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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. I think he is saying that there are other sovereign beings out there that are not part of your dream currently and that you can never know if they are sovereign or part of your own dream. but other gods can enter your dream and it will make it their dream and your dream. It can be anything a cat a dog a human but they are their own being as powerful as you are as god. So as they enter your dream you can never know if they are their own sovereign beings or your own imagination so solipsism still remains. But they have as much power in your dream as you do. The goal is to get all the infinite godheads to awaken and connect and become one. It still solipsism because its still god doing it it just gave them the sovereignty to do whatever they want.
  2. @Razard86 Satan is everything you find bad . God cant think anything is bad so it tears itself into you to hate for it.
  3. Because you decided that what's happening to you is bad
  4. God touched you
  5. we have the power to show love or hate in everyday situations and that can lead to a butterfly effect or emotion
  6. do not blindly believe your dogmas 90 percent of it is a conspiracy
  7. I saw the godhead on alcohol took 26 beers and a massive bong hit
  8. I started reading the bible a bit and my interpretation is that eve was tempted by fear in the snake and decided that the snake was bad eating the fruit of knowledge between good and bad. By thinking or understanding that something is bad we create a split in the mind and the sense of self is created as a separation from god consciousness were everything is good. And our entire lives we say this is good this is bad and the sense of self becomes bigger and bigger. Until the things we find bad outweigh the things we find good and collapse can happen. From my understanding its possible to destroy the self identity by thinking or understanding that everything is good again.
  9. I felt the same way today it felt like I could faintly see all sides of my body behind this point I'm ultra focused on rn. Like I was disappearing and where my head is was a small pinpoint and my entire field of awareness was like a bubble around this pinpoint hole all facing toward me. The separation between myself and the background start to fade and I think I'm having stroke
  10. am I getting the self reference problem right where as no word means anything because it itself means nothing unless self referenced to something. So If I say the word Chicken the word chicken in itself means absolutely nothing. By saying any one word we are actually saying what it is not and that creates a void in the mind where the word actually sits as a symbol. by not self referencing all language is completely meaningless and every word we focus on literally means nothing. If I were to say The chicken wing is spicy in reality Im actually saying the nothing nothing is nothing.
  11. It does not matter if you feel that you can do it now you must prepare for it because on death you will be given a choice to exist as something you cannot accept about reality or unify with the god head and not exist at all. God will make you feel the fear of all things and the love of all things and when you can come to acceptance with what it gives you beyond any human can you will transcend
  12. If you have experienced the void and felt nothingness you have to recognize that you were there experiencing the nothingness yourself as that nothingness and tiny tiny voice and not the body.