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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. Watch it with the stimulants. The same thing happened to a buddy of mine once when we snorted way too much MDMA. His heart felt like jumping out of his chest. I'm sorry you are in pain, and I don't really know how to help you, but be fucking careful with stimulants, especially when your have a family history of heart problems.
  2. A lot of shit is getting better and a lot is getting worse. I'm just naturally inclined toward solving problems and puzzles and so I tend to focus on the negative and what could potentially be done about it. I'm trying to focus more on the good things though, and I'm aware that I tend to neglect them, which makes me seem cynical and also hurts my own well being. But yeah, I appreciate your enthusiasm bro
  3. Obviously not my baseline state, but I've realized it. Ironically enough, the best description I've heard of it was from Ray Kurzweil, when he talked about how the Tech Singularity will result in a self-replicating horde of nanobots, that will replace every single particle in the universe with itself and thus create this field of nanobots that is infinitely interconnected and can take any shape whatsoever (this is a guy that is pulling major strings for Google XD). He only seemed to miss the part, where this is already the case. We just gave you a distinction.
  4. Not in Austria. I want a physical copy though. I'm afraid, I'm gonna have to join a biker gang to come up on a copy.
  5. Bummer. I'm looking for "Mein Kampf" and "The Fourth Political Theory," but I don't want to buy from some nutty Neonazis.
  6. Still trying to sell your books?
  7. Stop it lol. Im not trying to get there. I know the drill.
  8. I wouldnt say it spoils the movie. You still dont know how the movie is gonna unfold, and that makes you buy into it again and again.
  9. Excuse for bad english, only know from playing computer game. Greeting from the Russia.
  10. I don't think his views on humans and socializing are commensurable with having a serious relationship.
  11. I wouldn't say I necessarily love suffering lol, but I love being human enough, that I'm willing to suffer for it.
  12. So you just build more of them.
  13. I wouldn't listen to Leo when it comes to anything "social." He's obviously not concerned with being social, which is totally cool, but that gives his takes on socializing not a lot of credibility.
  14. Responding to a strawman with a strawman - love to see it.
  15. Im not trying to argue poverty away, and, just like you, Im also naturally inclined to focus on the issues that still exist (or are yet to come), but it doesnt hurt to look at the bright side sometimes.
  16. There is nothing wrong with wanting to experience these things. They are part of reality and, besides, there is really nothing else to do, but exploring yourself.
  17. There are actually more people escaping poverty, than people dropping into poverty every day. I would also argue that poverty makes it easier to live consciously (assuming this is your goal and you know whats up).
  18. Id say, being a contributing member to society, pursuing your life purpose and honoring your relationships makes it that much harder to live consciously, but its possible, and to me its an imperative.
  19. Nice strawman. Socialization is no different than any other activity - you can do it consciously or unconsciously. This is just obvious projection.