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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. @Max1993 you probably hear peoples thoughts all the time you are just mistaking them for your own. You have one thought and thats intuition
  2. @Max1993 you feel as if we are in different locations possibly across the world talking on the internet but thats not the case there is no location in the universe except the centre. You are layered over me in the center of the universe. You are inside my mind and im inside yours but we are the same thing
  3. @Max1993 Its the exact same as a dream. All characters are played by 1 thing and all povs are layered over eachother. Imagine youlooking at someone you and that person are in the exact same location in the universe. Looking out into nothing
  4. @Max1993 I dont know I have never done it, I have only done shrooms twice One time i saw god and the next I saw alien. But its not about trying to articulate truth its about getting an understanding of it. When you do you will know you will have a physical reaction, or metaphysical reaction. It will feel physical but all reaction is metaphysical you will see
  5. yes I drew alot in paint as a kid takes 10 second I dont know what happens when you die. Maybe you just become a voice in gods mind begging it to give you a chance to do what you desire, maybe you go to heaven and you can do whatever you want forever then come back down to the universe. Maybe there is a level up system and you go to another planet or reincarnate as a worm on earth to sit in shit and then be eaten by a bird
  6. kinda like this You arent the human you are the void and the void is everyone and its the only thing that exists. If two people look at eachother its the void looking at the void with nothing in between it Where you think your head is is an infinite void of nothing not a head
  7. They are just ignoring mega facts that have been proven because they are liars. They dont want to look like absolute idiots. Its reverse santa. Imagine having to admit that everything you have done irl was just an imaginary character and santa was more real all along. The same when people tell you santa is a lie and you have to admit metaphysics is not real. You say bullshit then throw a fit or deny like a fucking baby. Science has done nothing but cripple humanity.
  8. My brother had a demon squeezing his balls when we were kids. He would often drop to the ground cause his testicle hurt for no reason.
  9. Its a demon squeezing into your space. I think called Alice in wonderland syndrome . I would get it when I was a kid and I'm pretty sure 2 demon attach themselves to me when I had scarlet fever as a child
  10. Catholic is the biggest scam I've ever seen. They worship Jesus. Jesus say call no man father except God. then they have a guy called father stand on front of the and spread blasphemy on God and are tricked into worshipping this fucking idiot thinking they are worshipping God. How ignorant can't you get open your fucking eyes and ears you idiots. In terms of religion its the most degenerate and clueless. Then they use the symbol of him being crucified as the center of the religion. Jesus won't be off the cross until this abomination is destroyed. He's still on the cross to this day suffering in his own world because of this. Thousands of years he saw he will be on the cross when he died and he's like bro seriously?!
  11. Everything exist inside imagination except for the one imagining. You are inside imagination to me and I'm outside I'm inside imagination to you and you are outside. But you can never know if I'm outside so it defaults to only you.
  12. The o ly thing I have to do is work all free time is my time as I didn't fall into the baby trap. I spend it smoking weed and playing with my cats and thinking about god and learning about god. On Friday me and the boys get together to drink and play magic and league. I have no interest in women as I am in love with god
  13. Sadguru says the same thing he is not a Buddhist. When asked who is the most important person in your life sadguru says whoever is in front of him. Because no one else exists. He also says he never read any scripture of any religion hindu Buddhist christian cause its all trash
  14. You are doing it right now. God is happiness if you walk down the street and birds and people aren't singing to you you are doing it. Cause its happening Try an experienment before you go to sleep picture scenarios where you are doing something and everyone and everything is happy and singing to you out of happiness people trees houses the clouds everything
  15. Sense of self is different than ego. You can live without a sense of self easily all animals do it. They are just there watching a movie an urge comes and they do. But I don't think you can function without an ego and the ego is changing all the time. Ego is everything I have learned about reality. And sense of self is I exist as a certain object in reality. I don't think humans get this until like 4 - 6. You didn't exist until you were 4-6 but you could navigate the world somehow. Everything you looked at was you until you came to a conclusion you are not what you are looking at but the opposite. But this is the wrong conclusion. I think sense of self comes into play with a lot of kids by the fear of death. The realization that they will die. Its a fundamental lie and you sort of dissasosiate from God consciousness and become something else. And now you have to die to return to it
  16. @Husseinisdoingfine everything in nature is naturally meditative. A fire a creek flowing grass and trees. A waterfall you can stare at these forever and trance out
  17. If you are awakened you are a genius. Maybe not mathematically bit Spiritually you are genius you have discovered which cannot be picked up by senses and therefore genius. The only reason mathematically genius people are recognized is because people can see their genius.
  18. God love you as a soul but the body is a tool to do things the body is unimportant it has no meaning or feeling its just an object in 3d
  19. @Jowblob def easier said than done i wasnt even concious in the void. While i was in there i didn't know i was there and when i was out i completely forgot i was in it. I thought I just dreamed it but then I ate some mushroom 8 years later and the mushroom told me that I was in a void then and then I understood what conciousness is instantly and kundalini awakened. I don't know how I will react if I go back. All I know is it was probably the least fun thing I've ever experienced in my entire existence as a soul. Id rate my experience with void 0/10. It indented my soul so much I was very depressed for 8 years after and I was going to kill myself if not for the mushroom . Infinite abandonment forever is no joke and I wouldn't wish it on anyone But these are the things we have to deal with
  20. I had nde and it felt like a sinking feeling in your stomach times infinity and it keeps expanding infinetly then you stop and are void and its kinda like sleeping but you are aware. Then you snap back alert and the process starts again for ever until you become a void of nothing in both alert and unalert states. Then you can come back into a body. I beleive learning how to become void in 3d will help you hit the void be a void instantly and then you spend less time fighting in the void. And respawn instantly. I hear sadguru explain this in one of his videos and he said that what hell and heaven is it can be pleasant or unpleasant depending on the state of mind on death. If you die paranoid you will expand paranoia into God tier paranoia if you die laughing you expand into God tier laughing In my case I became infinite abandonment
  21. The only explanation I've thought of is you are the other. We are looking for others but maybe we are other. Self is other
  22. @Princess Arabia i was talking about personal. If someone asks you to do something its okay to not do it. And not feel bad about not doing it. I wasn't talking about forces of nature like if I light a fire in a forest I am free to stand in the middle but I will be burnt. I was more referring to everyday occurrences life with people. The government is a force imo No one is infinetly Sovereign or they would be God. Only God could stand in a fire and not be harmed. Acting more Sovereign is just a way to released yourself from the shackles you put yourself in Once you do this you can breathe and then you can start serving others the way you want too serve other
  23. @Princess Arabia then give them money If you want to you can state that you don't agree with it but we must live to the standards of our society. If you want you can not participate it but we are limited to what the collective society says. I don't know if they will never bother you and its a trap to pay them or if they will come after you. I had student loans unpaid and I ignored them for like 6 years and then they threatened to sue me so I paid most of it over 2 years but money is tight so I just stopped paying and I haven't heard anything in a year. But when this happened was before my awakening and I was in a really low state of conciousness. The government isn't a person its a force and has the backing of everyone in society behind it. And I'm not sure if your vibration frequency has anything to do with things like taxes or stuff effecting your dream. I do know that 1 third of my paycheck goes to this force and I never use it so it seems like a scam.