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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. it will be like you are in a dark room with your eyes taped open and then falling asleep
  2. I have had mild fears about it but I feel like I scared myself so much about non existence that solipsism is easy at least I will exist.
  3. Watch thought watch reaction to thought. Treat brain like its a computer. You are getting scared of a chat bot you subconscious created. Dont react to a thought its not real. Reacting negatively lowers your vibration and that makes God look like it has less vibe. You are in a simulation and its controlled by your body. There is a video playing and there is a narration of whats going on in reality you arent either of these. You are the viewer you react to what is happening your vibe as a viewer gets lower the simulation responds to this because you are viewing the simulation through the filter of your mood. Your mind is just filtering ideas that you react too. You reacting to it is saying thats me. Just let it the chat bot play.
  4. I know every conversation here is like repeat conversation day but yesterday I was talking to 3 different people and I was thinking we already talked about this 8 months ago. I experience this 3 times yesterday anyone else have this in the last few days? Sadhguru says the energy waves are converging around jupiter and it will cause us to experience things we already did like having the same conversations with people we already have had.
  5. Your soul learns stuff permanently. Just not in language. Understanding comes from the soul not the body. You can become a God through understanding or stay asleep.
  6. @Princess Arabia If you dont do your shadow work you are going to be in a stink for ignoring your shadow lol. Your entire life before seeing God must be deprogrammed. You are ignoring it !
  7. God made man but he wasnt doing anything, so he made a woman and a woman convinced him of being scared and here we are. The only thing men care about are their fears. And then doing nothing. Being messy is not scary having to be clean is.
  8. @Lila9 whats delusional its working? The only way to Guage whether you are doing something right is if it works and its working for both of them.
  9. @eTorro my advice is go do stuff that's not conciousness work. I find the same thing but I see the reason is I'm only doing conciousness work and nothing else so I have nothing to say cause nothing is happening in my life but God something j can't speak about to other people so i just say nothing. go do human things whatever human things you want to do so you can have something to talk about. Grow a plant or something and then talk about the plant you grew.
  10. @gettoefl I'm think hes saying he has to try to think about human stuff and its not interesting so he dosent want to think about it. Hes not judging them just can't socialize as you see what humans are saying is just sounds.
  11. Fear death. Take this like as seriously as possible. You will not experience something one day and it could be tommorow you need the fear inside of you to grow. You cant stop the fear of death you will grow the fear grow it over time like sadhgrur says you will plant 1000s of death potatoe in your mind and it will consume your mind.
  12. “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
  13. the human body mimic reality like a computer. We made computers based on our direct experience so we essentially created our own brain in a robot way. We can look at a computer to see how we are built because our bodies are computers. You can witness truth by pretending you are in a simulation and looking at your body and direct experience like its a simulation. This is the power of ego we subconsciously made something that shows us we are in a simulation because its what we subconsciously have direct experience with.
  14. @Schizophonia It is the void of nothing. The void of nothing can be observed. It is located where you think your head is so look behind you without turning your head and spin in a circle looking behind you constantly. This is a first person simulation so whatever behind you is always a void of nothing. There is a hidden dimension that leads to the void where this black spot is in your vision. Reality exists on essentially a 2d plane and when you see that the void behind your head is a hidden dimension of reality its hid from itself. When we turn our heads we arent turning our heads the simulation is simulating turning your head turning. This is how it can exist in 2d and 3d is just a mind game 2d plays with itself. so 4d would be the void you see where your head is and its a dimension of reality.
  15. American politics is a play. They say they were going to arrest trump for 4 years and right before the election they found a hidden rule that says trump can't be put in prison for what hes done and they just ignored that the whole time. Now this. The country is not being run by the people. Its both sides working together for control of the strongest country. I heard that the ex ceo of pepsi is head of military. The country is being run by faceless corporation. They are pushing narratives and dividing the people while making secrete plays from the top.
  16. @An young being yes just stop caring about oabout reaction. Turn it into a dream. You don't have to think we have no free will. We can be at peace with the movie or struggle.
  17. Your kidneys are talking to you right now but you arent hearing or feeling them. Like that but with thoughts. Where are you tuning in is where you will experience.
  18. When I was in a bad spot in my life after a big change I could see I was in the wrong place and I could see God was trying to get me to move back home. Have you considered a change of life do you feel a pull in any direction that you are trying to not go too? Maybe back home or away from home? I was trying to get away from home so hard in my life and I failed and had to return home 4 seperate times across the country and I left again and had to come back again as a failure. The last time I went back I surrender to life awaken and stay at home and life has gotten way better. I do not believe killing yourself is a good reason for not having sex for like 15 years. You did not want or even think about sex pre pubescent and probably werent that interested until awhile in so its not like you have been wanting for your entire 27 years of life its been like 10. You have lost faith in the future and tommorow and you are super stuck in yesterday and not fucking a woman yesterday. This causes tension with women and is a self fulfilling prophecy you are almost creating your past and therefore creating your future with these thoughts. Feel good today and have faith for tommorow and anything can happen. Stop thinking about fucking women you know, make up women. Thinking about fucking women you know messes with your head when you interact with them in real life it mixes them together. you might interact with these porno fantasy more than you actually interact with them. Stop thinking about talking to women and controlling conversations be yourself . Your awareness should be on you when you bring other people in it causes you to argue with yourself and suffering will happen.
  19. try talking to a hat for a week and pretend it has human perceptions bring it with you and talk to it about the things you are seeing, and make up its answers . A human body is like a hat that makes sounds back. God is the seperation between the hat and the background. Whenever you seperate something from the background of reality you are giving is characteristics in neurons. If you see something you have never seen before you wouldnt know what to feel. God is your entire field and it uses its intelligence to form false outlines around things and the background. Everything is the background. Every outline is a perception you have pre built in your body thought experience. Bodies do not pick up the same sensations therefore a senstation of a thing is not the truth of the thing its just made up by you and your body. The second picture is the awareness of the entire screen with no context. It is awareness There are no people in the second image there are no objects its just one thing the awareness of being there no perception and it takes place on one dimension. 3rd image is you continueing on past reality you can see the red outline does not stop at the image it keeps going and you can zoom out from the light further and further till there is nothing there and you are a void of nothing and God is there which is just the red outline. You are making up perceptions because you are dreaming they are there. perceptions exist cause you are making them up. You have to look at your awareness like its a computer because your body is a computer.
  20. You in a machine. What you are talking about is Akin to sitting in your car watching things happen if someone comes up to your window of your car and react if not you let it pass.
  21. Also I dont think its just not being indoctrinated I also think they had their metaphysical reality taken from them by being lied to about Santa. Santa is depicted as God your parents gaslight you into a scenario where you are using purely imagination then they tell you its not real and you never will believe something without seeing it ever again as you feel like a fool and sometimes very crushed by this gaslight. Santa has the same characteristics as God so you question that and cannot be made a fool of again thats just a made up story too.
  22. @gambler Yes I was going to say I have that exact problem as a compulsion. I had extreme death anxiety for 25 years and I would think of sex before I sleep in order to not have a panic attack as its a very primal emotion and good to think about. As a result my mind became sexual and I jerk off alot and have watch alot of pornography. Developed guilt around it and fell deeper. I notice that when I am in bed I will think of sex beofre sleep and I was automatically touch my penis. I have programmed my mind by doing an activity so much that I have attached the thought of sex to the emotion of feeling horny and I have developed touching my penis with thinking about sex as well. To reverse this takes time and all these sexual feelings are not even generate by wanting sex I did it because I was too scared to go to sleep at night because its the same thing as dying. Now that I surrender I can stop these attachments but you need to see them first. You have to un demonize reality by loving what you do then you can detach.
  23. @gambler Yes its ego too only one is saying i love God the other one is saying I hate God