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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. You are dreaming Godishere's life right now. In this dream, there is a guy named Leo that is teaching you how to awaken. Maybe in another dream you will dream Leo's life, teaching a guy named Godishere about awakening.
  2. You probably wont get killed for your ideas today but the herd definitely will not appreciate and support your love for truth. If you insist on being the smartest, deepest, most fearless thinker there will be a price you have to pay for that. Im not saying these things to discourage you but I had to learn this stuff the hard way myself. I was and probably still am very naive when it comes to Truth. It sure as hell wont be all rainbows and butterflies and I just want you to be prepared for that. But yeah, I share your passion for Philosophy so dont get the wrong impression here
  3. I personally find Tantra yoga and Body-scanning type meditations the most useful at "spiritualizing" my experience by basically slowly deconstructing the sensation of solidity in my body. I don't think this will be that effective unless it's integrated in a broader "ecology of practices" though but it's just something that I'm having a lot of success and fun with right now and I feel like more "embodied" practices are a bit underrepresented in this community so I guess it's worth highlighting. Generally the more you diversify your practices the more whole and balanced your life will be + as a beginner you don't even know what you enjoy and what works for you so the best thing you can do is try as much different approaches as possible
  4. Be careful what you're asking for. Nietzsche had a life full of suffering and isolation and Socrates was burned at the stake. Philosophy is probably the most hardcore and isolating thing you can pursue. If you want to live a happy life Philosophy is probably not what you want to do. But it's also very rewarding and beautiful of course. I suggest you look at Ken Wilber or Daniel Schmachtenberger for a healthy version of Philosophy.
  5. Of course, this is not a think-tank comprised of deep thinkers. Everything approaches a standard distribution with sufficient quantity, so most of the people here will not be that profound and just talk out of their ass about shit they heard someone else say and thought sounded intelligent.
  6. I think i officially reached my quarter life crisis. I just went out to my universities campus, intending to chat up some girls but found good enough excuses not to do it (Im quite good at that). Whatever. I just shrugged it off and sat down by the water to smoke some CBD. Life is just such a fucking tragedy man My entire adult life I have been pursuing spirituality, consciousness, awakening, understanding and self-actualization. I've done it all. I did Leos life-purpose course, quit all my addictions, got on an elite level diet, cured my social anxiety and childhood trauma (at least to a meaningful degree), bought myself the nicest clothes, got jacked. I spend every day as productive as possible, learning as much about reality as possible, reading all of the greatest books ever written. I practice hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, tantra yoga, meditation, contemplation, do some breathwork and take a psychedelic from time to time. I have climbed the spiritual ladder all the way up to the godhead, i realized my self as Love multiple times and i deconstructed pretty much all of consensus reality. I did everything i ever thought would bring me a fullfilling life, yet it all feels so damn silly. All this shit just comes and goes like nothing ever happened. I just sit there by the water, thinking im on top of the fucking universe, listen to a group of girls next to me talk about random crushes they have, not knowing how to show them their interest and all I want is to be like them. Where did I take a wrong turn? All I want from the bottom of my heart is to tell some random, awkward, half drunk college girls :"I understand you," to make them see that im just like them - but im not; at least i cant bring myself to accept that I am. Im 22 and my life is definitely not what I had imagined it to be when I started this journey. Dont get me wrong I had some of the most amazing, profound and meaningful experiences and my mind has been blown magnitudes beyond anything that I could have ever anticipated. But whats the point? I have exactly nothing to show for it. Sorry for the rant but i just had to get this shit out of my system somehow. If anyone here can somehow relate and has a few words on how to cope with this or how to live a meaningful life (i know im being a bit dramatic right now lol) it would be greatly appreciated
  7. Check out Peter Ralston. He was (one of?) the most successful, western martial artist of all time. His books "Zen Body-Being" and "Principles Of Effortless Power" are all about coming into right relationship with your body, especially in the context of martial arts. Just call your local gym and tell them you want to see what it's like. I'm sure they will be happy to let you train with them and try different kinds of martial arts before you will have to commit to anything.
  8. You are full of shit.
  9. Bit random I guess lol but this album is so damn authentic and raw and always seems to comfort me
  10. You're being pretty naive here man. I could convince you of shit without you even noticing. I can hijack your emotional and instinctual systems without your ego-mind even being aware of it. Isn't that what's happening here? I make some comment that pisses you off and you type your answer without even consciously thinking about how this serves you and your goals. Also I can exploit all your biases and heuristics you use to think and decide. As long as you are alive you have certain needs and wants and the better I know how to exploit them, the more power I have over you. So I could basically make you do anything and even make you believe that it was your own will that made you do it. Beware brother.
  11. Chill brother. I understand perfectly well what you are saying but it's still just one way to frame reality. It's not wrong, it's just arbitrary. I could convince you of literally anything if my will to do so was strong enough so don't be stupid.
  12. I feel that on some level too, and that's all cool but I'm also just genuinely into philosophy, psychology and spirituality and I strive to live in alignment with what I feel is meaningful and true so whatever I do, I will always be outside the norm and my ability to connect to other people will always be based on lowest common denominators. I enjoy going out with friends from time to time and I can certainly appreciate a beautiful girl but apart from that "normal person stuff" Is just not that appealing to me.
  13. However gratefully one may welcome the OBJECTIVE spirit--and who has not been sick to death of all subjectivity and its confounded IPSISIMOSITY!--in the end, however, one must learn caution even with regard to one's gratitude, and put a stop to the exaggeration with which the unselfing and depersonalizing of the spirit has recently been celebrated, as if it were the goal in itself, as if it were salvation and glorification--as is especially accustomed to happen in the pessimist school, which has also in its turn good reasons for paying the highest honours to "disinterested knowledge" The objective man, who no longer curses and scolds like the pessimist, the IDEAL man of learning in whom the scientific instinct blossoms forth fully after a thousand complete and partial failures, is assuredly one of the most costly instruments that exist, but his place is in the hand of one who is more powerful He is only an instrument, we may say, he is a MIRROR--he is no "purpose in himself" The objective man is in truth a mirror accustomed to prostration before everything that wants to be known, with such desires only as knowing or "reflecting" implies--he waits until something comes, and then expands himself sensitively, so that even the light footsteps and gliding-past of spiritual beings may not be lost on his surface and film Whatever "personality" he still possesses seems to him accidental, arbitrary, or still oftener, disturbing, so much has he come to regard himself as the passage and reflection of outside forms and events He calls up the recollection of "himself" with an effort, and not infrequently wrongly, he readily confounds himself with other persons, he makes mistakes with regard to his own needs, and here only is he unrefined and negligent Perhaps he is troubled about the health, or the pettiness and confined atmosphere of wife and friend, or the lack of companions and society--indeed, he sets himself to reflect on his suffering, but in vain! His thoughts already rove away to the MORE GENERAL case, and tomorrow he knows as little as he knew yesterday how to help himself He does not now take himself seriously and devote time to himself he is serene, NOT from lack of trouble, but from lack of capacity for grasping and dealing with HIS trouble The habitual complaisance with respect to all objects and experiences, the radiant and impartial hospitality with which he receives everything that comes his way, his habit of inconsiderate good-nature, of dangerous indifference as to Yea and Nay: alas! there are enough of cases in which he has to atone for these virtues of his!--and as man generally, he becomes far too easily the CAPUT MORTUUM of such virtues. Should one wish love or hatred from him--I mean love and hatred as God, woman, and animal understand them--he will do what he can, and furnish what he can. But one must not be surprised if it should not be much--if he should show himself just at this point to be false, fragile, questionable, and deteriorated. His love is constrained, his hatred is artificial, and rather UNN TOUR DE FORCE, a slight ostentation and exaggeration. He is only genuine so far as he can be objective; only in his serene totality is he still "nature" and "natural." His mirroring and eternally self-polishing soul no longer knows how to affirm, no longer how to deny; he does not command; neither does he destroy. "JE NE MEPRISE PRESQUE RIEN"-- he says, with Leibniz: let us not overlook nor undervalue the PRESQUE! Neither is he a model man; he does not go in advance of any one, nor after, either; he places himself generally too far off to have any reason for espousing the cause of either good or evil. If he has been so long confounded with the PHILOSOPHER, with the Caesarian trainer and dictator of civilization, he has had far too much honour, and what is more essential in him has been overlooked--he is an instrument, something of a slave, though certainly the sublimest sort of slave, but nothing in himself--PRESQUE RIEN! The objective man is an instrument, a costly, easily injured, easily tarnished measuring instrument and mirroring apparatus, which is to be taken care of and respected; but he is no goal, not outgoing nor upgoing, no complementary man in whom the REST of existence justifies itself, no termination-- and still less a commencement, an engendering, or primary cause, nothing hardy, powerful, self-centred, that wants to be master; but rather only a soft, inflated, delicate, movable potter's- form, that must wait for some kind of content and frame to "shape" itself thereto--for the most part a man without frame and content, a "selfless" man. Consequently, also, nothing for women, IN PARENTHESI. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This made me think. What's your take on this Leo? This seems to be a very deep existential trade off that Nietzsche is alluding to here and I'm not quite sure what to make of it or how to transcend it (which would again be more "selflessness"/"objectivity"). How do you reconcile awakening with being a philosopher is my question i guess. I'm not quite sure just being God satisfies this itch because I'm still planning on continuing in this dream so what the hell am I supposed to do here if I even transcend philosophy?
  14. I think you are right
  15. The way I see it is there is an axis of depth and of self-recognition to consciousness and when you crank that up, you approach complete indistinctness. At a certain point you should be able to sculpt yourself into a werewolf experiencing itself as enlightened (if that's what you wish to do lol). I guess my question is how can such unbiased, indistinct consciousness decide on what to become (I guess it becomes everything to avoid this)? So the only plausible reason I'm in this body right now is Love, no?
  16. I was just trying to have a genuine inquiry, which I think that should be rooted in direct experience and your multiple life's talk seemed kind of far fetched to me. But I get lost in my own bullshit as well so I'm not trying to put myself above you. I also notice that having a dialogue is kind of useless and can not really lead anywhere. I was just trying to share some Insights but I notice now that it's just projection (although it kind of helps to just spell these things out and get some feedback on it sometimes). It's actually just a power game. I could claim whatever and as long as I am charismatic and determined enough I could convince you to believe me. So we're back to Master- and Slave morality I guess.
  17. Actually you are right thanks for reminding me I actually have no idea what the fuck Im talking abot lol
  18. lol Im sorry if you feel that way, I thought I was quite genuine.
  19. Well that's the whole point. Your chakras are working just fine, it's just a matter of how aware you are of them. If you have some sexual frustration for example and you put your awareness on your 2nd chakra or whatever it is, you just open yourself to the possibility of finding out something about your sexuality that you had not been conscious of before or that had been repressed. That's really all there is to it, just being more aware of how your body feels and what it has to say.
  20. Just put your awareness on your root chakra and it will tell you all you need to know about it.
  21. It's just fucking radical and in a sense you kind of stop caring. All the meaning you have created gets dispelled. I guess it just takes time to adjust to. I don't want to complain or discourage anyone but just keep in mind that your ideas about awakening are part of what you call "dreaming."
  22. You're just making shit up at this point lol.
  23. Logic is a map that shows you how to get from point A to B. Intuition is getting from point A to point B by virtue of your expertise or experience. A heuristic is stumbling from A to B, sometimes ending up at C instead. But of course as we all know "the map is not the territory."
  24. I know my grandma has been sitting in front of her TV for the last 20 years. You are creating those experiences. I am too. Im not saying stop it. Im not saying I would even know how to stop it. I see it as the symptoms of an unstable mind and I share your experience so im not trying to talk down on you here. Its just your interpretation of reality. Life is not a trip. Life is just Life. Im not trying to split hair. You can make up whatever kind of meaning you want and then defend it like its true. Its what we all do.
  25. I don't think we disagree. I'm just not comfortable with statements like "life is like a trip." It's really a meaningless statement. I think it's just your Mind seeking out these fearful experiences. I know a lot of people whose lives have basically stayed the same for decades without any challenges or novelty whatsoever. It's just what happens when you're curious and open and ask too many serious questions.