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Everything posted by SeaMonster

  1. Yeah, not really. We're at peak chaos right about now. There's going to be a snapback to greater order.
  2. There is a difference between derealization/depersonalization and psychosis. Derealization is a severe neurosis not psychosis. No, you're not going to go psychotic from meditation. There is normal reality processing with severe neurosis.
  3. If you could just understand that Leo is a sadist who wants to mentally destroy you, it would all make a lot more sense and you could reject the stupidity. If you think he is just affecting you negatively by accident, you're wrong. No-one can be that effective at negatively affecting people by accident.
  4. When you come to a thread and Razard is the voice of reason...
  5. It's not desire per se. It's desire combined with low self-esteem adding upto desperation. Desire is fine. Desperation is different. A person who feels he has options can desire but not be driven by it or helpless in the face of it.
  6. I wish it were that simple, but it isn't. Sure, you can point to any particular individual purveyor of an approach as a scammer, but the ideas themselves are popular for a reason. And that reason is BLUE-PILL culture (i.e. normie mainstream culture) which is at least as much of a scam (and really, probably even more.) So we can't in isolation just declare that those guys are scammers without addressing the scam inherent in blue-pill culture. Because JUST BE YOURSELF doesn't really work if you have no skills, no self-worth, and no understanding of the realities of intersexual dynamics either. The problem isn't that redpill is completely without basis per se; it's that it takes an imbalanced approach, neglecting important facets of game, life, etc.
  7. The problem with solipsism is that when stuff happens, like, why is your mind making all these things happen? It's on you to explain it. So I reject solipsism. Of course what's happening in Gaza is happening. No sane government in the world would allow a terrorist group to massacre, rape and kidnap civilians (including babies) and then be all're good. Since you're hiding behind civilians - Peace! Every Western government knows what kind of insane precedent that would set. It's practically inviting a repeat of this tactic all over the place. So as much as you hate the footage, understand the why -- try not to be children (or emotional like pregnant women.)
  8. You have a good point, so you should at least congratulate yourself for discovering the basic flaw in some of the more lopsided models of intersexual dynamics. The problem with the Andrew Tate/Fresh and Fit kind of model is that it relies disproportionately (if not entirely) on OBJECTIVE/external value. If you're over 6 feet: check If you make over $100k/yr.: check If you have huge muscles: check In other words, these are externally measureable things that SUPPOSEDLY ensure your success with women. To tie this in with your post on self-worth, the problem with that type of approach is that it doesn't address SUBJECTIVE value. In other words, you can check all these boxes...and still feel like a piece of shit. Because you're not addressing something more fundamental -- what are my subjective values and how am I living upto them? Am I treating myself as someone who is worthy? And what does that mean as far as specifics of my life? What some people seem not to understand is that the Andrew Tate approach is TRY-HARD game. It is trying to fill a bucket with a hole in the bottom. That hole is SUBJECTIVE (internal) value.
  9. You have to act/behave like a person who has worth, and I don't necessarily mean "fake it till you make it" in social interactions. What I mean is, this feeling of lacking self-worth isn't just some standalone phenomenon -- it is accompanied by a set of behaviors and habits that are, in essence, self-neglect or self-abuse. So you have to figure out and make a list of these negative behaviors or absence of positive behaviors, and then begin remedying that. This is pretty much what Ayuhuasca or a therapist would tell you anyway. This isn't a mystery. The unconscious mind (which generates your feelings) reacts differently when you act differently.
  10. A particular realization (which is stable/permanent.)
  11. There are plenty of college professors of eastern religion/philosophy who tend to be practicing meditators/spiritual seekers.
  12. Pretty much. I would say "not doing what you want to AND COULD BE doing" (in other words nothing is stopping you but you.)
  13. It depends. Some guys will sperg out, or talk about things that aren't going to move it forward. You should generally stick to "chick crack" topics imo.
  14. Oh yes she would. This seems to be a critical flaw in your understanding of women, which once remedied may really improve your efficiency. Talking to a hot woman for 2 hrs. is nothing. If she craves attention and/or entertainment she will hang out with you. This DOES NOT mean investment, desire, etc. That's why I stress checking investment. Is she an attention vampire or is she really desirous of you? Those are two different states. Young guys can be super-impressed that a hot woman is talking to them. No. After you gain some experience you know that's not really impressive. Hot women will talk to you if you're amusing to them.
  15. I think a lot of people don't really understand the subtleties of game, and so "it's a numbers game, bro!" attitudes are prevalent. Well, the problem with that is that most guys will get really discouraged and disgusted batting 10%. What I call "blind/autistic cold approach" is just not a particularly efficient way to game. The girl's upfront interest matters a lot. Investment matters a lot, and how you and I interpret investment may be quite different in this context. Like I said, you can't be a fucking dumbass and not have some level of being able to read where the girl is at at any given point. I know this is hard for many guys but it is truly the key to unlocking game. Even the best bulldozers run out of fuel eventually. If guys invested a fraction of time and energy in learning how to read a girl's body language, vibe, facial expressions, etc. that they do in your typical cold approach techniques, they would benefit greatly. The point is, wasting 2 hours trying to #-close or pull a girl that is clearly not interested is not good pickup -- it's stupid pickup. You should be ejecting within 10 minutes if it's clear she's not investing.
  16. If you're out there even talking to women and getting numbers, you're way ahead of where many if not most guys are. So appreciate that and build on it. Game has layers. There is nothing to feel bad about. Just add more layers.
  17. My advice would be to...get her to invest. I encourage you to get her to invest. (If you need specific examples, ask away. E.g. if you get quiet for a bit, does she restart the conversation? If you ask an open-ended question, does she give you a long answer?) If not, she's just being entertained.
  18. Blackpill is just stupid. I'm like a 6.8/10 on a good day and I get hot women showing me interest. Many guys are just retarded/autistic with no game, poor body language and a porn addict vibe. Why blackpill is stupid: they're autistic and/or ridiculously inexperienced (no offense to anyone here.) Why Tate/FnF grindset game is stupid: they undervalue game and overvalue money and muscles. Game is the most important thing (including Inner Game.)
  19. I would bet dollars to donuts you didn't get them to invest. If you don't get them to invest, you're just doing clown game (in other words, you're just her entertainment or narcissistic supply for the hour/evening.) If she's not investing, the number doesn't mean shit.
  20. I think it's fundamentally a trick question. You shouldn't be having any thoughts. You should be centered with your attention/senses outward so you can read the body language of the women in the club. If any women are giving you any "interested" nonverbal signals, immediately go up and say "hi." You can improvise from there based on what she gives you. Even if you're not physically attracted to her, you can at least "warm up" by chatting with here (and maybe she has a friend you are attracted to.) Blind Cold Approach is relatively low-percentage game. You have to have some kind of mastery of women's interest signals to bat higher.
  21. This situation sounds like "I can't introduce you to my family if you're not Muslim." I assume "serious bf" = "introduce to family." Depending on how devout/serious they are, they may be expecting marriage if he's introduced. So he can be as "sick" as is humanly possible, and it still wouldn't change the fundamental situation.
  22. Oh, just remembered. "You are living in a dream" "You are imagining yourself" These are all NLP trance phrases that Leo uses. This is to dissociate the poor schmuck on the receiving end. I just realized how much of Leo "philosophy" is just NLP trance phrases. This is like arch-villain kind of shit; I'm very impressed.
  23. There is no "could" here; it's a "has" and "will." If you haven't studied NLP (Leo has) you may not understand what is going on, but he is using NLP to mindfuck vulnerable people with the kind of words he chooses, these contextually floaty, vague, imprecise words like "real" and "illusion", allowing the vulnerable person to select the most negative interpretation to make sense of what he is saying. This is kinda like hypnosis, but you can do hypnosis negatively or positively. There is no door open for zen devilry -- IT IS Zen Devilry. Read a book on NLP if you don't believe me (most of you lazy fuckers won't bother of course.) This is Evil NLP shit.
  24. This is what is known as mind-body dualism, an ancient philosophical belief with no basis in reality. Secondly, discomfort isn't something you can control or necessarily even be aware of at the conscious level. You're not thinking "boy, am I suffering!" No, you just experience negative emotions. Show me one of your gurus who hasn't demonstrated negative emotions. Please. They all did constantly.
  25. Any number of things can cause compulsive thinking, even in an enlightened state. You could be tired or hungry or there could be some other bodily discomfort. Meditation isn't a panacea when other deficits or excesses are in play. Here are some tips: 1) Get a good night's sleep 2) Less screen time 3) More physical exercise 4) Healthy diet 5) Hydrate 6) Quit porn (and cut down on masturbation.)