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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. Sadhguru also extensively talks about various hindu deities or fringe occult practices. That stuff is there to add some color and relate it to the people that are following him.
  2. You obviously crave these things, so start going after them (not the drugs though pls). There is no shame in wanting to fuck and have power. Your development may lead you to higher priorities in life than those, but you will always crave these things in some way or another, so better figure out a way to healthily scratch that itch. The biggest problem with this work is that its way above most people's pay grade. There is no shame in admitting where you are at in your development, that's how you grow. You would be way wiser to just leave this forum alone for a few months and focus on some real, practical shit. You can always come back and see if you're on track with your higher virtues and goals. Not everyone can juggle these two endeavours simultaneously and there is really nothing wrong with that. You can take steroids to become juicy, but you will still have to lift the same weights to get there.
  3. You shouldn't feel better. You should be pissed the fuck off that you don't have the kind of life you want to have.
  4. So? Stop being a little boy and expecting things to just go your way. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your life. You should not be on an internet forum talking about God right now, if you can't even handle your basic survival needs. This is a marathon, not a sprint, but you better get your pathetic lazy ass moving now!
  5. There are no shortcuts and magical woo woo solutions. The sooner you swallow that pill, the better your life will go.
  6. I don't actually. If I desire something, I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen and keep my eyes on the price. I may have some kinky daydreams sometimes but those just come and go. Truly desiring something is having that desire as your north star and letting it inform everything you do, from the way you walk and talk, to what you do from the moment you wake to the moment you go to bed. I'm currently trying to become a leader and that's really a multi decade process but I already practice how to speak like a leader, how to walk like a leader, how to eat like a leader - this is how you consciously create. If you want to be a guy that has bitches, money and status, why don't you just try to be that kind of guy now? It's like prototyping in evolutionary biology; your first iteration will be rough and probably pathetic but you work and improve on it and inch your way toward it.
  7. Desire is that which you're moving toward, to the degree that you actually let it animate you. If you desire a hot girl and let that desire fuel you, you will find yourself banging her sooner or later. The problem arises when you try to repress your desire or second guess yourself.
  8. That's exactly why you're not getting the power to do that. Stewarding so much power necessitates responsibility and selflessness. But you can still make that happen with your limited means and you will see how shallow and petty that will be.
  9. The real insight is, that you are already creating exactly what you want. If you don't get that, your efforts to consciously create will largely go nowhere.
  10. This discussion is not going anywhere. Do your work and then come back and we can talk about it.
  11. Then why don't you just fucking own your shit and make it happen. You think you can lay in bed all day and God will just put a supermodel in your lap? Even if that was possible you wouldn't even know how to fuck her properly. I'm not trying to insult you, but you have to approach these things with a bit more common sense. How do you think God creates this kind of life? It's a developmental process and not some switch you can just flip.
  12. You aren't done creating it, it's happening right now, it's just a matter of being conscious of it or not. It's the same as if you were scratching your balls and we're asking me why you scratch your balls and not your armpits.
  13. Again. That's kind of what's happening already. The proper question would be "can one become conscious of how one manifests reality," to which the answer is, absolutely. Psychedelics seem to be the fastest way for most people, but I'm sure it can be done without them.
  14. My point is that you dont have to be completely detached from your life once you awaken. You can still choose to live "as if" it was real, and after a while it will seem completely real to you again, only this time, you know you can always unplug from the game, if you choose to do so. If you want to live like Maharshi and just completely renounce everything you can do that of course; and if you choose to completely wake up from this dream and not look back, you can do that as well. Its just not as black and white as it is usually portrayed.
  15. Thats not what awakening is about. You want to experience live fully and be engaged with it, but you can still definitively and conclusively know that its just a dream. I dont think anyone here wants to go down the path of Ramana Maharshi.
  16. Don't talk about things that are not in your direct experience. You are confusing the map for the territory. You will never be able to logic your way through this.
  17. Exactly. Sadhguru is not some biohacking nerd, he's just sensitive to the cultural context he teaches in. You can do whatever works for you, if you are willing to be independent and autonomous.
  18. Well you can take it or leave it. I didn't pick this fight.
  19. My conclusions are grounded in sufficient direct experience to give me as much confidence about them as one could possibly have.
  20. You're evoking science while talking about new age beliefs, that's just fucking absurd. There is this distinction between sense and sensibility that you should maybe contemplate.
  21. Maybe the perfection is, that you have desires, likes and dislikes, instead of already having it all.
  22. You're not getting it. There is no such distinction between science and placebo. You are actually the one that is dismissive and colonialistic about your distinctions. I'm willing to give a reality to science when it makes sense, but not when it comes to some new-agey ideations. Anything goes when it comes to spirituality, so don't be so stuck up.
  23. This is not the type of question that can be answered propositionally. If you want to find out, you need to put some skin in the game.