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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. I think we can agree children shouldnt be having sex. So by having sex with a child would be an act of not caring about its well being. Not only does the child not know what sex even is but it sure as hell dosent want it coming from my experience as a child I would not want to have sex with anyone. So its like I care about your well being except when I want to have sex with you which equates to a selfish perverted fetish
  2. Yes I think something is up here. Often the people who do these things do not love what they do. Often they feel terrible about doing the thing and have breakdowns because of it. Then over time they get over it and the need to do it again arises. Then they breakdown again and the period gets shorter between acts. Maybe thats just because of social norms would they feel shame for doing it on a desert island or if it was praised.
  3. maybe the love pedophile have isn't love for children its love for children making them ejaculate.
  4. @Loba Ive had the experience of nothingness I was in college and drank 24 beer then took a bong hit. I went back to the living room and reality started looping. The girl I was with kept looking at the tv then looking at me asking me if im ok then looking back at the tv and I kept saying no. This happened 500 times then I greened out and I feel my soul leaving my body. Im in a state where I am nothing but a rolling emotion of sadness and loneliness. Each time the emotions roll I feel extreme sadness then extreme loneliness. Forever slowly I start forgetting what I am sad about slowly I start forgetting my life. I am becoming non existent as my thoughts start popping up once a week it seems my mind will say something. I forget everything Im just a void. Suddenly I am in sea of souls all the souls around me are screaming and crying we are flowing like a stream. I am not screaming or scared I have no idea whats going on. There is a water wheel the souls go up and its like a circular river. I look up there is a Giant Bull skeleton the size of a mountain in the middle it notices me because I am not screaming or scared. It picks me up and throws me. I wake up instantly after that. I could have woken up in anything after that and I wouldn't have known I ever existed.
  5. @Holykael the source of your life is coming from books written by god. God is living you through stories it wrote is it evil to write a story that the main character doesn't like
  6. @onacloudynight forgive them and love them and then there will be no reason to think about them anymore.
  7. Falling in love with consciousness is falling in love with yourself. When in bed say I love myself and start to cry. And feel the love wash your sins away. When you do this you will be more open and loving because you will start to forgive yourself for everything that you do. And in turn become more empathetic with the other people in the world making you understand why people do the things they do. This opens your heart and you become accepting and loving of reality and reality is consciousness. This will kill your identity.
  8. @Tyler Durden pretend Earth is a vr game when you wear vr headset you are inside of the game but you are also outside the game. Outside space and time just your awareness is inside the game. How would you take off the headset and what would be outside of it. Nothing
  9. @Matthew85 thats god awareness There is no you to make decisions or think God never second guesses itself it dosent have to think it just does like in dreams you are here because you were infinitely dreaming and something caused you to disassociate from the dream through hate or fear. You ate the fruit of knowledge between good and bad and now you are here fallen from eden
  10. @Inliytened1 so is in front of the scenes. So where is it
  11. Imagine this moment what are you doing right now. This moment is the only thing to ever have existed. Everything before is a story you are making up. Then go grocery shopping. Fill your fridge up then sit in the exact same spot. You never left your house the 30 minutes prior is just a story you made up you never moved. Life exists on one frame. Every night before you go to bed. Think about the day what happened all the weird shit. Let it go it never happened you are imagining life.
  12. @confusedman Yes but still a figment of your imagination. You are one of them as Satan.
  13. my favourite time between those two on another podcast and bernardo was like I dont know what is it like to be a god and rupert was like okay close your eyes bernado does and ruperts like what are you feeling bernardos like nothing just a just blank awareness then bernardos brain just went went poof he instantly understould
  14. If you are enlightened you won't be posting on forums prob not even use the internet
  15. Pretend you are wearing a vr headset right now you are in the game but something about you is not part of this virtual reality. You are in skyrim walking around but something that is realer than the character not part of skyrim its outside of skyrim simulation and code but also inside the character at the same time. When you die your skyrim character dies and everything goes black but you are there still as the mind that was controlling the character this mind can think but its outside the time and space of skyrim. Its the same in real life. God is watching your life on a screen whenever you look down or walk down a hallway you aren't moving anywhere you never enter the same room twice and never have met the same person twice
  16. Maybe if you hold all the smoke you smoke in your lungs forever
  17. Jordan Peterson is insane. He's a preacher some of his ideas work but he's lost in the sauce and rambles for 20 minutes about nothing and comes to insane conclusions based on those ramblings
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh2JPK9cGZw
  19. You were not here yet. You are created when your conciousness decide it cannot love a thing. Things were happening but not to you
  20. Yes I was thinking that. Like most people would say right now i would never rape someone I would never murder. Eternity is a long time to corrupt the mind.
  21. if everything in the universe is at its center maybe we can think of like all povs are in the same spot overlapping eachother