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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. It is a primal urge for the male to be dominant and for the female to be submissive - unless both your hormones are seriously screwed up (which wouldn't be surprising these days) that's the most healthy and natural arrangement. When you get a child or grow older your biochemistry will regulate itself and become more androgynous, so don't worry about it.
  2. Let's be real here: there is no good reason to date a woman over 20. After that she's already carrying unnecessary cultural baggage and is past her prime physically - so unless she's super interesting or developed, there is really no point. Obviously not a scalable worldview, but oh well.
  3. What about the rest of this post was "insensitive?" This was an important point: take care of your own shit before you criticize and gossip about a society you know nothing about and have no stakes in. This is like a blind man talking about color.
  4. As long as there is becoming, there is karma (which refers to the movement of becoming that is already given/determined) - if you abolish becoming in your metaphysics, you also abolish any notions of karma.
  5. Same here in Germany. Die Linke ("leftist party") has always been against NATO. Those are quite old-school and populist politics though and very disconnected from any political realities. To me this is already far left politics and it shows in their vote count (usually <5% - so rather fringe). When I talk about "the left," I basically mean the status quo in Europe (which is overwhelmingly progressive-rationalist).
  6. It's the perfect union of European high culture and nature/eco-awareness.- doesn't get much better than this.
  7. Do it! More pressure and more responsibility most importantly means more growth. Since you're just an employee, you don't have to bend over backwards and worry about this shit in your free time - so just do the work, learn your lessons and take the money.
  8. What are you talking about? We condemn sexual assault way more than we used to and it's way more acceptable to talk about these things in public than it used to.
  9. Same ideology - probably just the difference between introverts and extroverts. Those people hold virtually 0 political power. This is all about power.
  10. What? The "extreme" left are a bunch of sweaty androgynous teenagers that hang out on Twitter all day - hardly the kind of demographic starting wars. It's precisely the "moderate" left that has the power to control the narrative and go on political crusades.
  11. Stop putting words in my mouth. I'm just saying the west is marginalizing Russia. I'm not saying we should support kleptocracy, genocide and homophobia. You are the one who's making it black & white.
  12. So you want to tell me that the educated western liberal Brahmin caste are basically slaves? - the propaganda machine sure did it's job on you.
  13. They disrespected and marginalized Russia for decades. European politicians in particular are uniquely stupid in this regard. They spend years in their fancy private universities, getting educated in and writing thesises on french postmodernism, hermeneutics, post-structuralism and all this fancy shit - and then they spend their whole careers marginalizing every non-modernist government and don't even shy away from kinetic warfare to shove their modernist ideology down everyone's throat. You couldn't make this shit up, if you wanted to, it's that bad.
  14. Depends on your definition of "the left," but I certainly associate much of the Western/European arrogance and superiority complex with leftist socialist ideology. Intelligent conservatives actually respect a nation like Russia for it's tradition and uniqueness, while virtually all liberals want to flush all that down the toilet and westernize every last spec of dust on this planet. That disconnectedness is what got us here, if you ask me.
  15. They arguably did create the Ukraine War lol.
  16. You're just listing jargon. Either you're a tyrant or you're a leader - no need for such loaded "scientific" diagnoses as "narcissism."
  17. I just feel like the term gets thrown around villy nilly. How many times have people called Leo a narcissist, or Ken Wilber, or Andrew Tate - only because they are expressing an unusual degree of confidence and charisma (which is to be expected of unusually developed people). The herd loves to demonize those that rise above it, that's as certain as death and taxes.
  18. What if you're actually great, assertive, successful and unique? How are you supposed to feel then? - never understood that part about "narcissism."
  19. What did you research? Also, why not be an integral priest? That would be one hell of a job: juggling tradition and holism in an orthodox country like Slovakia - you would learn a lot about how systems actually work and why it's so hard to change them. Just some food for thought.
  20. When I first came here some 9 months ago, I did so because I needed help: Years of intense spiritual seeking had robbed me of my zest for life and left me in a state of profound nihilism, derealization and existential angst. Besides getting accepted into university, I had not much going for me: I was underweight, lethargic and lost in a new country with no friends and social life. As far as I was concerned, I had completed my spiritual quest and found myself "back in the village," so for the first time in years I had no real goal to pursue. After a lot of soul searching, I came to the conclusion that I should get serious about the "ordinary" and age appropriate things in life I had neglected so far. Having been extremely competitive my entire life, I knew from experience I could achieve anything, if I really put my mind to it. I realized that I would need to find a mentor and that, as much as I admire them, people like Leo, Schmachtenberger and Wilber were not cut out for the job. So after some exploration, I elected German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche as my guru on time - a choice that would turn out to be way more appropriate, than I could possibly have anticipated. For those of you unfamiliar with the character of Nietzsche: imagine a mix of enlightened Zen master, ancient Greek sage and sleezy Wall Street hustler. Exactly the kind of guy you want for a job like this. Nietzsche was a sharp and ruthless critic of truth-seeking, asceticism and compassion and all the adjacent ideals and ideology. The man obviously had his fair share of spiritual experiences and divine insight, which gave him the necessary authority and credibility to talk about these things - and persuade a gentle soul like me to descend to the profane and face human business in all it's ugliness and brutality. The first thing I took away was to study physiology. I started as a chain-smoking vegan with the libido of a 40 year old woman - I quit smoking, got on an animal based diet, started going to the gym regularly and gained almost 20lbs of mostly lean muscle; I have what feels like unlimited energy nowadays. The next thing I put my mind to was learning skills. Nietzsche was a big believer in the classical education of liberal arts with a strong emphasis on thinking, writing and speaking. I read over 70 of the greatest books in the western canon, started journalling, went out and talked to 100s of people and started to study sales & marketing. Finally, I dropped out of college and got myself a hyper-competitive sales job. That might sound like a downgrade to some of you, but having struggled with shyness and social anxiety my entire life, this is absolutely huge for me. I reached out cold to hundreds of businesses and applied myself to be their sales guy - having no prior experience, college degree or anything else to really show for. After a heap of phone calls and me confronting my inner demons and trauma around putting myself out there, I got invited to some in person interviews. I drove 1000km, became sick, got food poisoning and had my wallet stolen - and I fucking nailed that interview. I'm now moving to one of the biggest cities in Europe to start my new job; I'm jacked and full of zest; I'm profoundly educated in western thought (and I have barely scratched the surface yet); My confidence and charisma has skyrocketed... What's the catch? There isn't a catch, really. You would think at least my spirituality must have suffered - and while I don't find as much room to be mystical as before, there is still plenty. I've gotten some profound insight and wisdom from this wild ride, but it really boils down to: what you get out of life is exactly what you put into it.
  21. I keep coming back to the classic "how the fuck is any of this possible?"
  22. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality Thus Spoke Zarathustra Finite & Infinite Games I'm not doing 10.
  23. We could: find more non-organic sources of energy - if consciousness can create this planet, thought, emotions etc. it should be able to harvest something crude like energy from it somehow; that's the "where there's a will, there is a way" mystical side of things. create a closed-loop materials economy, by which the output/waste of the economy is simultaneously the input/energy; books have been written on this and futurists like Hagens and Schmachtenberger base their civilizational design on this premise.