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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. At that point, why not just use Tinder? At least you won't be wasting any paper for this cringefest.
  2. Let me preface this by saying that I'm basically just expanding upon the ideas that Leo presented in his latest video (which was really eye-opening and inspiring to me). I'm a great admirer of philosophers like Kastrup, Wilber, Schmachtenberger etc; but I think it has to be made explicit, that they have reached a local maximum of understanding. They have reached the highest postulated levels of human development; they managed to synthesize eastern and western thought into a holistic framework; their own experiences are coherent with mysticism; and they are now championing their own conclusions of what it all means and what we can do about it - this is truly remarkable and they are in a sense the great sages of out time. The problem with these grand narratives and meta-theories is that they create an upper boundary of the kind of insights and understanding that is possible; you can still work within those and make original discoveries and there is A LOT that they can contribute to society, but they will lock you into certain ways of thinking and being, if you cling to them too much. You could have been a philosopher in middle age europe, studied all the great ancient texts and really saw the big picture of what they were talking about, but then Columbus discovers the new world and suddenly your theories don't look so grand anymore. We are now approaching the age of intelligent machines, space travel and genetic engineering. There will be infinite ways to express yourself, to think, to talk about your discoveries and to live your life. There is an infinitude of understanding beyond that which we currently possess, and I strongly intuit, that it will not necessarily just be more of the same. So yeah, my point is, hold those frameworks loosely and stay open to new groundbreaking insights; I'm sure they are out there, just waiting for you to discover them.
  3. You can still be socially calibrated without having to put on a big show. If you dont even have the basics of social interaction down, you should focus on those for now. But again, there is no need to pretend; just put yourself out there and learn from the feedback you get.
  4. Dude, just be yourself. You are there to grow (and to have some fun). There are 100 people there; at least one of them will like you precisely as you are and appreciate you even more for not putting on a front, and its your job to find that person. This is not to say that you shouldnt put on your best self, but dont try to be something youre not - there is nothing more unattractive than that.
  5. Im no nuclear energy expert, but one of the biggest criticisms against nuclear energy is the potential fallout (e.g. Chernobyl, Fukushima), which would supposedly no longer be a problem with these salt reactors. Without having done any risk assessments, Id say trading off some efficiency for an increase in security is a good deal in this case.
  6. Its really hard to keep these close relationships together, when you grow so far apart. In some sense I appreciate my friends even more, but I also realise that the only thing that keeps us together is our past. Im grateful that we got to grow up together and I also hope that we get to see eachother grow into the men we ought to become, but yeah, its hard and I dont think there would be anyone to blame, if we ended up growing apart.
  7. This woman was a real icon. What she did was no easy (and not a particularly useful) job, but she embodied it perfectly. On the one hand I do find this whole monarchy thing quite silly, but on the other hand I find it awesome, that there actually was a girl, that got to grow up and become the Queen - talk about a sweet dream.
  8. I'm starting to realize that all I'm really looking for right now is connecting with "others" (call it myself if you want) on a deep level, as well. I'm way too self-absorbed currently to do that, but I'm trying to get there
  9. Nothing wrong with that. I believe working on opening oneself up to connect with others more is a great thing, but there is no need of course. I struggled with that as well and still do, but its a very rewarding endeavor. In the end we all just want love and connection, how you go about that doesn't really matter (you can of course skip the human as the middle man and go straight to the source).
  10. I think you are clairvoyant, because that's what you're heading toward.
  11. I see, I thought you were lost as to your own standpoint on this Yeah, idk, "what about just living life man?!" is mostly where I tend to end up with these discussions
  12. I think we pretty much all agree that socializing is an essential part of being human and thus has to be properly integrated, if one wants to have a fulfilling human experience. Now Leo's point is not about having a fully integrated human experience, but rather about transcending it, in which case socialization becomes a liability. So it all depends on where you're actually at and what your goals are. I think Leo could and should communicate this more clearly, since most people are just trying to live a good life and assume that's what he's teaching (although he would probably argue that he does teach that and that's where I would slightly disagree lol).
  13. Just get in touch with the fact that you exist at all - isn't that the most amazing thing? You don't know how or why or since when you exist, yet you do; you just exist, and no one can take that away from you.
  14. Such a catchy and beautiful pop song. There aren't many songs that is this cute without being corny.
  15. I was watching this while stoned out of my mind on edibles - one of the best trips of my life.
  16. Badass. I always thought that is P. Diddy.
  17. Wait, that's you on your photo lol?
  18. So based on what did the first pornographer create his pornos?
  19. If you really like the girl, I'd give her a second chance, but after that, I would move on.
  20. We are more truthful, more loving, more conscious and more intelligent than dogs, yet they are unique and beautiful creatures. Why do we have to be replaced? We should coexist, if anything.
  21. God is wise enough to make you work for these things; that way, they will be that much sweeter. Look, you can still live an amazing life, just follow your dreams and enjoy the process.
  22. What are we supposed to do? Drive to your house, shake your hand and congratulate you for realising you are God?