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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. @Amannl3in you are not a human you are light literally. You are shaking up and down really fast in a human. When you die your light will leave the head and you will be free in no time. You are light you can move faster than anything and can wait infinite time you can enter and Penetrate and become everything. You are being forced into this body so the light as a whole can feel what you feel and see what you see. You are free after death to do and see whatever you are illuminating. Until you force yourself back into a body to suffer.
  2. I think we are coming down to help the universe learn to love itself. This is a time for suffering then we get to go back to live free for awhile then after awhile we have to come back down to suffer in physical of the universe again. Like God dies becomes you you die become god God dies becomes you you die become god. You've already done the hard part by forgetting you are god.
  3. You can't get out unless you die so just try to shape it to what you want instead of wanting out. We are doing something very profound for the universe coming to this torture chamber. The universe will owe you for keeping it up.
  4. @newbee he knows way more than he is telling. He holds himself back to not sound crazy. Not like leo haha. You will probably not here sadhguru talk about the time he became or saw alien.
  5. @NoN-RaTiOnAL your memory can be wiped when traveling between dimensions of reality.
  6. @inFlow i think i found what I was talking about Its called you linga seems to be your life force
  7. @Jowblob i have never felt the kind of love in life as I did with my kundalini. I don't think these people even know that these feelings can exist its not natural to have found this kind of love and understanding while alive.
  8. I entered trance on mushroom which led to kundalini and went from athiest to God in 3 hours
  9. I think as God you would end up in any body and the feeling of you is always the same. Think of a dream you have been something every night of your life or did it just feel like you were you. You might have been a snake you might have been a dog or a random person you always just assume you are you. So what is going away when you become someone from 5 minutes ago.
  10. For me it kind of looks like spinning top with a thick bar that starts spinning towards and away from me. Almost like its getting ready to create the 3rd dimension in my mind. The bar swings towards me then away. And if you can see it you can sway with it
  11. Its your brain turning on the dream machine. Focus on the darkness you will see a machine is spinning
  12. @Ramu you probably don't want to go insane.
  13. @Ramu if you meditate hard enough you can realize yourself as a crystal where your head is and its just reflecting reality out of it. Look down at your body and where the darkness of your head is is just 5d mind reflecting reality out of it.
  14. Whatever your favourite number is thats your respawn count. Mine is 3 halfway done my infinity
  15. @Twinstaryes as space and time close you wouldn't have to move to get to any of those locations because they all exist in the same spot its more of its all in there.
  16. @Inliytened1 when you add fear to insanity you get schizophrenia. If you add love to insanity you get the answer. Schizophrenic are just insane but they are scared of everything trying to kill them. Imagine you were schizophrenic but happy cause everything was loving you you would be Jesus. You will create heaven out of the insanity.
  17. We are an insane spirit that came into a body to ground itself. But this body is just an illusion in the insanity your only pretending to not be insane right now by making concepts up about living in a world. When you deeply realize that you are doing this is when you will go back into insanity. Insanity is not bad tho, it is beautiful. Try not to smear feces all over yourself and you will be good.
  18. We could literally have the perfect opportunity to stop and do nothing but contemplate reality while living cushy lives at least in America. But if you do nothing after work but hang out and think isn't that good? If you are focusing thoughts on God?
  19. You can lose grip with the body it will be like falling into your mind and no way to come back to 3d reality. You will be stuck in 5d madness with no 3d body anymore. Nothing lasts forever tho but it will feel like it. If you can learn to control your emotion and stay not scared you might be okay tho. This is why we need to practice meditation its all about being able to stop your mind from telling you whats happening. We must understand we are not our body we are literally a bubble in a void with no one else to help. Except maybe Jesus. Jesus might be a like a bubble of awareness that God created to help the ones who have fallen so far and cannot reset themselves. Reality gets infinitely better and infinetly worse. We must learn to control our mind. They teach this because when we die we will be flung into the infinite fractal with just our base nature and no brain to reason ourselves out of terror or fear. But if you know how to remain calm you will transcend to 5d and have some control. If you want another body you will have to be able to forget everything and calm yourself down to enter. It will feel like purgatory but you can think and if you know how to stop thinking you will enter a new body easily. Say you get stabbed and are like im dying im dying nooo then you leave your body you will have no control over stopping this fear and insanity unless you know what you are and invisible being playing with itself.
  20. God is madness but we all must be careful because there is a pit in madness that you will never be able to get out of even after death of the body. This is a very dangerous game
  21. knowing god is knowing that god is insane ! God is madness its just trying to get itself to not be scared of the madness
  22. @StarStruck pretend the semen is a container of light the light shoots into the woman and is contained within it to run the dna code and create you. You are the consciousness not the human. Your light can leave the body and merge with the sun when you die and your conciousness can merge with the universe. When you die you roll back the beam of light and see your entire life again and return to the big bang.