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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. Musk would be without a job, in a world with AGI (as would any human). We could set up some decentralized Blockhain type fund, that pays out every human once a month.
  2. It can figure out new stuff, it hasn't been programmed to do. For example, some version of GPT was only trained on English data and at some point randomly taught itself Persian. And GPT-4 is apparently better at chemistry than any human now, although it was never formally taught that. I guess we will have to see a lot more stuff like that, but that at least shows me, that were heading in the direction of AGI. I find the "intelligence explosion" hypothesis rather compelling - it's already virtually impossible to follow the advancements and breakthroughs, unless you skim the literature on it everyday. Once it figures out how to rewrite it's own code and stuff like that, were in for one hell of a trip.
  3. Then I have some news for you: there is massive economic inequality in northern Europe.
  4. How would that work in practice? You would have to take away all property rights to level the playing field - it's almost like that has been tried somewhere before...
  5. This is how stealmanning postmodernism feels like
  6. You're just grounding reality in some arbitrary paradigm again. This is no different from quantum physics, or linguistics, or Psychoanalysis, or whatever it is. In fact, the whole point of postmodernism is, that you can ground reality in any paradigm you want - and thus create your reality any which way you like. All you're saying with "psychological development is beyond postmodernism" is, that this is the particular pet theory, you're subscribing to.
  7. Its obviously subjective. But the western chauvinist in me can not take these "cute little tunes" seriously.
  8. I have to multiply every set of numbers I come across; and I have to find all divisors of every number, or number of letters in words I focus on. Also, all colors have a specific number that I keep repeating in my head. I dont even know why this is a thing... This is happening somewhere in the depths of my unconscious and Im barely aware of it - I just now remembered it that I read your post
  9. These guys are fucking nuts. Absolutely mindbending performance.
  10. Nothing wrong with getting a little cocky, when youre that far ahead of virtually anyone else. Its a bit ironic in this case though, because his music taste is godawful
  11. When a warm summer breeze is gently tingling your skin, is it still just images passing by? When you're out with your friends and you're fooling around, teasing each other and talking about the good old times, is it still just images passing by? When you look your partner in the eyes, as you gently kiss their soft lips, is it still just images passing by? Going through live as a detached observer, without ever truly living and experiencing yourself as part of something bigger would be very sad... certainly a trap you can fall into, as you're pursuing spirituality...
  12. Although @AtheisticNonduality @thisintegrated @Oeaohoo may no longer be with us in body, their legacy and courage will live on forever.
  13. I'm just talking nonsense right now. I've pushed this further than it should've been pushed and tried to backwards rationalize.
  14. I don't think it's necessarily useful for too many people to hold the same worldview. I don't know what developmental psychology adds to Leo's life, other than distortion and bias, but maybe I'm wrong. Sometimes I overextend the whole postmodern paradigm a bit and sometimes I just say dumb things. I'm open to this being one of those times.
  15. Why are you so touchy, all of a sudden? I'm not advocating we build our society on postmodernism. All I'm trying to do, is keep you from being locked into some petty paradigm.
  16. There is nothing real you can point to, to justify this claim. But, of course, something has to be constructed, before it can be deconstructed. This is like saying women are better than men -- but for a woman to be happy, she still needs a man to fuck her. Reminds me of this good ol Hegel meme:
  17. I was referring to the "I love doing opiates, but Im totally not gonna get addicted to them" part as sketchy.