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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. I have studied him exhaustively and know his story, while you are just making shit up. He and his brother did what every guy here does - they went to clubs, talked to girls, collected numbers and set up dates. The difference being that they were quite high value men from the start: tall, jacked, combative, intelligent, charming. Tristan (his brother) was starred in some trashy reality tv show as a teenager and you can clearly see that this guy knew what he was doing way before any money or fame. They obviously leveled up their operation once they got serious money and status, but to reduce their success to that is a gross mischaracterization and shows me that you're not interested to look beyond your preconceived stereotypes.
  2. The mental gymnastics you people go through to discredit everything this man does is Incredible.
  3. Yeah, not a great comparison. The Buddhist is way more degenerate than those activists. They at least have some kind of purpose, even if it's twisted and not very noble. The Buddhist wants to end the flourishing of Life as a whole.
  4. Have you tested your testosterone levels?
  5. I understand. It's still very degenerate. Strikes me as similarly imbecile as these bug-eating climate activists vandalizing a Monet painting to spread awareness for their cause. It's Life turning on itself, denying itself, destroying itself - pretty sick, if you ask me. - and this is just a symptom of the underlying death wish and nihilism of the Buddhist.
  6. +1 The fact that this gets glorified shows how twisted Buddhist psychology is.
  7. You are putting the cart before the horse. 1) figure out what you want to do 2) find a way to start building a business around this with no capital 3) once you make money, you can reinvest and make your operation more professional.
  8. Flawless street trap. Fun fact: I used to be a hip-hop producer and worked with two guys that were part of Southsides (who is unanimously considered one of the pioneers and greats of modern hip-hop) collective (808 Mafia). Somehow one of my beats ended up in Southsides hands, who played and jammed out to it in an IG live. - definitely a high point of my music career. -- this one might have been a bit of a stretch
  9. Kickboxing doesn't earn you any serious money and he definitely wasn't "well known." He is just a naturally attractive guy to women, is that so hard to accept?
  10. Peterson talks about myths, because they contain some of the most profound truths about the human condition. These storys are archetypally very pure; they describe patterns of behavior, emotion, desire etc. that are extremely fundamental to our psychology (e.g. the mother, the shaman, the warrior, the forest etc.) and all the conflicts and relationships that exist between them. He is essentially combining Jungs insights about mythology and Piagets epistemology to understand the human condition by way of studying these ancient storys - a kind of psychological anthropology. What Leo is talking about is an even more primordial psychology: trans-human, trans-"natural," purely metaphysical "Mind-as-such" (- which isnt of much interest if your work is fundamentally cultural).
  11. Anyone here familiar with his views on the afterlife/heaven? ChatGPT can not answer this question. It would help me a ton, if someone could point me to a lecture or article where he talks about this.
  12. I think he would be horrified if he watched your videos He wants to "save" western culture - that's his life's work; this is the same reason someone like Schmachtenberger will never be as metaphysically oriented as you -- it just doesn't help their cause. I still think Jordan Peterson has some profound insights and is a great intellectual over all - he's just in a different business than you. It's not clear to me that your cause trump's theirs, although I can see why you would think that.
  13. I think he genuinely struggles to express his views. He does believe in Jungian archetypes and the ultimate archetype is the Self (aka God); and he also beliefs that these archetypes are fundamental to reality; so even though he doesn't say it, he must by extension believe that he fundamentally is God - which explains why he's dancing around this issue so much I think he (understandably) refuses to accept the implications of this and keeps looking for a way out of it. The coin will probably not drop until he rids himself of this epically cerebral worldview he has constructed.
  14. This is way more than just a "cultural trend." The reason girls like tall, strong, dominant guys is because those are all very adaptive traits for surviving in nature - which is what we did for most of our evolutionary past; and the reason girls like talkative, social, humorous guys is because those traits are very adaptive for keeping social cohesion - which was essential for survival for an also very significant period of our phylogenetic past. You can certainly transcend these preferences, but it's not clear to me whether this is progress or degeneracy.
  15. Will probably shift wealth distribution slightly. If I find a way to incorporate ChatGPT (and soon GPT-4 and GPT-n) into my workflow, I will be heaps more productive than someone who doesn't; and I will have the first mover advantage of getting resources and clients faster, which in turn will exponentially widen the power delta between us until the market is saturated. There will be a short time span where these technologies can be exploited to gain power, but as more people catch on, it will still be all about who is most creative and creates the most value. These disruptive technologies will generally empower those that are most creative, sovereign and able to think on their feet.
  16. This guy clearly doesnt comprehend the significance of what Peterson is saying. Im kinda sick of people asking for "simple explanations," when obviously some things cant be explained "simply."
  17. If I want to explain the concept of a car to you, I dont mention the brand, color, size or whatever of the car; and Im not concerned with whether you can and should use this car as a getaway car for a bank robbery, or drive over your neighbors cat, or whatever. - Im just concerned with explaining what a car is to you. And if cars are rare and some maverick happens to be driving by in his car, I will naturally point to that car and tell you that that is in fact a car. It is far from shallow, its actually very profound when you understand the significance and implications of this in the larger context of morality.
  18. HoW dArE yOu! Im not comparing your vision to that of a sex trafficking scammer. Im comparing your self-righteousness and will to power to that of Andrew Tate. Dont be such a drama queen.
  19. I thought so too. I think he does the classic "It is better to believe in God and be wrong than to not believe and be wrong" move, but Im not sure whether he really believes in an "other world." After all, he always criticizes the "Neo-Marxists" for their utopian fantasies, which are really just a spin-off of Christianities "Kingdom of Heaven." I just want to hear it out of his mouth.
  20. You are very much like this as well. You never took shit from other people and just went full steam ahead with your vision. Its arguable how many people you have traumatized and damaged along the way - yet I dont sit here and moralize to you what a bad person you are.
  21. An exceptional man doesn't need your allowance to assert his will - I never suggested such a thing.
  22. The problem is that you are intellectually bankrupt and unable to understand my argument. My definition is precisely that an exceptional man is one who is able to assert their will on the world! - Im obviously not talking about affirming some mantra to myself. Im not here to judge what kind of will or vision you should have, thats completely missing the point.
  23. I dont know what youre talking about. Is it not a legitimate question, whether your moral imperative is to strive for greatness and power and assert your will on the world, or whether you should be humble and "know your place?" Its not obvious at all to me, which is actually the nobler (and which is the more dysfunctional, for that matter) path to follow and since none of you are giving any input besides some lame moral plattitudes, Ill just keep going forward with my strongest foot. Im always open to have my mind changed by good arguments, but those are nowhere to be found.