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Everything posted by Truth

  1. So I just got on the forum and I don't know the guy but what I did notice was a pointless post.
  2. Why do you justify and defend nihilism so much? What has it ever done for you?
  3. Do you know what consistency is? habits? How to build momentum? Do you feel like nothing is possible for you like you won't be able to achieve it? Would you consider yourself as someone who takes 100% responsibility for your life and how it unfolds or do you just blame others? Do you use nihilism as an excuse to not take 100% responsibility? Do you even know what 100% responsibility is and what it entails? Why are you living someone else life and not your own? Do you understand that this is a sign of not taking 100% responsibility?
  4. tell us about your personal life, what do you like? what do you do for fun? Do you have friends? a girlfriend? family? How old are you? Do you work? Where are you from? I'm actually genuinely curious how someone could put themselves in such a mentally stuck situation and so I could avoid how your whole mentality happened in the first place.
  5. Mods can we close this thread? Thanatos is either the biggest troll or has an extreme case of victim mentality that NO ONE will ever be able to help him. I'll let the mods be the judge of that, go look at all his other threads, it's this SAME shit.
  6. You can't help him. Thanatos has created threads like these before to distract himself from doing any real inner work.
  7. ...Then you're gonna stay paralyzed.. There's nothing more to say.
  8. Who said nihilism is true? Do you even contemplate or question anything about your own thought stories? Or are they just absolutely true? Sounds like seriously toxic degrees of stage Blue thinking that you need to start to question.
  9. Other than the internal benefits of curing my neurosis (which you should know about considering your post), I'm less prone to being triggered, manipulated, taken advantage of, duped, pranked or tricked. I'm more internally grounded, confident and more aligned with Truth and who I am. As Leo says in those deception videos --> "You don't need to worry about other deceptions or other people deceiving you, the only way they can trick you is you first need to trick yourself." That's been a huge insight for me.
  10. And I'm sure she got away with it just fine. And this forum can't be a place to be a source that using Duck Duck Go and Tor is how? Where's the line Leo, WHERE'S THE LINE?
  11. You should put out an ad. "only looking to get my D wet, I don't want to hear you talk cause I don't care, so hit me up ladiez " 60% of the time it works every time.
  12. You remind me of Jeffrey Donovan in hitch
  13. You probably have Show Me Your Gentitals Syndrome. This video goes in depth --> Specially the part about them talking.
  14. For me it was relationship balancing for sure, specifically with longevity/long term stuff.
  15. @Nadie True love is unconditional love. Your "child idealism of love" is based on conditional love --> "as long as everything with my partner is okay --> everything is okay, and if everything is not okay --> then everything is NOT okay". This is fine for creating balance in your relationship, but when you're using it to set conditions on your own personal happiness you're gonna have problems. I think it would be best for you to stop looking for external solutions like moving away or being single and start turning inward. You can go anywhere you want but your problems will always come with you because they’re always working intangibly on the inside. A good place to start would be to understand/ contemplate what unconditional love is vs conditional love. Understand how you set conditions for your finances, your love, your partner, your freedom, your self-trust, your integrity etc. and notice how you can’t have “true love” or even happiness without having these external conditions first. Then once you understand all this then you can start to tap into True Love and begin to change your old motives into more high quality ones (a bit of a rough process but it’s for the better) and start giving yourself unconditional love and happiness while knowing everything externally is going to work out just fine and start tapping into true Faith with a capital F meaning → being happy while at the same time knowing everything externally is going to work out.
  16. Well let me tell you what you don't want to hear --> Do shit. try kissing girls (when the time strikes). Try getting into relationships. Stop being a pussy when it comes to girls (your words lol). Try to lead the interactions with them (especially if they hint that they like you!), start making moves and take risks. This is the process. This is how it works. You do stuff and you succeed or you do stuff and you fail. - Understand the what, how, why and when of attraction - Understand the what, how, why and when of rapport - Understand the what, how, why and when of seduction - Understand how to balance relationships
  17. Was there a question you had? or is this a journal entry? cause we have a place for journals.
  18. I think it's important to have a lot of options so I'm not saying she's some narcissist, she's just looking for the best option for her just as you should be for yourself, I'm just saying (and this is my personal point of view) that women shouldn't be the leader in the relationship, which is what it looks you two had and what she was. I don't think women ultimately want to be the man in the relationship, I bring this up because of the way you talk about the relationship, I get a highly feminine vibe, and I'm not saying there's anything particularly wrong with that, in fact I think a relationship can't really work if you have two feminine energies or two masculine energies working at the same time, but what I am saying is that this girl (especially since you brought up the alpha guy) sounds like a feminine women who wants a guy to make her FEEL like that. I see she's definitely leading, supplying the logistical issues, trying to lead the interaction and failing because that's not her gender role, that's your gender role (but since you're not playing the male gender role she is forced to.) and this is not attractive, especially in the long term. There can be many reasons to why she’s doing what she’s doing, but the biggest issue from what I’m reading from you is what I’m talking about here. Do you consider yourself a more masculine guy? Or a more feminine guy? Have you even made any of these distinctions and how they play a factor in your relationship? What would you consider her? Also I'll add --> if you start looking into understanding gender roles don't be sucked into the social conditioning aspects of it, that is NOT what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is more psychological in nature and not in terms of how you dress, or groom yourself or the stereotypical alpha guy or feminine woman. (although they can help with creating the distinctions in your own mind about how you're playing the male gender role and how she's playing the female gender role on the energetic and psychological levels)
  19. lol I'm sorry, don't be offended I just think it's bad advice, which of course --> is my opinion. <3
  20. Interesting read. Other than the whole gender role reversal thing, overall I think for her she knows that ultimately you're not the right guy for her and she's not sure how to deal with you. Because on one hand --> It feels good to be with you and around you/ to have you around (even sleep with you etc.), but on the other hand --> she knows you're ultimately not the right guy and she has to keep repressing that because well.. not to sound rude but because, well, she's selfish (if she wasn't she would let you go and wouldn't keep leading you on as she has by texting you, holding your hand etc.) Why can't you move on and find someone else? I'm not saying it will be easy but why try to be with someone who doesn't ultimately want to be with you? I don't think she tells you/admits to you that you're not the right guy for her because then she's closing off that door that she's left open for a while now. you're like a rebound or a safety net to fall back on when or if she decides to give up on finding that right guy for her. I'm sorry if this sounds negative or hard to hear but it's just what I see.
  21. @Hello from Russia Holy mother fuck, I never seen this video.. Wow... Kind of blown away by it, thanks for the share and posting it here. @eleveneleven No. He needs to realize his dick is getting in the way and how it's getting in the way and that his desire to "meet those bodily needs" and his "hidden agenda of sex" is creating the issue in the first place.
  22. I'd say stop trying to have sex with her and focus on building deeper rapport/emotional connection with her. Sounds like she doesn't feel love on an emotional/rapport level with you. UNDERSTAND her and love her to death without using your dick and see how that goes.