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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. I agree. Can't wait for my CRISPR t-bone.
  2. We don't even know what's going on there. This is no less an information war than it is a kinetic war.
  3. The whole album is pretty good, but that's the kind of music I listen to once and never actually go back to.
  4. I don't agree with this statement one bit. Eating a vegan diet makes me feel like shit and stunts my cognitive capabilities, so I'm actually doing the world a favor by eating meat. There are a million ways to care about the environment and work towards a more holistic relationship with it, you are just way too closed minded and ideological about this.
  5. Thats mostly true I would say, but historically the greatest musicians were also the most famous. Granted, nowadays the big record labels look for the most marketable knuckleheads, suck them dry and then move on to the next shiny thing; but of course being a great musician and selling a lot of music can still have significant overlap and we still see some great musicians coming to prominence from time to time (although the quantity and quality of those specimen is still significantly decreasing, by virtue of market forces and peoples intellect and creativity being stunted in general).
  6. We read that book in school. This was actually one of the few books I enjoyed at least to some degree as a teenager.
  7. This has to be horseshit. You are just randomly picking one node (animal slaughter) in a gigantic interconnected web of problems and claim, that that's somehow the main issue and cause of all the other problems. It's not and it won't solve anything on its own (it is still a good and respectable thing to do and I'm not arguing against that).
  8. I'm not saying veganism is useless or that I'm against it, Jesus Christ. I'm just saying there is a lot more to consider, if you actually care about reducing harm to animals and the environment. People abuse veganism to get some moral high ground and cleanse their conscience, yet are not actually serious about fixing these things or thinking about these problems at all.
  9. Yes, that's not my point though. I'm not saying all famous musicians are great, I'm saying roughly all great musicians are famous.
  10. A LOT. I'll admit that I haven't dove deeply into extremely obscure genres and Bandcamp type music, but from all I have heard so far in my life, it's obvious to me that the best musicians and bands (unless they really resist it) will get upregulated and become well known and acclaimed. For what it's worth, I used to be a music producer and knew some pretty big fish in the industry, so I know how this shit works to some degree. Unless you're a complete fool or some anti-capitalist ideologue, you will become famous, if you really are that great.
  11. I completely disagree. In my experience, the most acclaimed bands are actually the best bands. Call me vanilla, but that's just what it is.
  12. Check out Jamie Wheal, he's basically doing exactly that, and he's a pretty cool and intelligent guy as well. This guy is also doing a similar thing.
  13. I agree, and I love what John Vervaeke has done to that end, but to study western philosophy in such depths (actually reading Heidegger, Hegel, Wittgenstein etc.) you have to be at least slightly masochistic and psychopathic. Just read Bertrand Russells "History of Western Philosophy" and you will get the gist of it (unironically).
  14. I get not wanting to rank bands, but that is a meaningless argument.
  15. That's not at all what I was saying. The strawman is acting like veganism will save the world. I respect people that consciously choose to reduce animal harm and I was a vegan myself at one point, but I think it's a pretty big red hering at the end of the day.
  16. Good shit. I really have to do a deep dive into Zappa's discography, I've barely scratched the surface so far. That sounds pretty fucking sweet
  17. I kinda agree, but I find relying on others interpretations highly problematic for obvious reasons. If you really want to understand these guys, you basically have to understand all of philosophy and it's history; so go do that, or don't even bother wasting your time on this. Understanding Heidegger will not add anything to your life other than the intrinsic joy you get out of it.
  18. This is such a big can of worms. The biggest problem is framing it in such a narrow way ("eating animals is cruel"). Basically our whole modern lifestyle is exploiting the environment. If you really care, think about how buying new clothes, ordering a book, agriculture, building giant city's etc. etc. impact the environment. Even a walk through the forest will mean death to uncountable insects and simple multicellular organisms etc. Surviving is killing - do it with dignity and redeem the dead by living a great life (as a vegan or omnivore or whatever is most in service of your highest values).
  19. @Carl-Richard One of my all time favorites, in case you don't know that one yet.
  20. "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality" should drive the point home quite well.
  21. You really know your guitarists, huh? Thanks for the insights
  22. Interesting. So improvisation and developing ideas on the fly is important it seems. I had thought of Zappa as a virtuoso, but he's a huge nerd and carefully writes all his music, so that's probably why he's not on your list. But Hendrix is pretty much improvising all his stuff, as far as I'm aware. What's your take on him?
  23. Yeah, same, but my own taste is mostly congruent with that I would say (which is kinda sad actually, but also probably inevitable if you go meta enough).
  24. Yeah, that's a tricky one. I think to me it's what's most closely approaching "Creativity," but that doesn't really define much I'm afraid. It's somehow self-evident, but I have no idea how to really define it.
  25. I have no idea about technical abilities, but as far as most enjoyable guitar players go, mine would be Jimi Hendrix Frank Zappa David Gilmour Jimmy Page Eric Clapton