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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. @Vibes a soul can't figure itself out by itself it needs information fed into it so God created bodies for the soul to go into. The bodies aren't real but they feel real because you morph your soul into pretending it's in the body. When you are just your soul its like a lightshow with no senses. People skip steps and go to the very end and they think be rahman mashi or w/e his name his. Finding out you are nothing isn't the final step you need to figure out what kind of nothing you are. You live your life thinking you are nothing you don't do what you are here for. That is to discover who am I. I am nothing but nothing is something. What is it.
  2. Im Pretty sure you are right you are supposed to enjoy the movie with no attachments people are so obsessed with sitting there and realizing that nothing is happening and that there is nothing. You gotta raise your vibration higher and higher to get the fuck off earth. Why is getting mad your default to getting cheated on? Why can't you find it funny that someone cheated on you that should be your default. If your gf come home with someone semen in her vagina you should laugh at the absurdity that your penis is shaped the way it is to scoop that shit out and put yours in. Life tries to fuck you be happy and laugh at it it can't bring you down. Thinking you found the ending at you not existing is a trap imo as clearly we are all here doing something.
  3. I already know this im just expanding on it. You are saying there is nothing and I am saying nothing is happening for a reason its not random. You say im god and god is nothing everyone here knows that. You say when I am looking at something I am not myself looking at something I am the entire thing including trees and people and all of them are imaginary I know that. When you die there is nothing but you, but just cause your machine is broken . And you sit there in a void of nothing which is where your theory stops. I think you sit there in your broken machine until you detach from your machine and then there is more.
  4. @Vibes Its because your soul is doing it I think. Your left brain is where your identity and logic is and your right brain is attach to your soul and you can get information out of it but it uses no logic it uses understanding and picture to communicate. I dont think REM sleep is coming from the brain its the soul downloading information to your brain and you are in an insane trance. When we wake up we can make up some meaning of the dream with our left brain. The right brain is connected to pure consciousness your higher self I remember dreams more than memories I had as kid. I remember I had a dream of tiny people on the moon playing baseball. Because I had no identity I thought I was the moon and people were tiny on it but the dream was downloading into my brain to tell me that I wasn't the moon anymore and the moon was far away from me. The people werent tiny they were just far way. This was a nightmare to me as it was changing the way I was viewing myself. my mother was bi polar and I had a reoccurring dream where we would be playing with toys with nursery music playing and everything would be perfect then she would leave the room for one second. Then I hear something smashing and she comes back into my room as a demon screaming at me and hitting me. My soul was trying to tell me she was bipolar before I knew what it even was.
  5. @Galyna I'm saying you are essentially looking from one dimension into another dimension. You aren't your body you are on an entirely other dimension looking into the 3rd dimension but you don't actually do anything in this physical dimension. You are just reacting to it. you are looking through a window pretending to be in the physical dimension. You exist just not in 3d. When we are awake we receive information from 3d to our soul and when we sleep we upload information from our soul into 3d. And when we die we can actually visit eachother in 6d as seperate entities our infinite souls we already know eachother there. Universe is the biggest mmo created by God. And everyone is your best friend in 6d. We come to 3d to sin against eachother
  6. @Galyna a better word would be attached to a body. Not inside but I'm not free roaming but my metaphysical window seems to be moving around with it whatever it is I'm dreaming. I never suddenly turn around and see my face or what or who I am in the dream and I don't pay attention to it and just stay in the current moment.
  7. @Galyna i exist in a body in my dreams. I am always something but never question what I am. I don't think I have been multiple objects at once in my dream. But I have been multiple places at once when I visit akashic records.
  8. @Galyna if i get rid of all sensations the human body provides me are you saying that I will stop existing?
  9. @DefinitelyNotARobot yes I am not taking anything personally I am also just making a suggestion. Whether I disagree or agree has nothing to do with truth of anything. It is just another piece of God's opinions. If I sound harsh or opinionated it is not me doing it.
  10. @Galyna the fact that the symbol exists, means nothing can exist physically as a symbol imo. It dosent have a smell or a taste or a feeling but its there as nothing. And a human body is that a 3d symbol that means nothing unless there is a metaphysical thing attached to it giving it meaning.
  11. @Galyna 0 dosent only mean nothing it also means everything. Its an infinity symbol and a symbol for nothing.
  12. @gettoefl true the body is to have the ability to hit your feeling off something and return it to your soul. Without one you have one feeling infinitely which is love or fear both being the same feeling looked at from different perspective. Everything thought is infinite but not when you have a body it stops them or its just an illusion of body and if you can stop the illusion you will have one thought forever.
  13. We are a ghost looking into a body through a window. Ultimately not physical but pure metaphysical
  14. I think in pictures. Refined by years and years of thinking about sex before sleep.
  15. @DefinitelyNotARobot don't you think God could duplicate itself infinite time then duplicate itself infinite times then duplicate itself infinite times and then attach the infinite duplicates to another in a line of 3? In that case you do have a unique soul and you are a unique God and others exist.
  16. @Inliytened1 thank you it was the beautiful thing ive ever experienced I was like homer simpson. I wasnt sure if it was kundalini cause people say its super intense which is was, but id do it again in a heartbeat.
  17. This is mostly for @Leo Gura, what was the most terrifying of realizations you have had or the one you have had the most time integrating or understanding. Solipsism?
  18. @Princess Arabia Ok then war wouldnt cease.
  19. @Princess Arabia i dunno about that I dont think god hates war. I think it loves it. Could be tho who knows.
  20. @Princess Arabia it is suffering all awakening is is stopping the mental suffering which is where all suffering comes from. It dosent stop bad things from happening. And if you are still asleep in these situations you will suffer you won't remember you are god so the suffering can be massive. Thats why its important to wake others up because you end your(gods) suffering if everyone is awake. If God was realized in everyone suffering would end. War and pain will not end but suffering will. God is only awake in like .01 percent of population right now. The suffering is insane.
  21. If you were an eternal being you have to experience everything. Its not an option. You either do it now or later. This is god coming to terms with its shadow. You will have to live a life as a child rapist. God will come to itself and it says I can't do that. Well you just attached yourself to it now you have to. You just demonized yourself
  22. @Princess Arabia don't you think in infinite time you will want to experience it? You are labeling it as bad not me. They aren't horrific they are the same as sitting in a garden. Its our job to understand this that getting your intestines blown open from constipation is the same as getting the best head ever
  23. @Princess Arabia it is delusion. It is madness. Frolick in the garden until the void takes you and enjoy your time in the sun. And smile inside when at war and your torso is half blow off as you are screaming in agony with your mouth full of mud and you are being mocked by your screams of pain. Endure when you have a stroke and are stuck in a hospital bed for 20 years never leaving your bed and are covered in bed sores and pure pain 24/7 for no reason besides family is too selfish to let you end your suffering. Never complain about anything because you make it all up to forget the ultimate suffering of being alone in a void of nothing for eternity.
  24. @Someone here I used to think like holykeal too. I literally hated God as I felt he was letting us see light for 1 second just so we know its there before locking us back up into purgatory. I always thought of it like a cow being locked ln a black room for 15 years and then let out for one day to frolick in the grass only to be put back in that same night for the rest of its life. You see the joy in the cows when they touch grass as they hop for joy I constantly question why would you show me this you sadistic fucking prick. I would rather not know! Its ruining my times in the light! All the other cows don't know we will be locked up again at nightfall and they are being ignorant but I do and its causing me suffering! Imo dreaming is just a tool used for more and more seperation from God. When you are at peace you stop dreaming