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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. There is a lot of high art in Naziism. That does not mean I support their philosophy as a whole. I couldn't care less how this reflects on me. People love to talk a big game about open-mindedness, but as soon as shit gets ugly they act like the sheep they are deep down.
  2. Im not saying Andrew Tate is a good man or a profound thinker, but the image he has created is pure art - its not my problem that you people are too narrow minded and stuck up to see this.
  3. No it doesn't lol Stop projecting your bullshit on him. @MichaelJohn I'll leave a longer answer later - I've had a lot of the same issues.
  4. Embodying: truth: that which is in accordance with fact or reality goodness: that which is morally right, virtuous or commendable beauty: that which gives pleasure to the senses or the mind It's absolutely necessary to be highly developed in all of them, otherwise you're either a nerd, a sucker or a psycho; or a combination of those. Daniel Schmachtenberger and Ken Wilber come to mind; they are probably the humans that have come closest to this ideal - and both explicitly embody an integral philosophy. This is more a meta-point about a great human being in general, but it's still very relevant to this inquiry.
  5. If you can't see the difference between Tate and these RSD clowns, I don't know what to tell you. This is like saying "why listen to Leo, when I can listen to Adeptus Psychonautica." And PBD is just some libertarian workaholic immigrant - nothing special. Andrew Tate embodies this "alpha" archetype to such an incredible degree - it should be a sight to behold, no matter where you stand on this whole thing. We're talking aesthetics after all - if you can't appreciate art and reduce everything down to "it's just a pop song, what's so special about it?" that just tells me you don't value beauty and art very highly.
  6. I just scored an extremely well paying sales job. I pulled this off though sheer willpower. At the beginning of this year I decided enough is enough - I won't waste my youth rotting away in university. I'm 23 and I'm in my prime as far as energy, testosterone, mental sharpness go; yet here I am, sitting in a room with hundreds of NPCs, listening to old resentful bookmen and their pet theories - not getting anywhere, in other words. Following in the footsteps of the great Andrew Tate, I locked myself in my room and told myself I'm not leaving before I find a way to make money and assert myself on the world. The plan I came up with was: Writing out my life story Using ChatGPT to make it as sharp and persuasive as possible Using that text to apply for sales jobs Farming job interviews Doing them until I'm really good at them Scoring a nice well paying job I did all that in exactly a months time. No prior experiences. Only will to power. What more can you ask for as a young guy? You learn how to speak You become extremely confident You learn how humans really work You make lots of money It straightens you out, I'll tell you that much. You don't learn anything profound in university anyways and as far as pragmatics and survival goes, what better way than going into sales & marketing. Anyways, make of it what you will, I'm just telling you that will to power as described by Nietzsche is a very real phenomenon.
  7. Sounds good. Are you not afraid of AI making manual programming obsolete? Im not trying to be a smartass, Im just curious.
  8. Of course there are socially acceptable ways to be courageous like being a fighter fighter, stopping a thief, speaking up for a minority - but even that is kinda half-baked; when you fully well know everybody will praise you for it and tell you what a great guy you are. Overcoming yourself by stepping into uncharted territory, without any safety mechanisms and everybody calling you all sorts of names for it - that takes real courage. Meditation can be that, I'll give you that.
  9. It's hard to talk to you because none of what you're saying is wrong, but it's still so limited by your scientism. Real courage (or spirituality for that matter) is not doing what science and society at large has already confirmed to be safe and acceptable. You're so obsessed with being factual and maintaining your "integrity," that you just double down on your biases when someone tries to point them out. How many times have I admitted to blindspots and biases and openly laid them out? Is that because I'm a biased idiot or is that because I'm trying to be honest and grow? You never do this, because you're too afraid of destabilizing your mind - which is fine, but don't pretend it's courage please.
  10. Generally speaking, these songs feel quite authentically like me:
  11. I obviously have an infinite bouquet of feelings, but I'm very much in touch with my more braggadocious side right now - this song gets me hyped every time:
  12. This is all good, but why are you so stuck on the body? If you took the same logic and expanded it to the subjective and inter-subjective dimensions, you would realize the limits of your approach and courage rather quickly. Only maxing your physiology is a rather convenient cop-out from some of the real work. This is precisely how being too engrossed in science and academia makes you dumb in a very real sense.
  13. Combine meditation with exposure therapy. You must be anxious of something. Even if it's 20 different things you're anxious of, get clear on that they are; write them all out. Start with the easiest one; create a list of procedures that will progressively get you desensitized to that thing. If you're afraid to talk in public, start by talking to yourself, then to a friend, then to a group of friends... you get the idea. The key is to make these steps so incremental that you actually do them. Then you just put one foot in front of the other. You need to fill your mind with positive reference experiences if you really want to thrive and overcome your anxiety. The story you tell yourself has to become one of overcoming, not of stagnation. Meditation will calm you enough to reflect on your anxiety effectively and to take those steps; but you have to face those fears - that's really what therapy is about. Of course your physiology will contribute to this massively as well, so make sure you get enough sleep, eat the right shit, exercise etc.
  14. Concerts pay well and it's how small artists survive. You only make serious money when you get signed by a label. It's not unusual for a new rap artist (you have to make yourself extremely marketable and skilled) to get paid a few millions for a couple years contract. You can make practically unlimited money in the music industry , if you're willing to go all the way to the top - but few people have the kind of mind that is willing to go to such places. I encouraged you to do it though - you have all the resources available with to pull this off.
  15. I could talk about Freud and Nietzsche again and how repressing these desires make you resentful and bitter towards those that exercise their will freely. Maybe I'm just sick in the head and most people don't care for beauty and power that much, but I always did - and I know I'll become twisted in the head if I never actually live that out and burn through it.
  16. Fine. I tend to project a lot when it comes to this stuff. I always assume people repress their more base instincts, because I did that a lot, but you seem to be doing well for yourself. Still, I feel a kind of desire for short term pleasures in my life and in my estimations the best way to deal with them is just to burn though them. When you wanted to quit weed, didn't you smoke so much that it made you sick and nauseous to the point of never wanting to touch that shit again? I'm going with that strategy.
  17. I literally got an extremely well paying job?!
  18. Fair. Don't you think you're missing something by rejecting "Hedonism" though?
  19. I think I understand him quite well. I'm not suggesting you need to care for or about others. If you choose to care for others by your own will, that would be in alignment with the Nietzschean Übermensch. It's when caring is customary that it's weak. Fundamentally power is about asserting your vision and will on the world - that will look different from person to person. One of the most powerful people I've ever come across is Daniel Schmachtenberger and his vision of the world is one of egalitarianism and universal compassion - power can get quite twisted, aye?
  20. What do people that worship the devil (i.e. Lucifer) actually believe in? Have you ever asked yourself that question? - this is from Wikipedia: "For Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate goal. The basic Luciferian principles highlight truth and freedom of will, worshipping the inner self and one's ultimate potential, and to encourage and celebrate the same within all. Traditional dogma is shunned as a basis for morality on the grounds that humans should not need deities or fear of eternal punishment to distinguish right from wrong and to do good. All ideas should be tested before being accepted, and even then one should remain skeptical because knowledge and understanding are fluid. Regardless of whether Lucifer is conceived of as a deity or as a mere archetype, he is a representation of ultimate knowledge and exploration as well as humanity's savior and a champion for continuing personal growth." Lucifer is the trickster archetype - that's it. Doesn't sound so evil after all, huh? Sounds a lot like Nietzsche as well (he used to call himself the Antichrist or Dionysos, which are amongst the synonyms of Lucifer). This is probably the reason why a classic theme in conspiratorial thinking is referring to the "elites" as devil-worshippers and Luciferians -- because, ironically, they are some of the most capable people in the realm of the profane.