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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. For example: One successful genetic adaptation might be "perceiving childlike features as attractive;" This is adaptive, because males who possess this trait will take more care of their children, which in turn makes those children more likely to survive and thus reproduce, spreading the gene that codes for "perceiving childlike features as attractive." This is in fact why you find young-looking women so attractive (because the specificity of this trait is low enough to where it is also triggered by adults with childlike features) Now, this kind of logic is how evolution works in every dimension. Also important: We have spent most of our evolutionary past (roughly 2.000.000 years) in foraging (hunter gatherer) societies and not in agrarian ones (which only emerged roughly 10.000 years ago), so this is where most of the adaptation took place. So, a gene that codes for something like "more optimal digestability of red meat" or "more optimal nutrient absorption of fruits," would have brought about an evolutionary advantage and thus been selected for over the generations. A gene coding for "more optimal energy utilization of grain," would have brought no advantage and would thus not have spread as rapidly as the former two, if at all. So: Our organism (which is the product of an evolutionary process) has been optimized under conditions in which we were mainly consuming meats, fruits and wild plants (Im not sure what to make of Saladinos comments on plants - it sounds plausible, but I have not seen good evidence for it; thats why I supplement my diet with AG1), which is why it is optimized to process those foods and not others (like bread or pasta or oats or whatever). Just for the sake of it: My diet consists of ground beef, eggs, fruits, honey and coconut oil. I drink coffee and water (and the occasional beer, or 2, or 3, or 4 - but thats besides the point). I supplement with AG1, Creatine, D3/K2, Omega-3 and Magnesium Glycinate.
  2. Saladino makes a pretty compelling case for his diet. You can't ignore evolutionary realities in a holistic framework of human health. Most physiologists and dieticians are stuck in their reductionist neuroscience and don't comprehend the importance of evolutionary adaptation. We didn't evolve in a vacuum. The largest chunk of our phylogenetic development has been spent in some kind of hunter gatherer/foraging situation, so that should absolutely be at the core of how we think about diet. We acknowledge these realities in almost every aspect of what it means to be human (sex, violence, socialization, art, language), but somehow when it comes to diet, we think we are above this. For what it's worth: Im on his diet for a month now and I feel absolutely fantastic.
  3. Neither I nor Schmachtenberger would disagree with that. But talking about it is part of how the system corrects itself, so it's kinda silly to hold that against him.
  4. lol He isnt saying civilization is self-terminating. He is saying a civilization run on game theory with democratized technology that can wipe out all life on earth is pretty fucking fragile. If we move beyond the zero-sum dynamics and fix our coordination issues, there is no reason to self-terminate.
  5. Gets me every time.
  6. Fair enough, but there is obviously demand for some kind of casual "rapid fire chatting" and if you cant supply it, you should not be surprised when people seek it out elsewhere.
  7. The user experience of this forum sucks ass, thats the problem. You cant have a conversation with someone, if you are only allowed to send a message every two minutes. If you spent half the time you worry about people leaving actually improving this site, there would be no such problem.
  8. My 2nd edit. I will get there, just watch me.
  9. Im beginning to learn video editing and I thought "what the heck, why not start practicing with some of Leos material" - so here goes.
  10. Disobedience - that is the nobility of slaves!
  11. Picking up a woman with a child is beyond stupid.
  12. This one is beautiful as well.
  13. This one is profound. The tribal percussion, dreamy instrumentation and soulful singing take your to a trip straight to Afirca - not to mention Sanders' absolutely breathtaking sax performance.
  14. We have the original of "Thus spoke Zarathustra" - that alone settles the case for German being the superior language In all seriousness: by far the most beautiful thing I've ever read.
  15. • Weltschmerz • Zweisamkeit • Dasein • Götterdämmerung • Übermensch • Wanderlust German is existentialist as fuck.
  16. You have to stop putting sex on a pedestal. You are acting like a 3 year old on christmas eve, that's the only reason you can't keep your panties dry. Practice with porn. This is all a mind-game.
  17. Gotta go with Cheech & Chong for this one.
  18. Its incredible how stupid you are for being so conscious.
  19. You can connect this directly to your spiritual growth. The more you realize the interconnectedness of everything, the more you will appreciate the value of being an educated citizen. I'd start by reading some Ken Wilber and checking out Schmachtenbergers Consilience Project to get your metaphysics and epistemology attuned to politics.
  20. Rumours have it Schmachtenberger took a bribe from China and is now actively working with the CCP to build a paperclip-maximizing AI that is overly optimized for seeking synthesis and will thus turn the whole universe into systems thinkers within hours.
  21. Got on the animal-based diet recently. Massive amounts of ground beef, eggs, honey and fruit. + AG1, Creatine, D3/K2, Magnesium Feelin juicy
  22. Shoot someone up with testosterone and see how he behaves - that's masculinity right there.