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About Newborn

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  1. I will beat you up and pay for the hospital, how nice am i?
  2. Awesome! This will make an amazing compilation later
  3. Right now, with negative thoughts going rampant, i am spontaneously depressed and apathetic. It does seem interesting, i will give a try :)
  4. Yeah, i know but my will is seriously weakened right now. Health is bad, vitality is low, motivation is low, self-esteem is low, financial situation is awful, etc. Thank you. I am planning to go to another vipassana retreat soon. Much like shock therapy.
  5. Well, i am moving from a big city to a small village in a beautiful place surrounded by nature in a few months, this will help for sure. By mainly, phone and computer absolutely trigger an awfull distraction habit role BUT i use them to work on a online business, so i have to keep using them but in a way more mindful way. Right now they absolutely control me.
  6. I feel zero in control of my life and not in a blissful way. My mind is racing all the time and i greatly lost my meditation gains from previous practice. I have slowly abandoned all practices and feel going down-hill pretty fast for some time now. My concentration skill is laughable. I look like a fat-loser-teen with phone addiction. I need to gain full control of my mind, my feelings, body and myself. Where do i start? I need to focus on something that surely will alone start to reverse this situation. Can't focus on many things right now. I need your opinion. Yes, you. What would be your ONE THING if you were me? I am thinking at restarting a serious anapana meditation routine.
  7. I am not a noob, in fact, i am a self-help junkie and have tried almost everything to improve the way I feel and the quality of my thoughts (naturally pretty negative and harsh). Meditation, yoga, breathwork, psychedelics, hypnosis, affirmations, visualization, subliminals, law of attraction, endless books, courses and videos but nothing really worked. In the end, my natural state is negative and depressive. I feel like swimming with a heavy anchor attached to my feet, almost drowning even if I try hard and if I don't, it is worse. There is this persistent thought about ending up homeless, a complete failure in life, because i cannot handle life on my own. 29yo male (almost 30) needing financial help from my family to pay the bills and still 20k in debt. This is also a constant feeling in my body, a heavy dense fearful feeling. No amount of positive thinking or letting go was enough to dissolve this. Seem like i am heading to an inevitable disastrous failure and i cannot do anything to stop it. The strange thing is that this thought is my biggest fear and it is slowly coming true. I would love some perspective on this issue