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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. Yup. He OD'd on benzos. The same night he died I overdosed on MDMA, but fortunately puked the last pill I'd taken out before it really got me.
  2. @Tyler Robinson Im sorry girl, but your taste in rap music stinks I prescribe you these songs to set you straight again:
  3. LOL. I thought you were talking shit. You mean Ludacris?
  4. Whats your thing? Crying to some emo skater punk while scrolling through tumblr, I assume?
  5. This is kind of what as a whole is about, no? This can't be broken down into some kind of proposition. Just keep doing your self-actualization and spiritual work and you'll be good.
  6. Where are your proteins bro?
  7. Or stop being such a pussy.
  8. Nah. It's just a meme, so you're not missing too much lol
  9. It's an MP4 of Leo telling you to take more action lol.
  10. Morning: 5 scrambled eggs, 1 avocado, peanut butter Snack: 100g nuts Lunch: 5 scrambled eggs, 250g salmon, leafy greens Evening: Oatmeal/pasta/rice dish Bonus: Creatin, EAAs, copious amounts of coffee
  11. I definitely listened to too much rap music as a teenager.
  12. Don't be so sure. I was doing weed quasi daily for two years straight and had uncountable mystical experiences, but all it took was one tab of acid to completely shatter any illusions of previous "enlightenment."
  13. That's wild. Try some edibles man, you're probably gonna trip for three days straight
  14. Weed is awesome. Too bad that it turns you into a lazy slob (unless your name is Joe Rogan).
  15. Lol what? How did you take it?
  16. Lol this is so out of character for you Coke literally feels like a shot of pure RED/ORANGE straight to the brain.
  17. Dude, I've been tripping balls so hard on weed, you wouldn't believe it. It obviously affects everyone differently, but on me it's extremely effective (especially edibles ).
  18. Not what I wanted to hear, but makes sense lol.