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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. People who meditate can enter the same states and psychedelics. Some people will try or succeed to kill themselves. Its very a existential topic.
  2. @PurpleTree Yes like thinking without knowing you are thinking. When we have a body our thought gets bounced back to us so we can decide if its good or bad. Without a skull to bounce the thought back it will just expand infintely. This will create an emotion and the same thing will happen it will expand infinitely. The only reason we know we are thinking is our thoughts are bounced back to us.
  3. @PurpleTree He says when you die whatever you feeling will just expand times 1 million you wont have a body to bounce back the feelings.
  4. @Growly I didn't seperate my identity i saw i was making my identity up. If I am making my identity up that means it dosen't exist. If my identity dosen't exist that means it can't die. My panic attacks stopped when I saw something dosen't exist is scared of not existing. If you do this something can happen. Think of identity like aura field around. The field is what is feels like to be you. If you can break free from the mental trap for a second your aura goes too and you merge with the aura field of the universe. And it feels really good. I speak in abstraction if you cant get it then I can't help you its illogical. When talking about invisible stuff all you have is abstraction.
  5. The self can proclaim, but it can't make people follow. Something else is doing that. If you want to see how good the claim is look at how many followers there are. They could be paid actors or lied about subscriptions too tho. You could shit on Sadhguru for being self proclaimed but then you could look at his following and see he is known throughout the planet, hes not doing that God is. I can self proclaim but no one follow me that God saying I don't know anything and not doing things right.
  6. When I was a child I went into my parents room and I was snooping in their closet and I found a gun and I pointed at my face and pulled the trigger. A massive explosion happened in my face, I am stunned and there is alot of smoke. I didn't die it was a metal realistic cap gun.
  7. @Genius100x The purpose of life is to put all your chips in and then not be fazed when they leave. To see that the chips are a fiction.
  8. Its just racists undertones of America coming to the fore front. Trumps is just revealing a part of America's ego that was hiding.
  9. @Ishanga I remember Sadhguru saying that its very important to be happy and dancing inside on death. Then he said it sounds easy but can you do it as your body is melting in a fire in a car crash cause you don't know how you are going to die.
  10. Very interesting concepts about future events from native heritage. Numerology, Alphabet, clashing universe, holographic universe.
  11. It probably is the symbol for the ego. The ego is the negative voice. When that's gone you literally explode with joy. The negative voice is weighing the soul down with identity, identity being 'I don't like that.'
  12. Is a spider thinking negatively or is it happy
  13. @Growly I realized I was the fear of death and that the fear of death is just going back to God. I saw that I didn't exist and that I was just making up that I existed. I do exist but not here, in another dimension with God as nothing. The dimension is located directly behind you without turning your head. If you turn your head its behind you again. This reality is just a ball of light and acts like a simulation. Its like a 2d screen that you can leave. When you turn your head in the light its just simulating you are turning around but the real behind you is a secrete dimension. You can see it by looking behind you in your mind (where your imagination is) with your eyes open and turn around in circles. Exactly like Plato's cave. That thing is like your third eye. That seems like it is very close to you but God is even closer than that.
  14. @Growly yea after you awaken the fear will be gone and the' panic attacks 'will still come but they won't be panic or fear. I still get pangs of the location where the fear of death was but its different now. It will be like a sucking you in feeling with no fear and feels good now.i can sit there and find the spot where the fear was and use it as a way to pretend I'm dying. When you see God the pit that every human has inside of them is filled with a void of nothing you now know as God and you stop trying to fill it with things. All a panic attack from fear of death is you noticing a big ? inside of you and you don't know what to do with it so you freak the fuck out.
  15. People make up things to do, so those moments shorten but they are the real moments, not whatever task you are doing. That is what 90 percent of life is doing on the planet and its its natural state. Humans are scared of those moments thats why they start doing other things. If you sit in those moments for prolonged time you will start trancing out. Humans made up everything we do in society because they were scared of these moments and they are continously running from it by creating more and more 'problems' or new things they feel like they must do.
  16. You need to just throw your heart into the wind. Its guranteed to be hurt but its what you desperately want to do. No one can be trusted so just go all in. If you dont you will be giving into fear of being hurt. The fear of being hurt will cause you to get hurt but thats the point and its what everyone secretly wants because it gives life meaning. So take your heart and just throw it at the person its all you can do. If they break it its a bonus.
  17. Democracy is a privilege. Democracy takes all parties to follow rules or America will end up like Rome. People just assassinating other people over and over then usa will turn into a shit hole country. When you go against the votes you are going against Democracy. After watching the interview I can understand why trump thought the election was stolen cause it seems that he was like a kid in a candy store and everyone hated him because he wasn't a normal politician. After watching the interview I can see his side where becoming president was like a movie moment for him and he has no idea what he was doing and people sharking him left and right. Judging from this video to me it does not seem like he is a dictator but just a child that randomly was given the chance to be president and was just making shit up on the fly. He has no idea what he's doing and shouldn't be president I do not think.
  18. @Peo If you are trying to pick up mans girlfriends right in front of them and they are drunk then you should expect to be attacked.
  19. @Sugarcoat When the government started the country they put out propaganda video to your grand parents or great grand parents that had to teach people how to be normal. They all watched these videos and they all taught their kids how to act like this and their kids taught their kids and to you. You deem these propaganda videos are being a normal person but the government just said thats normal. Its not real.
  20. @Sugarcoat The governments description of normal is your description of normal. Thats where you got it from.
  21. @Spiritual Warfare Reality automatically manifests to what you are focusing on. Its infinite you get to look at any part and study it and change your perceptions. If you focus 100 percent of your time it could manifest in a weird way.
  22. @Sugarcoat Id say it exists but the entire metric being used to determine normal is a made up government concept so its not natural. If you were somehow 100 percent normal to society you would be a 1 percentage making you weirder than 99 percent of the population because its an act. Changing the word normal and average is a very big change of words.
  23. Normal person is a made up government term no one is normal we are just pretending to be for societies sake. If anyone is left alone they suddenly stop being normal. If anyone was normal the government wouldn't have had to make how to be a person videos in the early tv eras. Its just made up to grow a society. They told it to the old people the old people tell it to their kids and down the line.