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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. I have never been in any social milieu where there wasn't at least 1 person interested in deep existential conversation - whether it be school, university, work. Just be authentically you and you will find these people. Also, learn to develop and appreciate other modes of interaction. An obvious one is interacting with the opposite sex. There will never be a shortage of attractive girls/guys, you can shoot your shot with and have engaging and meaningful interactions with. As far as academic responsibilities go, interacting with others and working towards a common goal is another skillset you have to learn and master. I don't have much advice, besides just opening yourself up to these experiences and learning to be social, extroverted and rewarding to be around. If other people enjoy your company, you will inevitably enjoy theirs as well.
  2. God can imagine being immortal for some time and then simply forget/imagine something else.
  3. Rob Swire is such a great vocalist, unfortunately I can't warm up to Pendulums aesthetic. He has some amazing performances on Deadmau5's production though.
  4. Do you think there is some synergistic satisfier that would allow you to integrate this mode of being, or are they polymorphic and mutually exclusive?
  5. As far as some people being way more developed than others - that much should be obvious. When I look at myself, it’s not environmental pressures that allow me to develop faster and further than is usual, but my capacity for abstraction and imagination. It‘s almost as with AI, in that the development exponentiates itself, the further it goes. So what these „meta-models“ are meassuring is basically the capacity to develop/evolve? - the more developed you are, the easier it is to develop in all other areas and to develop further evolvability? And the ultimate development is purely formless consciousness that can take any form whatsoever?
  6. They probably do. So these models somehow meassure a „meta-complexity,“ within which the development of different „lines“ can vary greatly. If that‘s true, it basically means that an „intellectual“ is necessarily more developed than a hunter or a dancer or a salesman - because the intellectual engages in „higher“ faculties (dialectic, multiple paradigms, etc.). I guess that‘s fair, but it‘s probably what Nora Bateson was criticizing.
  7. I'm sharing this, because I see virtually no one acknowledging the deeply philosophical nature of nutrition. This blindspot allowed unconsciously held values of scientists and institutions to bias their research, leading to a deeply skewed definition of "health". Everything that empowers you is bad: animal products, sugar, etc. Everything that makes you content and satisfied is good: starches, legumes, etc. All the mainstream health and nutrition advice, even the most cutting edge research, is designed in such a way as to make you an obedient little sheep. For more on the idea of unconsciously held values biasing research and development, check out this brilliant article: What I'm presenting here is an alternative system of nutrition and lifestyle, which of course is just as biased - but towards different values. This routine is for you, if you value worldly success, excellence and personal greatness. Follow this and you will become an absolute specimen. You will have topmodels fighting over your attention, men crowning you their king. Run away from it all you want, money and power will come your way. THIS IS JUST A DRAFT SO DONT HESITATE TO EXPERIMENT AND SWITCH THINGS UP DISCLAIMER: IM NOT AN EXPERT ON NUTRITION AND THIS IS NO MEDICAL ADVICE Diet 500g of grass fed ground beef (cooked in grass fed butter, or raw, if you want) + a big spoon of honey 1l of organic orange juice (I recommend greek orange juice, for the best taste) 6 organic free-range eggs (cooked in grass fed butter, or raw, if you want) + shell (balances the acidity of the large amounts of red meat) + Filmjölk/Kefir (+ potatoes, if you want to bulk up) Testosterone Stack KSM-66 Ashwagandha Root Extract (300-600mg) Tongkat Ali (400-800mg) Fadogia Agrestis (600-1200mg) Boron (3-6mg) Vitamin D3 (5000iu) L-Carnitine, L-Tartrate (2000mg) Magnesium Bisglycinate (1000-1200mg) Zinc Picolinate (25-100mg) Vitamin E - mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols (400-800iu) Selenium (200-800mcg) Taurine (3000-5000mg) Testosterone Replacement Therapy, if you need it (I'm 23, so I don't need it and can't speak from experience). Cognitive Performance Stack Qualia Mind Nicotine (via Philip Morris's IQOS Ilumina device), for transient peak; NAC (1000mg) to detox carcinogens Coffee!!! Creatine (5g) Additional Supplementation Athletic Greens AG1 (1 serving) LMNT electrolytes (1 serving) Qualia Synbiotic (for gut-brain support) Habits 9h of high quality sleep - this is a whole can of worms in itself Cold shower early in the morning Sunlight early in the morning HIT weightlifting (1-2 times a week) - check out Mike Mentzer's HIT schedule At least 16h of fasting every day
  8. But what about a hunter-gatherer or an artist? They can be Masters of their domain and still score low in cognitive tests (and vice versa, just operating at a high level of complexity doesnt make you a great painter or salesman).
  9. Why do some people develop way beyond what is „demanded“ from their environment?
  10. So you basically develop according to the challenges and opportunities you face in life? I‘m still intrigued in what is universal among all human development… Do you think development in say dialectical reasoning, playing the piano, spiritual attunement and hunting animals is comparable in any meaningful way and can be explicated (in stages of whatever else)? Also, do you see any convincing evidence for a teleology to human development? As much as I dislike teleological systems, looking at any developmental process, it is quite obvious that things get more „complex“ over time. I guess my question is, can we meassure complexity (universally) ?
  11. That new Travis Scott though... ?
  12. Right, I dimly remember this from my developmental psychology classes. So much the better. So what can be said about human development that holds across all cultures?
  13. LOL
  14. To me it's an aesthetic choice. What kind of life do you want to live? If you are optimizing for peak performance for example, you want that huge spike, even if it only lasts a few hours per day. I have a coworker who literally works 1 day a month, high as a kite on phenibut and caffeine, calls up some billionaire CEO and closes him on a few 100k -- every single time. I'm not shitting you. If I was a scholar like you (if you allow), I would do the same thing - but in a hypercompetitive environment, this kind of sobriety is deadly. Any time the vikings went into battle, they underwent an elaborate ritual of chanting, dancing, channeling animal spirits and getting high on alcohol and hallucinogenics -- and they absolutely smashed their competition. Also, with things like caffeine, sugar, nicotine, etc. you can just keep redosing. I never built up any major tolerance to these stimulants. If you want to be extra carerful, just cycle them.
  15. We basically have to become to the left what Jordan Peterson is to the right.
  16. If I was his manager and I actually wanted to do this, it would look something like: Play to the algorithm: We need to turn into a content machine!, shorter videos (30 minutes max.), always talk about the latest news and buzz, collaborations with as many people in adjacent spaces as possible... Drop all the controversy: The last thing we want to do is hurt anyones ego, so no more talk about self-deception, insanity, being the most awakened being... Appeal to the elites: Spaces we want to appeal to are: LGBTQ+, climate activists, emerging tech think tanks, psychedelic capitalists, post capitalists, peak performance geeks, wellness nerds; we want to understand their agenda as clearly as possible and start becoming a mouthpiece for them -- ultimately we want to appeal to powerful elitist organisations like the World Economic Forum, the UN, the Democrat Party... Build momentum: We need to write books and get publishing deals; interviews with popular personalities like Sadhguru, Lex Fridman, Tony Robbins, etc.; psychedelics are a huge opportunity and we have to make sure we get lawmakers on our side and become first movers, once decriminalization/legalisation happens... This is obviously rather crude, but if we would keep testing and iterating over years with this one goal in mind, I am 100% certain we would turn into a Billion $$$ brand.
  17. I work in advertisement and I can tell you that ~80% of the big campaigns that are being rolled out currently are CLEARLY metamodern in nature. These changes are happening super fast. Just look at some of those: The same thing is happening in the movie industry: Just look at the trend report my company released for the coming ~2-5 years (I don't have time to explain all of the jargon, but most of it is quite self-evident and you can just look it up, if you're interested): Scaled Simplicity Generative AI Super-Apps Digital Twin of a Customer Digital Humans Media Connection Visual Intelligence Virtual Influencer Shoppable Media Retail Media Networks In-Game Advertising Hyperlocality Location Intelligence for Marketing Event-Triggered Marketing Augmented Reality Individualization Genetic Advertising Emotion AI Decentralized Identity Web 3.0 Virtual Reality Avatar Worlds Blockchain for Advertising Non-Fungible Tokens TIER 2 aesthetics is where all of the power is looming.
  18. I'm not so sure. A good chunk of his worldview aligns quite well with that of "the elites," so they have no reason to start a smear camapaign against him. Also you could clean this mess up long before it would become a problem. Manson was actively fighting the elite, so it's a poor comparison. If Leo plays his cards right, he could become one of the most powerful men in the world. A spiritual leader backed by the WEF, the UN and all other powerful western NGO's led by leftist transhumanists (- which is all of them). If you look ar current trends in technology, culture, fashion and so on, it's clear that things are becoming exponentially more "meta" and self-referential - it's onyl a matter of time before TURQUOISE MEMEs really gain traction and become a huge lever for power.
  19. Everyone is cooperating to some extend. I work for a company. We cooperate. We can outcompete other companies though, because we are not fully coupled to their collective interest. And I can always backstab my colleagues to get a bigger piece of the pie. There will never be a perfect state in the universe where EVERYBODY cooperates with EVERYBODY. Spiral Dynamics literally tells you that people are born selfish fucks, so there will never be a shortage of selfish actors. This is the classic tragedy of the commons. OF COURSE the world would be better, if everyone acted in total interest of the whole -- BUT THAT'S NOT THE WORLD THAT PRESENTS ITSELF TO YOU, IF YOU ACTUALLY GO OUT THERE AND PLAY SOME OF THESE GAMES YOURSELF. I'm not suggesting people participate in the game of power - if you want to become some transgressive Jesus figure, good for you - you will ALWAYS stay a slave that way though. Sorry I offended you, little snowflake.
  20. Every finite game has predatory niches that can and will be exploited, by necessity. This "game" is self-organizing, meaning these dynamics are inherent in the system as long as any player is pursuing their self-interest decoupled from the interest of the whole. So unless you want to pitch me on your TURQUOISE pipe dreams, YOU dont understand evolution