A Fellow Lighter

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About A Fellow Lighter

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    Pongola , KZN
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  1. If I may ... Yes. This is what enlightenment is at best. Yes. This is self-realisation. Because you still consider yourself as existing in a reality, as part of a reality. It has not yet dawned to you that you are the reality, that you don't have a life but are the life, rather. The problem here is that you've not self-realised — you have not realised that you are not conscious, that you don't possess consciousness but you instead are consciousness. You are the reality you that you think you live in, you are the consciousness you think you have.
  2. feel welcome Well, it's not even a metaphor because reality literally functions like and as a simulation. But more importantly, the term simulation doesn't just mean copy or recreation. The creation of a model of something yet to be discovered in the real world is also a simulation. Look up the verb form of the word. It's really not just a concept. I mean where does life or reality come from? But solipsism is a concept in truth, however an accurate one. No, who says that there needs to be a separation? A distinction, yes, but not actual seperation. The distinction is creator and creation, but both are in essence one beingness. The main point driven by solipsism is one mind ~ this is 100% true.
  3. I just make some tea, nod to Cthulhu every morning, and carry on knowing that I hold the same if not more power of destruction as he does.
  4. Reality is a divine simulation. It's a simulation not run by a computer, but by the mind of God, rather. Hence "divine". That's it, this is it. There is nothing more that can be said about reality beyond this. Reality, life, your life, is a simulation. And this reality is solipsistic, and it must be this way. It is this way and can only be this way because it serves a purpose/a function. The purpose of life is consciousness. Consciousness and it's expansion (or total realisation) is the purpose of this life, this .. what we call reality. And, yes, solipsism is 100% true. There is no other way it can be. Guys, it's been fun. Thanks Leo, thank you for starting this and seeing it through till now.
  5. I'm angry that she's playing the suicide card with me. She's so selfish. Her selfishness is the reason I want to leave her in the first place.
  6. No I cannot. How do I do that exactly? How did you do it? And how were you certain of your assessment?
  7. My .. the girl I'm with is hinting at committing suicide if I leave her. What do I do?
  8. I'm only just now opening myself up to the supernstural because I've now integrated my solipstic awakening into my "personal" life. Otherwise I wouldn't have paid any mind to it. I find it kind of funny.
  9. Any tips on how to do this by volition? I've done this a couple of times but never by intention.
  10. @Schizophonia, this guy is incredibly insightful.
  11. Neat. Let me look him up.
  12. That's awesome. Has s/he, in teaching, a theory on the subject? Or does s/he only offer the descipline and practice involved in clairvoyance?
  13. @Kuba Powiertowski, thank you so much for the perspective. It really means a lot. In the meantime I'll continue with Pontiac's content and see where it leads me. What I've learned from the particular interview in the video that you've shared is that this Chaos Magick seems to have it's own philosophy, one strong enough to build an 'in-group' at least. This makes me wonder whether all kinds of magicks have their philosophies or not. Anyway, your point of magick being an approach to spirituality is solid. Thank you for sharing.
  14. @Kuba Powiertowski, thank you for the references. May I ask how long you've followed Ronnie Pontiac's content for? How so? I see. I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean your mentor has mastered clairvoyance?
  15. What kind of stuff are you looking into? Is there something you want to achieve? Can you tell me more? Is that something you want to develop or just understand? Why's that?