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Everything posted by mojsterr

  1. If you want to achieve endless orgasms one after another for hours, without ejaculating, try massaging your prostate. But it's a very hard thing to achieve. Although, you might be one of the guys that gets it quick. Look up Super-O. This is the Holy Grail of men's orgasms. I've read stories of guys having enlightenment experiences from these types of orgasms. Like having DMT-like experiences, or witnessing white light or eternal bliss, amazing stuff like that. It really sounds surreal. I've been trying for 5 years now and can only get an ejaculatory orgasm (still very very great, compared to a regular orgasm). But it's a mind reprogramming thing, which I haven't figured it out yet. Wonder if I ever will. There's a subreddit named ProstatePlay, you can check it out. Edit: Just read again the thing about your addiction to fapping. Yeah, I've read stories where guys would become addicted to this too. Why go out if you can have orgasms for 4 hours straight, one after another, each one building on top of the previous one. Fuck. I still want to do it though.
  2. Isn't not masturbating actually bad for your health?
  3. 1. Was all of this information you alredy knew before (ie. "I am the only thing in the whole existence, I'm just interacting with myself..."), just spun in a different way this time, a way that made it click? Or was this something completely new and just the sheer shock of new information made it for you? 2. Could you still get angry at a person bashing you, berating you with words or is that now impossible?
  4. How is your everyday life now going to change? How will you spend your time? What about jobs? What about women and sex? What about socializing with other people? Can you even socialize with anyone now?
  5. Anthony William talks about curing SIBO. This is the only thing I have on this topic. Hope it helps in some way.
  6. I think you can get cancer if you don't masturbate
  7. Do you still have fear for everyday situations or are you now fearless?
  8. I went for a walk and was contemplating what you said. I will need practice.
  9. What I've learned from Neville Goddard is you have to think "I have this house." and truly believe this. You attract what you give out. The world is only a mirror. So ,the word "want" just resonates with more wanting - not having. Wanting is always just a little bit out of your reach and having is, well, having it. The universe doesn't give you more of what you want, it gives you more of what you are. Also, Neville teaches the best way to manifest something is doing it as you fall asleep (Or I guess if you do it while in that special state in meditation). Listen to Elmer explain how Neville has taught him to manifest. In this exercise he explains the Ladder experiment. But just search for Neville Goddard on Youtube. There's a lot of lectures from him. Or you could check the channel Nevillution, which has a lot of stories from people manifesting, using this technique, to give you a moral boost. Joe Dispenza also teaches manifesting from the alpha state. He has a guided meditation from the book Breaking the habit of being youself. And right now you are trying to work on this from the ego state. Try the ladder experiment. And always, always, ALWAYS! - be careful how you work on this. You already have to have it in your mind and NOT want it - this is the major major key to manifesting. You get more of who you already are. You only get more of what you vibrate out.
  10. I see myself as being in somekind of a sitcom. Of course people around me aren't laughing, but some higher 3rd observer would find my stumbling through life hillarious I mean, I still judge myself too much, but there's also this other part of me that just sees everything as a big joke.
  11. I hope one day to reach the Super-O
  12. Yeah. Perhaps not to the tip of the breaking point, where you might go overboard, but just somewhere in that general area. And I usually do it 1x a week so those sessions are 10x better than if I did it regularly.
  13. edging Edit: Also, masturbating only 1x/week AND THEN edging
  14. Funny thing is that this what I wanted to do for myself. I put so much effort in spirituality and also I always played the nice guy in life, that I came to a halt and wanted to take back everything that I've missed in my younger years. I wanted to say fuck to spirituality and start being more dumb, selfish, and a jackass to people. Just to live through it. To open some hidden parts of me that I had been supressing. Well it's not easy. I don't really know if I want to be a jackass on purpose, but I do want to be a simple man who makes mistakes. Basically I just need to start always saying what I feel. But it's a long journey if you were always a people pleaser.
  15. Downloading
  16. If I made a playlist, it would be something like this:
  17. The highest one that you are able to grasp at that certain time, is your current one.
  18. Everyone's been mentioning this video. Tell me how to find it:)
  19. I watched Leos videos for years now, but only checked the forum about 2 months ago. Should have done it earlier. People here are on a different level than the people around me. I know a lot of stuff, spiritually wise, from my own contemplation of life, but it's still awesome hearing perspectives from people here. And there's still a lot of stuff I don't know. Also, people here are more mature in communicating with one another. There's been a few times now where I've seen someone apologizing for something he was wrong about. Usually on online forums you just see people doubling down to infinity and there never comes to a conclusion on any topic whatsoever. And from people I thought were intelligent. I needed a change.
  20. All my life I have been trying to become God. I have done psychedelics and pondered about enlightenment and just trying to get there. But I felt I missed out a lot on being human. I came to this world to be just that. To have human experience. So now I don't know anymore. I still meditate, but I'm not sure about wanting enlightenment anymore. I'd like to live a human life. There's a lot of materialistic things I'd like and materialistic experiences to have. I want to have fun while I'm here. And through this also get to know my self. I am God when I am 100% human. This is harder to achieve, since I have some issues about being open. But I want to achieve this, rather than some enlightenment. I really feel I wasted a big portion of my life seeking these things religiously. It just had some big appeal. But recently I came to believe I was making a mistake. Leo also says this in one of his videos - that you shouldn't pursue spirituality in the first part of life. Also Carl Jung said something similar. But on the other hand I know I couldn't have done it any other way. This was what was pulling me forward. I wanted to know what life is, why am I here. But now I got my answers. And I'm afraid I might be too late for a lot of things that I didn't experience like regular people did. And I have to learn how to be social again if I want some of the fun. And it's just overwhelming.
  21. To me reincarnation is the only logical thing that CAN be. Our whole existence, the Universe... is energy flowing in and out of itself for all eternity. Energy can't be destroyed, it always IS. So how could it be that I exist only once in the whole of eternity and never again? It's not logical. I must have been "here" a trillion times before, in whatever shape and form, and by that logic, I will be "here" a trillion times more. It's a ride that never ends. It cannot stop existing. So it must go on forever.
  22. "Are you a pony, because hey" OR Either you get a slap on the face immediately, or she starts laughing.