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Hojo replied to Jowblob's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@gambler In life as a human, God is giving us a time to relax the mind so we are not scared of a Polar Bear randomly spawning and eating us and we transcend reptile brain. If it happens, that is God, is im not doing anything, nothing is happening ,its the same thing. To live life anticipating a polar bear in the next room is the ideal. All dreams are are made up problems of the subconcious mind. Animal life is real problems. Human life is subconcious metaphysical problems and God is no problems. They were all just limitations on what you previously thought were the breaking point. Look how far you have broken through! -
@Someone here We must be honest with God and let our closeted disgust with God flow through us all the time. Everytime you feel hatred let it flow, dont react realize God. Give it to God the screen of life, THAT IS YOU and its creating everything you are disgusted with and you are hating it! Sometime your arms blows off, sometimes it dosent. We cant know if you are in heaven or hell so act like its heaven and even its not then you know you can treat hell like its heaven and its gg. You have no movement you have no emotion you are the moment deal with it. The moment is all you ever had. Do life for the matter not the mind. The life not the God. Masterbate for God (the light) not you the dark(thought dirty thoughts). Love God ( the pillow you are fucking). Watch the disgusting videos not the disgusting thoughts. Thoughts will get us in trouble we are our own object and we only need God. God is the most beautiful thing to think about, desire is lesser. Cause we love God cause its always there for us. It NEVER goes away and never hates us, we can only hate it. It is the observer of 'us'.
Gods intelligence is so high that it is like taking advanced university calculus as a baby. The baby would have to sit there staring and listening, trying to absorb as much information from it as possible to even begin to have an understanding of the language its constructing its complex mathematics from. The second the baby tried to think about what is happening it would collapse the entire world view. It has to be in a special state of trust with God, one of complete honesty. You/I as the baby can never reach the intelligence of God. When in the witness of the void You/I are the baby to the infinite teacher and must become braindead and surrender ourself to its infinite intelligence. Imagine the most intelligent intimidating teacher staring directly at you and you saying no cause its scary, only to realize that this thing is being so intimidating so that you would trust it and surrender so it can love you. Life as we know it as humans is a disobedience to God. This comes from trauma (ie. Non acceptance of truth/lack of love) when this happens we spiral off into the dark world (our seperate contemplating mind). Our goal is to completely annihilate the dark world by merging our thoughts with reality and stopping the fight between mind and reality. To let imagination mind and body flow as one movement and to 'dream' life without interacting with it. When this happens 'you' as the 'no to life' dissapear and play (GOD) happens. To do this you must stop directed imagination and stop directed thought. Our minds have automatic processes and automatic body functions that we subconsciously program by directing thought and imagination toward objects that we desire (something thats not in our current frame of existence). When we shop on our phones we sit there and think (dark world, something thats not in the current frame of existence) about what we want (woman, love, sex, connection)we search and search but dont find what we want because we are not paying attention to the light (God, whats on the screen of existence). This stops infinite imagination from giving you what you need not want. To not think about the world is when God can come and save you. You must create a very safe space inside yourself, this is done by contemplation about God. God always love you God always save you from everything, its just teaching you to trust it. Contemplation of God will bring you closer to it and contemplation about God will destroy God and you and God will become 1 dream and you will wake up. The reason God is the only thing that can do it is cause its always there. You cant desire it unless you love it. You love God by paying attention to it and accepting it (via not thinking and paying attention close attention to the light and being honest with the light). This includes everything you dont like about yourself and being honest in every interaction. You are not interacting God is. Once you open up to light (IE. 0 secrets to life ) You have the good life. This is why you have to turn off your thoughts, thoughts are fed by you interacting with them. When you masterbate dont use your mind, look at the pictures and focus on body. Push thought and imagination into the ball of light you see and dont touch them from your side in hell, the fallen angel of eden. Jump into God from mind while everything gets bad. You love and trust God, never give up love for God by distrusting it (thinking about it, Satan) God loves you and needs you more than you need it so let yourself trust the dream. It created the entire universe for you specifically the individual life needing love. The love comes when you embrace God (the light) and stop dark (directed thought, imagination).
@Someone here The world is a reflection of something deeper you will find when you see God. You see the world is a reflection of yourself and the fear you have of everything is a deep rooted fear of God (the only reason you are talking about ;the worlds problems, Ukraine,conflict it is because your logic tricked you into thinking about something you desire (Death/ unknown/God/change)). Its a first person dream nothing exists outside what I show in my avatar. We stray away from that because of trauma, we focus on other because we couldnt handle 'now'. This is our dream bubble from when we said we couldnt deal with something God showed us. The more you become God the more you become immune to not having to become God. 'You' have intelligence based on fear, God is all accepting and has seen that being nice is the best way to be. The only way to be nice is to un demonize yourself by doing things you have stopped yourself from doing in your own imagination. You stop yourself from using your imagination all the time. Stop, give your imagination to God and let him use it. This involves killing and murder and hatred towards gay people and brown and white people and nazi and rape and incest and death and rotting flesh and pussy. Disgusting smells must eminate your being, this is God and you desire this thats why its happening. Society says no and you run into the dark world. You exist because you are in Gods disgust, enjoy it. Blow yourself up, rape yourself, kill yourself, with your mind feel the fear witness the fear in imagination. You will point to yourself what you need to work on. The only thing you can do to disgrace God is not believe in it. Not believing in God leads to knowing it. There should be 0 problems if you believe in God, if there are problems there isnt a God. Survival is fear. You are scared because of the dark world (Thought). You are not thought you are God (nothing/light). God put us together to talk to get to where we want to go.(the screen of reality, a symbol of existence)
@Thought Art Yes, it is survival. The brain automatically is programming itself based on symbols. These people are running on default mode. Thats the people Leo wants to open but the spiral stops it. Leos videos are supposed to scare them into thinking meta level. Cant do that if you have a 'swastika' for a logo. The mind is looking for excuses.
@Thought Art What if someone sent you a video and was like this video will open your mind and then you opened it and a MAGA logo appeared on the screen. You instantly react. I am saying its a blunder, like a oopsie I am not saying its real, I am saying what I am seeing from reactions.
@Thought Art You cant stop the people from reacting to it. Thats a blunder unless he is married to the idea of the spiral. Yes there are people that get reality wrong based on sybomls. Christians do especially. They see the symbols and run. This stops them from seeing the knowledge. They hit a barrier of opening their mind before even beggining the video on how to open your mind.
@Thought Art I know this but the argument for the swastika works if leo made his logo a swastika now, not the nazis ruining it. Its not super known and I would never have known unless someone pointed it out to me and even then not effect me I am just saying it gets pointed out alot so people. This is the mind of God witnessing it and pointing it out that makes leos image point to that in the mind of God, like when people thought Jesus was fucking children was it real no but it fked up the credibility in the mind of God. Leo didnt need to make it a spiral like that and probably wasnt even thinking about it, who knows.
@Thought ArtImo esoteric cult and paedophilia and weird stuff goes together for people foreign to it and also people that know it. It looking like a pedophile logo only strengthens that argument and people believe that stuff and rightly so. That and 666 logo while unintentional paint a picture. People will look at see these things and instantly turn off. He wants people to be open to it the logo was a blunder or an unconcious act of God.
It would be like gun control if when you didn't take care of your gun it would go and shoot a child. They probably see pitbulls as gods animal and if a pitbull is happy the chances of it attacking are super low like any other happy animal. Alot of people think pit bulls are savages and bred for dog fighting so their are genetically more aggressive than other breeds. Pitbulls are more aggressive cause they are treated the worst.
Hojo replied to PolyPeter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Dealing with people is hard especially the same thing over and over eventually you snap. You can see if you watch destiny every other day hes like im too lenient to im too harsh. The fine line is becoming AI -
Hojo replied to Davino's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When I was like 7 I got scarlet fever. It was like 106 i was severely overheating i was naked on the couch losing conciousness and my mother wipe me down with a wet cloth. I was so hot I left my body and I was staring at my mom washing me from on the stairs. The second I realize what was happening i heard a voice say now and it looked like my pov ran down the stairs and jumped back into my body. Suddenly I was looking at my mom from behind the couch and sneaking up behind her and I jumped in my body again and screamed really loud and scared her so much she took me to the hospital immediately. They gave me a Tylenol and it went away. I would also wake up in the middle of the night and I would feel like my hands are really big my tongue was really big and head was really big but every other part of my body was tiny. I would also wake up many different times and hear voices in my head one was screaming and one was whispering at the same time but I couldn't understand them. I would go to the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror till it stopped. It feel like something was cursing me. Without understanding conciousness these experiences are very scary. -
@Aaron p True.
The logo was leos biggest blunder. He will forever be haunted by it.
Hojo replied to blackberry7000's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Im gunna say you are trying to be something you arent or dont want to be. Enjoy the time off of self development and indulge. You program your body your body has memory of being something. You suddenly want to change, the body dosent change so fast. You demonize the previous you thats still there in your body and the body is responding I think anyway. So try to go back to what you were doing before self improvement and see if something changes. Self improvement is very tricky. You are essentially trying to change what you are without demonizing what you are. Its hard to do this because to change you kind of have to admit that something is not right or bad and you dont like it. If you demonize yourself literally a metaphysical entity gets hurt feelings and will haunt you. You have to love yourself and change that means dont self improve, improve your opinions and thoughts about yourself, then self improve. You might have to go back and do your old stuff and be okay with it then kindly say I dont need to do this right now. All your thoughts as metaphysical beings exist in Gods imagination and they do act as if they have sentience. Your brain can program seperate personalities that exist as much as your personality does if you suddenly change that programmed being is still there and if you are constantly unconsciously or consciously attacking it it will react as you programmed it and as if God itself is attacking it. -
Hojo replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don't even understand how you can very solipsism it dosent make sense you need 2 or 3 to verify anything. -
Hojo replied to Tristan12's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Same thing happen to me if you can somehow manage to surrender its like your aura dissapears and the universes aura comes in and touches you. -
Hojo replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
People don't normally feel good when they are taking offense so I said negative. You can say its good cause it shows you where you are egoic. -
Hojo replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm going to say sudden 'negative' shift in your worldview directed by you to yourself. The offense is the ego lashing out against it. -
Hojo replied to Wilhelm44's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@thedoorsareopen part of the spiritual path is living without a place to call home. When you do that you realize you have nothing but somehow survive. Then you come out and have no worries cause you see when you need something the universe gives it to humans. -
Hojo replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Santiago Ram Yes I know. Even your uncles voice and smell is inside you. I am just saying if you have a mental illness the person does not go away when they leave as a joke. -
Hojo replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Unless you are schizophrenic then they stay there and argue with you. -
@LastThursday If growth is exponential it will take over all coding in 4 years imo.
I remeber your story about you kicking a dog and I remeber 80 percent of the people questioning wether it was real and calling you stupid if it wasn't. Most questioned it.
lies: an intentionally false statement. There are too many additions to this statement to make it work you can add infinite other things to it like he is mistaken or say something after to completely change the thought experiment but for this one you need to be completely bare minimum with what is happening and take all other words out pinnochio knows that if he makes a false statement his nose will grow he makes the statement my nose is about to grow he dosent know that makes it an intentionally false statement a lie his nose grows Since it grows we can say he wasnt lying But he was lying cause the first statement was not true he didnt know. If I stand by a street and say a red car is about to turn without knowing and one turns that was a lie that no one can know but me. Trying to predict reality is a lie imo if you dont know. A non lie would be pinnochio saying I don't know if my nose is going to grow unless it is.