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Everything posted by Nilsi

  1. This difference is the point at which you give up on trying to explain your experience. You can push it quite far though. So one persons mystical state might be another persons daydream or active imagination or whatever. I would not want to undermine anyones experience by telling them that they are deluded about what they experience, you would basically be telling the person that he/she is insane.
  2. The best way I know to get past this self-consciousness is just letting it groove itself out. Dont judge yourself for it. Everybody has some hangups sometimes. Try not to obsess about having said something weird or acted inappropriately or you will just create more anxiety that will create more awkward situations for you. It definitely helps to do some kind of embodiment work so that you always have your bodies wisdom to fall back on when your rationality fails you.
  3. I would say Daniel Schmachtenberger is a good example of a turquoise INTJ.
  4. Nice, this is good shit!
  5. With the emergence of new complex technologies like AI or CRISPR there is definitely an emergent need for people thinking about this stuff deeply, what it means for mankind, how it can be used responsibly how to organize society in the face of existential risk etc. A lot of these questions have to be answered at a philosophical, abstract level before anything practical can even begin to emerge, so that is definitely also an interesting and potentially meaningful path you could take.
  6. Climbing to the peak of the mountain and refusing to come back down again
  7. Trying to use enlightenment for your personal benefits gets you into the realm of occultism. I do not recommend you go there. Just live your life well and make that your source of confidence.
  8. Visualize the person you will be when you have actualized all this stuff. Do this every day in as much detail as possible. This will act as a strange attractor and automatically put you on the path that optimizes all those things simultaneously. In practice this will look messy and you will focus on some things more today and on others more tomorrow but as long as you have this unifying vision for yourself you are on the right path. Of course you will have to work your ass of so be prepared for that lol
  9. A more practical insight I just had in regards to food is that to the degree that you are conscious you want to live as autochthonous as possible and to the degree that your food, clothes, material are locally produced you close the feedback loop between you and the source of said resources, thus creating less unwanted externalities while creating local communities that are less fragile to chaos (e.g. food shortages caused by warfare). These local communities could then trade with other local communities to get more fancy stuff and so on in a fractally manner. In case of a crisis these fractal communities would still be able to decouple from the other ones and survive off their own shit. And in times of peace we could all scale up again. Be the change you want to see.
  10. Because by definition the ego is something less than God. If the ego and God would be working together they would be completely congruent and in that case there would be no ego. What ego means is really just a finite self-image and the finite can not possibly have the same intention as the infinite. Its not absurd, nor dumb nor random. Dont demonize the ego, that will only create pathology and lead to escapism. Realise what you are and then you will stop seing the ego as being stuck in prison. You are God engineering your ego, thats why it fits you so perfectly.
  11. Classic gross reductionism. Of course there are changes in breathing and brain chemistry that correlate with a psychedelic trip but to reduce that whole experience down to some physiological changes is just ignorant. It's the classic "we will be able to explain the whole universe once we zoom a bit deeper into atoms" scientific blindness.
  12. Because you can not run away forever. These emotions will always find a way to bubble up again. The only solution is facing and accepting them as part of yourself. This will make you much stronger and will make the emotions much more bearable as well. Most of the misery comes from the anticipation and fear of your emotions not from the emotions themselves. Get clear about which emotions you are afraid of and then make a plan on how to actively confront them. This will put you back into control.
  13. Instead of being resentful why don't you just rise to the occasion and become a leader. Do your thing and encourage your friends to work on their life's as well. If you were walking you walk they wouldn't piss you off, they would look up to you and respect you. So stop whining and make it happen.
  14. Yes, that's right. Don't underestimate the power of some deep mindful stretches and movements. This shit alone can change your life if you're committed enough.
  15. Check out the book "Kundalini exposed" by SantataGamana. It explains the practice of Kundalini yoga step by step in a practical, no-bullshit way.
  16. If you are confident and assertive and make shit happen, life should go pretty well for you. If it stops working just go back to the drawing board and readjust the things that are not working. What is the alternative? Being weak and impotent? That certainly won't make you happy. You have to live and breath this shit to make it real and for it to be authentic and stable. To the degree that you're just putting on a front or not believing in it yourself, things will become shaky. It's literally "Will to power" that you have to cultivate.
  17. Just some basic yoga done regularly and with dedication will loosen you up tremendously. You could literally go to a local yoga class and just do what your teachers tells you to. With sufficient mindfulness and dedication you will feel a lot better soon and you will probably very quickly "outperform" all the people in your class
  18. Love has so many facettes. Being a caring, compassionate being like Ram Dass is just one such facette. I think you would have to look at who is the most integrated, least partial teacher and that would probably lead you more in the direction of Ken Wilber.
  19. I think the theorem is best explained with an example. Say I want to know how confident I should be that I am enlightened if i have had a mind-blowing psychedelic trip (P A/B). I now take the probability of being enlightened (P A) times the probability of having a mind-blowing psychedelic trip given that I am enlightened (P B/A) divided by the probability of having a mind-blowing psychedelic trip. This puts things into perspective since being enlightened is probably much less probable than having a mind-blowing psychedelic trip. The evidence of having had a mind-blowing psychedelic trip is now put into context of the probability of being enlightened thus weakening it considerably. This also answers why bayesian reason is not the appropriate tool for spiritual work as logically you would always have to doubt yourself and talk yourself out of actually realizing the Absolute.
  20. So the next night you go out approaching girls and don't take one home with you, you are going to tell yourself that you are incapable of picking up girls? Point is, you are using bayesian logic intuitively anyways. The average person would greatly benefit from understanding bayesian logic and making it more conscious. It would prevent a lot of foolishness.
  21. How so? There is only one dream of course, the second paragraph is meant more figuratively and not literally.
  22. It just means that when you gather new evidence you still take all the previous evidence (= Base-Rate) into consideration. The common human bias is neglecting the Base-Rate and just taking everything we hear and see as being absolute evidence. Bayesian reasoning is basically completely antagonistic to mysticism but it's definitely useful to not make foolish decisions in the world. The point is not that it is right or wrong. It's useful for approximating the confidence you should have in certain events being true/happening versus not.
  23. His lectures on personality psychology are excellent. There is a playlist with them on his YouTube channel.