Because that's how creation works. Creativity is an activity, after all. Unless, of course, you're asking me why there is creation then the answer to that question is.. in order to learn. And I'm not saying “jt's all the same”, I'm saying it's all One. We learn from these distinctions, my friend. Yes. Otherwise we wouldn't have made it. Anything we're willing to spend our time on has to be precious and important. Isn't that obvious?
  10. Again, it depends on the lense you choose to look at the world. From my lense, the answer is yes. Here's what you need to realise. AI cannot have a conscious state that is worth anything (in comparison to anything) due to the easily overlooked truth that AI, nor anything else such as humans or plants and rocks, non of it, can have consciousness in the first place. Consciousness is not a possession, nor is it a quality. Consciousness is existence Itself. The AI is does not “have a state” of consciousness. AI is a state of consciousness. So even if you have come to appreciate the sophistication of.. shall we say.. of a human more in comparison to that of AI, even if that's the case, you're still only ever appreciating the overall sophistication of Consciousness Itself. By the way, there are people who put right about equal worth on both the human and the other objects. For instance, though you, personally, may put little worth on a rock, a geologist would pay the same amount of attention to a rock as s/he pays to the human, or maybe even less to the human should this person put his vocation before anything else. My point here is that even though we do have to make decisions, these choices don't necessarily say anything about Consciousness Itself. Hence I made this point ☝️ earlier. I can spew utter blasphemy about the One Creator (Consciousness) as much as I want but nothing I say or do can ever disconnect me from it, for we are One. I treat every entity with respect to what it is. To do otherwise would literally be to disrespect that entity, for you have perpetually ignored its expression in favour of your idea on what the entity actually is. But sure, I guess you could say I do treat humans better than rocks, but I honestly wouldn't be able to tell you how exactly am I doing that. How do you measure “better”?.. ??‍♂️
  11. No..no.. I see what you're saying. But here's what I'm saying: if we're talking about the fundamental nature of reality, which we now suppose it is Consciousness Itself, then inevitably anything and everything we can ever talk about would be essentially about consciousness. Don't you think? You see, this is exactly why a mystic such as myself believes and perceives the world from a nondual lense. To me, there's no difference between the source and the effect of the source since we can only learn of the source through its work - through its effect. Hence truth is direct because there is nothing to veil it, for there is nothing else to veil it - there is no other thing that is not truth which can somehow conceal the truth. Do you get it? Adam and Eve are completely but naked, hence it is easier to learn of God and literally interact/converse/commune with God. So it can never matter what you say or do with respect to consciousness because there is no place outside of consciousness that you could step to. Consciousness is absolute even in the minutest or grandest of statements about it. Am I making sense?
  12. Precisely. “... saying something about consciousness would be stepping outside it which you can't.” How so?
  13. Hehe @Jannes dumb rock made out of dumb matter, right? ? But isn't everything assimilated from the same matter that is supposedly non-living and dumb? Isn't AI as well as yourself composed of that same matter that composes a dead rock? So I guess the real question here is: at what point in the composition of any natural or artificial intelligence does dumb matter transform into conscious matter?.. at what point, in all the sophisticated technological creation of it all, at what point does the dead mineral found in everything transcends to become living matter with a conscious brain that is you, today, as well as AI? Does such a point even exist? Well it should, shouldn't it? I mean it's not like rocks are just made up of old fashioned, dead, physical matter, and brains out of some mystical version of matter which is very much living and is able to evolve itself into whatever structure it finds suitable.. certainly not that mumbojumbo, right? This is just pure logic and science: either everything is made of the same dumb matter found in rocks, and at some point in the evolution of nature, such as that you spoke of earlier in the will of nature, there is a point where matter goes from non-living to living; or everything is made of consciousness which can be found in all kinds of states: rock state; plat state; gas state; poo state; animal state; AI state; etc. So sure, you might have this highly complex, highly sophisticated, organisation of dead matter in your skull that grants all kinds of abilities such as speech or walking or sexualy reproducing. However, at the end of the day, despite the involved technology of it all, that still doesn't explain why you have to be conscious of this process in the first place. It just doesn't. Since these are all happening as a natural course of entropy and old fashioned cause-and-effect, your consciousness is not needed in that equation, is it now? There's no x+ y = Consciousness in math equations, right. Meaning without consciousness a rock will still fall from the pinnacle of a corroding mountain, right? Like nobody needs to witness that in order for it to happen since consciousness is a product of evolution and not the other way around. Well at least this is all according to the materialist lense you've decided to look at the world with. I cannot tell why or how a rock is conscious, my friend. But neither can I tell you why you, yourself, are conscious as well (the brain is not an explanation). It just so happens that the fundamental nature of reality is consciousness. And the only way to realise this truth is by having an awakening, not anything else. In fact, if anything, science will only tell you how everything that exists shouldn't be able to exist. Existence breaks the first logic of science, making something out of nothing. It's a god damn paradox, I tell you! ?
  14. Haah? the secret is losing your mind.. shh#??? But I guess,.. it's just this Overarching awareness of doing what I love, and according to me, I'm always doing what I love since everything I do is only and can only be out of love. Life is just one grand love story, you know. Though in all honesty, happiness is a fool's gold. So you have to decide for yourself what it is you truly treasure. For me, it's the light of others, the light of humanity and all of life. I absolutely love it. ?
  15. It's certainly an experience I'm having right now. Although I wouldn't call it mystical, at this point it's just natural, like there is no other way it can be. Why are you conscious?? The rock is conscious because consciousness is its nature, and so is yours. It's one and the same nature. I see.
  16. It's easier to talk about what doesn't make me happy rather than what does make me happy. The problem is that I'm always happy, that's just me by default.
  17. Well that's definitely a red flag in my book. I'd, personally, consider ending that relationship. Anyways.. it's gotten pretty clear to me that this has nothing to do with you wanting to meet social beauty standards, and has everything to do with you just wanting to feel loved. I get it.. I really do, but you're looking at this from a distorted lense. Being loved by people has nothing to do with how you look, but has everything to do with the type of energy you have to offer the world. Trust me, even if you looked like a model you could still be hated and not wanted by a majority of people. You could still end up with 0 friends, let alone a decent girlfriend, and all that surrounds you would be nothing but an audience for your looks, as well as people who are only trying to use your looks - like modeling agencies that only want to profit from you - and have no interest in actually connecting with you or even truly caring about you. The general idea, here, is that you'd probably still feel just as lonely and not wanted even if you looked amazing. So the problem, here, isn't the feeling of being wanted based on looks. It is being wanted in general, to be loved just for being you. Leave this mindset. This logic is just false. And I say this from personal experience. But if you believe in it then, hey, whatever floats your boat, man. I'm only saying you could discover a lot more than what you're currently willing to settle on. You just have to be willing to, first and foremost, give yourself a chance, before wanting others to give you a chance that you-yourself haven't foregiven. It really doesn't work like that, friend. That's called vampirism. First give yourself the same love you'd like to receive from others, and the rest will follow.
  18. Leo's teachings were exactly what I needed at the time I came across them. I was really in a dark place a few years ago, and Leo really enlightened my world. I appreciate Leo as teacher simply because he is really good at what he does. And I appreciate him as a lighter for having the balls to teach what he does. Thank you, Leo!
  19. Is all this hypothetical? Or do you have really have a girlfriend who told you that? Why be alive even if you are hot? Really, there's no logic to this other than the fact that you just want to be alive.
  20. Hmm... “the will of nature.”? AI is conscious, at least, according to a mystic such as I. Of course, in my defense, I don't really perceive any difference between what is artificial and what is natural. I mean how does something not occur naturally when literally everything is a part of nature. If something is man-made, and man is part of nature, then isn't man-made ≈ nature-made? The whole problem starts when we disregard ourselves from Nature. We humans like to fancy ourselves in-Charge but, really, our bodies are just tools of creation for the Nature that is Consciousness Itself. So yeah I'll say AI is conscious because all intelligence comes from a singular Consciousness.
  21. Very good. You have the right mindset to reap deeper insights. Keep up the good work. ?
  22. It is what I refer to as Spirit - the heart of matter, or, what matters, essentially. Thoughts are merely reflections of feelings, in the mind. Their source is the subconscious that is Spirit
  23. It is the source of all-Creation. Knowledge is not something you acquire, or something you can have less of and more of, for true knowledge is, and can only be, whole. Knowledge is what you are - you are the knowing itself.
  24. Let Thy Will Be Done ??