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Everything posted by Truth

  1. @littleBIG As a skater for 15+ years I can tell you one thing that skateboarding is not a logical thing, it's an emotional thing. Also it's a 200+ failure to 1 success rate. Meaning you are going to fail THOUSANDS of times. (I say 200+ because it depends on the trick) These are the right expectations to have. It will get easier. But the beginning is a long road.
  2. Hey mods, tell him self-actualization and the hierarchy is his ENTIRE life not some place he gets to, and that the hierarchy is just a map of where he's headed. It's not an absolute thing. The hierarchy is about scope, it's not an absolute process. Realistically he'll be all over this fuckin map.
  3. I just take a shit ton of notes in my commonplace book
  4. Sounds like you need to SET proper expectations, being surprised by something you didn't expect is actually an indicator of you not having the right expectations. it's actually a lesson you need to take and say "Oh! this isn't what I expected! Maybe my previous estimations were misguided? So let me take this misguided expectation to help me create a more realistic expectation, and if it happens again, that's okay, I'll create an even more realistic expectation, and through this process I'll move closer and closer to my goal, maybe get some perspectives from people who have taken this journey and how long it took them so all the obstacles I'm hitting won't really be a surprise because this is what they said was going to happen." I find this to be a very good attitude/mindset to have. You won't see all the obstacles, but that doesn't mean you quit because a snake jumped out of the grass, you're being shown the obstacles on your way there, everything is here to help you, the obstacles are here to help you. the greatest expectation you can make is realizing there will be obstacles you don't expect. this should help you expect improper expectations.
  5. - realize everything will work out - stop giving a fuck - don't blame them or yourself - be patient until it works out - ????? - profit!
  6. Yeah but the way your entire posts here talk as though everything is separate and here to destroy you and prevent you from happiness.
  7. Nothing is separate it's ALL you. I'm being very literal here not spiritual. Ego, Devil and Thought all occur from the same place.
  8. Exactly, it is true, but people who are stuck in the materialist paradigm can't realize this unless they step out of it. when they can't step out of it they're left with contradictions, paradoxes, not knowing and ultimately confusion and dissatisfaction. someone who is stuck in the materialist paradigm is unable to incorporate both as a unity; seeing it from both duality and non duality and realizing that there are no contradictions and no paradoxes, and what there is is your limited thinking and your inability to embody the paradox or the super position of absolute infinity.
  9. "It's all illusion" #problemsolved
  10. So are you saying there could be an Illusion within illusion?
  11. Yes, that very well might happen if you let procrastination and stagnation get the best of you. You're entering a new state of being, not masquerading as a new state of being.