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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. You can test for this stuff in a more practical way by giving the person some kind of case study. I spent the last 3 days doing roleplay and case studies.
  2. As if that's ever the case. I'd rather higher a young ambitious person that's bold enough to go after it than some fool who's wasted their prime getting brainwashed in university.
  3. Besides extremely technical engineering and scientific work, I think that's largely a thing of the past. Every idiot and their mother have some kind of degree nowadays. If you know how to communicate well and you can show your employer that you have the necessary skills for the job, no one will ever ask you about some stupid college degree.
  4. I dont see it as an ultimate mean of human growth either. Its intended as an encounter with the shadow, thats all. This is nothing new of course - Im just rehashing Nietzschean ideas here, but I think it needs to be heard. Im not here to preach, Im here to learn, but people are so butthurt by this stuff that it makes me want to push it all the more.
  5. The problem I have with these dismissive arguments is that you act like you choose not to be powerful, yet you wouldn't even know how to if you wanted to. It's easy to demand equality when you're a slave. How about you first become a master and then care for the weak - that's real virtue. "You have to become an absolute monster - and then you have to learn to control it." - Jordan Peterson
  6. One of the satanic tenets is "undefiled wisdom," which Wikipedia links to "Perspicacity" and another is "vital existence" -- now what is our hero Andrew Tates most famous quote? "My unmatched perspicacity coupled with my sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.”
  7. Try some whippets. They produce the most archetypal "OH MY GOD I FINALLY UNDERSTAND IT ALL -- fuck, I lost it" experience of them all.
  8. Sounds about right. Shiva, Dionysos, Prometheus, Loki - all powerful deities associated with madness, destruction and the intersection between the divine and the profane. Nietzsche infamously went insane in his 40s and never recovered "There is a universal need to exercise some kind of power, or to create for one's self the appearance of some power, if only temporarily, in the form of intoxication."
  9. 27 This is definitely not due to genetics. I used to be very much the opposite of a narcissist, but once you get a hang of how power works, it's very hard to resist the temptation - especially under the convenient guise of "burning through karma." If you want to be competitive, you have to adopt a mindset that will make you as competitive as possible - which is pretty much the dark triad of personality. This is the only thing you ever need to know about power. You can say this is immoral, but it's true nonetheless.
  10. If you dont want to see it, it would be a very serious mistake.
  11. Im literally here to help you. If you cant humble yourself and accept the fact that you just havent cultivated (m)any useful skills yet, you will forever be stuck in serfdom. I gave you some suggestions on what to do. Besides those, I would suggest you leave this forum, leave the philosophical treatises be for a while and focus on cultivating some useful skill (writing, speaking, programming etc.) - learning to fight, seduce hot chicks, make money etc. are also great to ground yourself in something tangible that will make people (and yourself) respect you.
  12. I think that its a delusional idea to think you are in the position to write such a book. Even if Leo - who has been seriously investigating reality for decades and has the charisma and style to captivate an audience - wrote such a book, no one would take him serious.
  13. Im not trying to be mean, but come on dude. Your writing skills on this thread come across as subpar to me, let alone writing a philosophical treatise. Focus on honing your skills: take writing classes, do some copywriting gigs, start a blog etc. Figure out what you want to investigate: you are into analytical philosophy and consciousness? Fine - you now have to deeply familiarize yourself with and comprehend the most important historical and contemporary works in that space and where the discussion is currently at. In this case it would be the intersection of psychology, cognitive science and machine learning. You have neither anything valuable to add to the discussion nor the charisma and skills to pull it off anyways, so just accept that reality and become competent enough for people to take you serious.
  15. Great set. This is my all time favorite.
  16. This. You can also record yourself reading a book out loud (ideally fiction), listen back to the recording and practice those phonemes and words that you struggle with. This is also great practice for speaking in general - you can find your tone and free up a lot of emotional blockage by embodying the characters and their emotional state.
  17. You know homeostasis. However far you stretch your mind beyond it's equilibrium; however much you let go... You'll find yourself exactly where you always found yourself - here, now, as per usual.
  18. What happens when you fully let go? You will find yourself back where you were and then you repeat at infinitum. It's like the heros journey: The hero is living a sheltered life in the village; he gets the call to action and starts his journey; through acquiring knowledge and overcoming his flaws he is able to overcome all obstacles, kill the dragon and get the girl; and then he returns home - and so on for eternity. Enlightenment is the equivalent of getting the girl, but once you're back in the village, life's mundane and boring again and you look for a new adventure.
  19. Enlightenment as final destination is no different then the Christian heaven or the Marxist utopia or the AI singularity - a point in the future against which we define the present. By creating this perfect tomorrow we simultaneously create this imperfect now. I know you know all this, but talking about enlightenment makes one say funny things.
  20. Do you believe there is such a thing as enlightenment? There was this day last summer. I was out the night before and I had had a few too many beers, which made for some memories I'd rather not have remembered the next morning. I woke up with a terrible hangover - but my mind was unusually quiet and I felt deeply at peace, almost blissful. I eventually made myself breakfast and after that decided to finish this eery spirituality book I had began reading a few days ago - "Samadhi: The Forgotten Eden." (This book is very much written in a style akin to Leo's, with a lot of emphasis on becoming directly aware of the Infinite). As I read my way through the remaining chapters, my mind became more and more relaxed and by the time I closed the cover, my awareness had become so subtle and all encompassing that I literally thought I was still in bed dreaming and had become lucid - it felt exactly like being on psychedelics. Now unlike previous times that I had such experiences, I was completely at peace. I didn't think about what was going on; I didn't care what was to become of me - and I felt viscerally free. Without any thought to it, I went over to the kitchen to cook myself a coffee, but for some reason the water cooker didn't work and neither did any of the electronics. I called for my roommate and she confirmed that the power went out a few minutes ago. A shiver went down my spine and I couldn't shake the uncanny feeling of somehow having left consensus reality. I was now committed to the idea of drinking a coffee though, so I thought what the heck, it's a beautiful sunny day, why not go to a café and sit down for a cup of coffee. No final destination in mind, I walked down the street and stopped at some old Italian place. I walked over there and asked for a coffee. The old man looked at me with a kind haze and a subtle smile and told me there was a power outage in the whole city. - At this point I was convinced I had finally tipped myself over the edge and managed to break material reality. I kept walking through the streets. People were standing outside their shops, confused, discussing what had happened. The afternoon sun was burning and it seemed like the whole city was outside. I felt like a little child, no thoughts, no regrets, no worries - everything was perfect. This was one of the most meaningful and precious experiences of my life - but of course as the day went on, the power returned, the magic slowly faded away and I found myself back in my room thinking how silly I was for believing something had actually changed. Enlightenment is always there, but the moment you reach for it, it slips through your fingers. You can be it, sure, but nothing lasts forever.
  21. Can you imagine how ruthless Obama had to be to become president of the USA?
  22. I've heard Daniel Schmachtenberger say this multiple times. I noticed that I often use this to rationalise fucked up shit im thinking and doing. I've gone through some rainy days in my life that made me quite cold and detached and so I figured I could use this to my advantage and becoming a powerful leader would be my way of doing good in the world. This obviously gets messy and corrupt quite quickly since so much egotism and trauma is entangled with the pursuit of power. Im part of a Nietzschean mens group and even though I never fully adopted this philosophy - power as virtue, divine right of kings, "truth is a woman"... - it has still shaped a lot of my decisions over the past few months. I also massively fetishized Andrew Tate. In my mind this was always done with the overarching goal of doing good and sorting myself out (doing shadow work), but somewhere along the way I lost my good intentions -- its incredible how addictive power becomes, even after the tiniest taste of it.
  23. Just throwing the label "sociopath" around doesnt change the reality of how a dominance hierarchy works. Exploiting those below you is an asshole thing to do, but what do you do when your competition are sociopaths? Is the west sociopathic for sending weapons to Ukraine? - its not so simple. Nice meme. 1) hes not powerful 2) hes a fundamentalist - not very high standards for "morality."
  24. Thats how Nietzsche defines power as well. But riddle me this: how do I accomplish the goal of creating a great civilization? You can say its through decentralized distributed choicemaking, but then were back to fantasies and ideals.