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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. Southern France is absolutely gorgeous - one day I'll move there...
  2. That's the bottleneck. I absolutely loathed everything about being in university. I always come back to that Pink Floyd song: "You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need"
  3. I have many, but I want to highlight Ludwig Wittgenstein here. Wittgenstein achieved international acclaim at a young age for his "Tractatus" - a philosophical treatise on the limits of logic & language in which he famously states "whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." He became professor of philosophy at Cambridge and was celebrated for his intellectual rigour and breakthroughs in formal logic. But Wittgenstein started to doubt whether he had painted himself into a philosophical corner and hadnt in fact solved the problem of language at all, so he started to question his own conclusions - and did so for the remainder of his life. Wittgenstein had a spot in the intellecutal pantheon as this hyper-logical appolonian genius, but his intellectual honesty and humility made him dedicate his entire life to inquire into the nature of language ever more deeply, ultimately undermining the work that made him famous and culminating in his "Philosophical Investigations" - a work, that is above all simple, pragmatic and humanitarian.
  4. By 2024—earlier, probably—all real knowledge of self-actualization will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Wilber, Nietzsche, Schmachtenberger, Peterson—they'll exist only in Modspeak versions, not merely changed into something different, but actually contradictory of what they used to be. Even the literature of The Booklist will change. Even the slogans will change. How could you have a slogan like " is a non-ideological teaching grounded in direct experience and contemplation" when the concept of thinking for yourself has been abolished? The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Being a mod means not thinking—not needing to think. Being a mod is unconsciousness.
  5. is the deepest, most profound spiritual teaching out there. What Leo has done for metaphysics (specifically his insights on Love and God-Realization) is remarkable and will sooner or later be recognized as the groundbreaking work that it is. This does not mean that he is infallible -- far from it. Leo is a brilliant metaphysician and analytical philosopher, but when it comes to society, culture, and everyday life - all things pertaining to humans - he has some very misguided views. You cant separate a philosopher from his philosophy! and even though Leo would like you to believe that he is the exception to this rule, this is of course a fantasy. Leo is a sick man. His body is failing him and he is suffering quite a lot for it. This obviously incentivises him to escape from physicality as much as possible. I remember him preaching that working out is cope and carbohydrates make you unconscious. All the while he is blasting his nervous system with research chemicals and strains it even further with these highly stressful chelations he does. Anyone reasonable knows that his physical deterioration is at least in part due to these extremely erroneous health practices. Leo should have gotten himself a woman, or a dog; started some sports, or artisanry, or craftsmanship, - he doesn't even read anymore. He has nothing grounding himself after his psychedelic binges, so he just keeps going back - again and again. All he has going for himself are some shallow hook-ups and his pickup buddys he constantly bashes for their stupidity. Its a sad sight, really. Considering all this, it is not hard to see why he holds the philosophical positions he does. Many of his influences (especially eastern mysticism) are notoriously averse to the body, desires, sensuality - "worldy" pleasures. There is a big misunderstanding at the heart of all this though. No serious sage ever taught you to neglect this world for the "other world" -The Ideal World of Forms, The Intelligible world, The City of God, The Heavenly Kingdom, Absolute Spirit... these are all this world rightly seen -- obvious enough. So why does one feel the need to constantly refer back to some other world? Why is ones mind drawn toward ideas like a socialist utopia at the end of history? There is always a snuck in teleology telling you that this world, this life, this body - it is not good enough! It is Maja! An illusion! And it is a serious illusion, really! -- this is of course the core of the life-denial and degeneracy I am referring to. It is a sickness. A disease. Only a twisted, world-weary mind would hold such views. Anyone with intellectual honesty and some level of intelligence at leas should be able to tell that Leo's teachings are fundamentally anti-life. And for the love of god, dont hit me with some stupid non-dual plattitudes. This is not about any of this! This is about life. You are either serving life or you are denying it - so better choose wisely!
  6. Im done here. Ive warned you people, but you dont wanna listen. One day youll see what I have built and you will understand what I have tried to tell you - but then it will be too late of course. Thats how it has to be I guess.
  7. I disagree. If you were truly awake to the beauty and possibility of life, you would not sit around doing nothing. This is the sickness I'm talking about; this is nihilism - being so disillusioned with everything that you stop growing and actualizing your vision (of course under the pretense of being "awake" and nothing really mattering anyways).
  8. That just tells you that you're not presenting yourself well. Why did you never tell us a story of you sailing around, going on an adventure? That would inspire people way more than endless mental masturbation on this psychedelics trip and that.
  9. I'm the only one that posts anything remotely original and interesting here. I am doing something beautiful with my life, don't worry about it. Of course I don't know what people are doing offline, but the energy they present here tells me probably not much. I'm talking shit, so you don't get complacent - that's all this is. I don't put you down to make me feel good; I put you down, so you get pissed off and take some action. If I wanted some sleepy non-dual wisdom, I would listen to Eckhart or Spira - this is supposed to be a self-actualizing community! yet anytime I suggest people do something big with their life, all the little men freak out and preach their littleness.
  10. I'm more awake than any of these lames. The only one here that is doing serious work is Leo, but he's an other-worldly priest, so that's no fun either.
  11. If I've learned anything from this thread, it's how shallow even the most "enlightened" members of this forum are. You are awake! Great! Now what? You're just going to sit around like an idiot, not doing anything interesting and bold with this fucking gift that is your life? I feel like I'm in a retirement home - no one here is doing anything interesting; no one is adding to the beauty of life and the evolution of consciousness in any meaningful way! Sad, really sad.
  12. You can keep lying on your couch sedating yourself with psychedelics, but I have a higher vision for you! - if you want to be a degenerate, fine! I'm speaking to serious people - those that want to become enlightened philosophers, artists and leaders! The true (super)human revolution.
  13. Nice! - you have good taste my friend.
  14. So am I. Sometimes you need a sledgehammer to your head to get the message.
  15. You're the only one who seems to get it. And beyond your personal life (which I really couldn't care about less) society at large will fall apart and degenerate with such memes and ideas taking hold (as they are with socialism and postmodernism - really just a mild (or not so mild) version of nihilism) and spreading through the collective consciousness.
  16. I'm doing this for you btw. I have "escaped the cave" long ago. This is a post-enlightenment teaching, if you want to call it that. My point is simple: honor life, health, growth and become great - and don't escape into fantasies of some other, more just, perfect world where everyone and everything is equal -- that's what I mean by world-weary.
  17. This take is from a mutual friend of mine ( You don't want to do heavy metal chelation, it's very ineffective & very stressful on the body. Heavy metal chelation can only target specific heavy metals (for example Arsenic), but we have several hundred different ''species'' of foreign heavy metals contaminating our bloodstreams. Heavy metal chelation is done with very harsh chemicals, that are very aggressive to your body, so you might be removing some Mercury, but you'll be adding in a bunch of synthetic toxins aswell. Detoxing heavy metals is one of the most important things in the 21st century, and that's why I put so much emphasis on it in my health coaching work. Heavy metals go into your body, but they have no way of being removed naturally, so the body creates biofilm around it and just leaves it there. They accumulate in your glands and especially in your brain where they give you brain fog, ADHD, Autism, Alzheimers etc. Therefore we have to actively try to detox them. For this you want to think like nature. How does nature remove heavy metal contaminants from the soil? By using negatively charged ions, in the form of clay & zeolite. A vulcano could literally be likened to the body of the earth detoxing, and that's why the substances coming from it are always filled with powerful natural zeolites. And you can use these substances in your body, where they work the exact same way. But unlike modern chelation methods, zeolites literally have 0 biological interactions with your body. It's purpose is to go in, grab things that have a high positive charge (heavy metals) & then leave through bodily fluids. The trick is getting the Zeolite to be small enough. Because the most destructive heavy metals in our environment are manmade nano-sized ones (like nano-aluminium), we need a zeolite that is small enough to pass through the blood, our glands & especially the blood brain barrier, so it can grab and pick up the nano-metals accumulating in there. So this is why I recommend very specific products that I know work in this way, like in this video: ( It's going to sound like I'm literally shilling for that product/company, but really it's just something I've found that is very unique & highly effective. I've seen it on myself, the people around me, the people I've helped & and you see it on any heavy metal test that people take while using this thing. (You can also literally smell the heavy metals leaving your body through the urine.. Seriously, especially the first time you use it) Also heavy metals are hugely relevant when it comes to parasites. Most harmful parasites emerge in environments that are highly contaminated by heavy metals, both in nature and in the body. They actually feed on heavy metals, and I'd argue that parasites are not an error produced by nature, but a feature. Their function is ingesting, digesting & assimilating heavy metals, so they can be eliminated from the body & broken down by nature. Now if you do nothing to remove heavy metals in your tissues, the parasites will keep feasting, and will grow more and more, as new heavy metals are introduced into your body every single day. They will eat through whatever they have to eat through in order to get to the metals. This is what parasites do, they remove heavy metals at all costs, but obviously this might come at the cost of your health... or life. But remove the heavy metals from your tissues & you remove their food source & their sustenance & they will diminish greatly. Many parasites have other aspects to them obviously, but that's a long and complicated one, so I'll leave it at that. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
  18. I'll get there one day and give you a shout-out @Leo Gura