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Everything posted by mojsterr

  1. I made a mix some years ago that is a tribute to Mark Farina's Mushroom Jazz series, you two might like it while on the couch
  2. “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” Nikola Tesla I have no idea what this is about. So I'm waiting to reincarnate as him.
  3. Only you exist in the whole wide Universe. All people is just you, talking to yourself.
  4. .
  5. Instead of saying "I'm dumb" rather say "I'm not smart enough YET". Try to spin it around. That way you subconsciously push your self forward, to expand, instead of putting yourself down. Edit: I try not to put my attention to the negatives. I feel the same as you about myself, but I said I won't put up with this shit anymore, so I'm changing it around. It's a long process, but I'm getting there. Suddenly situations come when I come out as smart, and I feel good about myself. Or because of my positive actions I actually learn something that is needed of me, rather than passing the opportunity with saying "Oh I'm just dumb".
  6. Since I have similar issues as you, it pains me to listen how you talk. I know you say it's just you self assesing yourself, but your words have tremendous power still. I would say start working on this and the world around you (and also you) will change. This is my whole life mission now. Perhaps it might not be the kind of answer you wanted to hear, but this is what I truly believe. Wayne Dyer says it way better than me:
  7. I didn't read the whole topic yet, but do you also have low self-esteem? I have similar thougths about myself and it hurt my self-esteem very much. So I decided to work on that, rather than trying to be smarter. Also, what you think about, you attract. If you constantly feel you're slow/you will get taken advantage of/etc... Then those things will constantly be happening to you. You have to change you thought patterns. Relearn how you see yourself and always imagine how everyone sees you as strong, charismatic, unshakable... Really visualize it in your head until it becomes a part of you. This is what I am working now in my life. I found Neville Goddard and I try to apply the things I wish for through his teachings, for example.
  8. I already meditate 1 hour a day. But this is the second time today I see you mentioning this yoga. I'd like to give it a go. Do I lose anything if I substitute my meditation practise with this yoga, or should just add this on top of the meditation?
  9. I think you already know the answer. I would say "Quit", because otherwise you're just torturing yourself and throwing your life away for something you don't love.
  10. Ask also on reddit in Or check around, people have asked this before. Much luck!
  11. If your blog ever takes off (I hope it does), you can also make a transition to youtube by other people sketching together videos of what you wrote in text and share it like that. That way you won't have to be on camera and perhaps get money from views there, too. But I don't know how much they charge for this. Just a random thought.
  12. A friend of mine has been saying everything is going towards a digital currency. He mentioned the Great Reset and the Covid passports are precursors for that. They will make up an excuse that Covid is guilty for the inflation (or something like this) and that a new system is needed. He does not like the idea of a digital currency because that means we're closer and closer to a social credit score system.
  13. I haven't watched the video, but have you seen Kenneth Copeland? Tell me that's not the face of a devil. You can't get more devilish than that. And people still don't see it. Yep, society is fucked.
  14. I wanted to address this but I forgot. I think he is, too. There is something in the way he gives an answer every time that doesn't sit well with me. It's just my intuition, but everything comes out as "thought out" or should I say calculated, instead of just coming from some deeper insight. The way he pauses for a slight moment before giving some answer when he is given a question looks like he wants to come of as knowledgable because that is the role that is expected from him. He doesn't seem genuine to me because of it. Sure he knows a lot of stuff, but to me that is just a philosopher, not a wise man, or someone close to some enlightenment or whatever. Edit: Also, he never says he doesn't know something. Every question he gets, whatever the topic, he will have some answer. To me he's forcing it just because of maintaining the reputation.
  15. But I would like to become awakened in my own time, not being forced into it, I don't believe that works. I don't really see anything good in this whole Great Reset agenda.
  16. Ok the only thing I know from her teachings was that you have to vibrationally match with the desired outcome to get it. I believe this to be true. I'm not aware of anything else that she taught. I never read the books but have listened to a lot of her on Youtube. I can't say anything about the channeling thing. I can't know for sure, I can only have my assumptions. But I still think the basis of what she wants to give to the world holds true. Where can I see this advice? Edit: Found it
  17. Why do you think that? I know for example that Wayne Dyer held high regards of her and I would think one could trust his judgment. Especially because he knew her personally.
  18. Good one. I like it.
  19. Waiting for my masturbation to become a nightmare. Any time now.