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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. when you are infinite you can go to any time and any place you want or just make up a time and place pretend you are watching a film. There is no actual film its just a light in front of you. This light dosent hold time within itself you hold the time the light was something within yourself as a past event. And any form the light took before was just a form of light not a thing place or time. any stories you had of previous light forms were just stories you made up about the light from a previous narration of what the light was. When you become fully conscious life becomes like a dream where you never think about the past or future and are fully engaged on whats going on right now. And you become like a child as you notice with your dreams you are always full engaged with whats going on you will be the same way.
  2. I think treat it like sports people are naturally talented and lean towards certain areas. But a fat person can definitely run a 5 min mile given enough practice and training. But shhh don't tell anyone ;). These are given to you to use for your benefit not to show off. Wanting to show off is egoic and its secretly satan trying to suppress you. Do you go to the gym and get ripped so you can sit outside mcdonald and make fun of fat people and show them your muscles? No we do it to protect ourselves and to get pussy.
  3. a way to look at it is your intelligence is simply on an infinite scale of intelligence, the placement of the point dosent matter. you laughing or mocking someone shows unintelligence by not realizing you are on an infinite scale that means no one is more intelligent or less intelligent you just are where you are. And thinking you are superior to a rung below you on an infinite latter is idiocy. If that were true you should expect god to do it you. Be as god and help people who need help and never think yourself as above or below.
  4. When in god state do you have control? I have been in states where I was just watching and travelling dimensions and it felt like my soul was controlling itself. When we enter god mode do we have control over ourselves? I know god would never have to second guess what it is doing so what is happening would just be what is happening I would assume. With no control over myself like the first thing that comes to my mind would be what is happening but I have no control over what the first thing that comes to my mind is.
  5. I remember during a Scarlet high fever when I was a child I was almost totally unconsciousness naked on the couch and my mother was wiping me down with a wet cloth. I was so hot inside my body I started hallucinating and I hallucinated myself inside the eyes of a demon as it was looking at me and my mom from the top of the stairs. Then suddenly I ran down the stairs in the eyes of the demon and ran at me, then I was in the eyes of another demon behind us coming at us from the back of the couch running full speed. I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs and it scared my mom so much she drove me to the hospital right then and they just gave me Tylenol and I was okay. I think demons might come and attach to us in weakened states. And they weaken us with sickness in order for our consciousness to get a weaker attachment to the body. As a child I felt like what was alice in wonderland syndrome where my body felt weird when I was lying in bed. Like my hands would feel really big and my torso would feel really skinny and my tongues would feel huge and it felt like I was sharing my consciousness with something else that was taking up space inside of it. But who knows.
  6. I've had the dream within a dream before mine was trying to tell me something about the real world so maybe yours was too. I had a dream and in the dream I woke up out of my bed and went to my computer and 50 people messaging me that there was a demon coming into the building and I had to leave so I went to the door and it was locked and started shaking so I went under my covers and hid then I woke up in real life and was under sleep paralysis and I saw the demon or death come into my room and he was going to touch me then I pushed myself out of sleep paralysis and the demon was gone. Shortly after I had an nde from drinking too much alcohol so I felt like the dream was trying to tell me something was going to happen. It had never happened to me after or before that. I think they might be glimpses into something or a warning. But if it has a impact on you and you remember it its probably important. But having regular dreams within dreams could be schizophrenia too you can never really know as we don't even really know what schizophrenia is. I used to get sleep paralysis alot and got used to it and am able to get my body moving through sheer will. I could play around with it as when you push yourself out of it you wake up but are like so insanely tired you fall right back into it. It makes a sound in your consciousness like you are driving down the highway with all your windows open
  7. @WelcometoReality i think this guy is the least awake of everyone on the forum
  8. Imo if you are still on the thought of im more awake than others and they aren't as awake as you you have some strong identity in the game and it will hold you back so going around saying people aren't awake isn't doing anything for anyone how could you possibly know this. Dosent leo teach that the power of not knowing is the greatest while saying no one is more awaken than himself.
  9. @Mixcoatl I beleive that he answered this as god is nothing and everything. Nothing isnt its default state so being nothing requires just as much energy as everything and it would be just as hard to maintain. Consciousness is separate from the universe and the states that take place do not effect it. It can forget itself for infinite time but there is not infinite like the absolute infinite.
  10. @LSD-Rumi consciousness is immaterial and the universe is infinite, and right now we are consciousness trapped inside of a body. Consciousness doesn't need a body the body need consciousness as its its life force. And life force cannot die it just leaves.
  11. @LSD-Rumi when you enter these states even your body is gone is and you are in different worlds. So while you are there in their world its real and they are real and while you are in physical world physical things are real. If i have no body and am experiencing things then how do I know im real. The problem is the self in all cases not others if I am existing in spaces where I am energy with no body and am talking to energy with no body how can i deny they are real or not I would have to deny my awareness.
  12. it is very sad to realize but if you stay and think and dont let fear overcome you you will transend human experience. Just because you know now does not mean you have completely finished the universe this is just the human experience. There are many different states brand new dimensions of reality god has created for you to explore but we are sent here to learn and to achieve our spiritual goals. We are in infinite dimension thats really a void in disguise but behind everyones eyes is a seperate prick of light that they see you in in their own universe completely separate but existing. You are making others up but they still exist as nothing just as you. We are here to transend fear without falling into madness.
  13. @Bujo i have heard sadguru say that if you are being awoke at 340 am then you need to get up and meditate. He said when we are sleeping the soul is charging outside the body but it charges faster than we are sleeping. So if you are waking up at that time then you are being told to get up and start meditating or doing whatever it is you think you need to be doing. Maybe waking others up in heaven something to do with the moon and sun energy or the first rays of light that hit the earth can be more powerful or something.
  14. @bazera Its always random like a dream playing in the distance. It feels like i need to use a seperate pair of eyes to look at it or just trance out more
  15. @bazera I've never actually gone into it but i can see scenes playing when I really focus on my mind. Its kind of hard because I will see it and try to look at it but I don't think you are supposed to move your eyes. I can see the scene but when everytime I try to look at something it dissapear because I'm trying to use my human eyes not my third eye so gotta work on that.
  16. When we are ill we are susceptible to entering the dream in a dream state. Are you sure you didn't just dream it did you go to bed after that.
  17. You dont understand how important this is. It is the most important thing a human can do. You think getting a nice car is the pinnacle of humanhood? This is the philosophers stone, you gain immortality by recognizing you are god
  18. @meninojiraya change the image of god to an image of yourself and love yourself instead and you will be loving god as well. Picture yourself doing great things and becoming a great person. You are that great person right now just a few miles back
  19. @Sincerity I dont think hes blaming god hes saying all things bad are aspects of gods mind. No sin exists in the physical world. Nothing sinful can happen in the physical world as it dosent exist in the physical world. Sin isnt physical. A courthouse judge will get 2000 years in confinement as karma for making so many judgements on god ! Jesus says love thine debtors as they have a tough role to play.
  20. no but I never say it to anyone so there's no way to know
  21. Stop having an expectation how can you be deceived if you don't have a desired outcome.
  22. @Vibes i am in the same boat since my awakening God has been on my mind for 3 years every single day. It is not something I am doing it is something that is happening to me. I cannot stop it nor do I want to stop it because this is the most important thing to do.
  23. I drank too much one night im college around 26 beers then I took a massive bong hit and 5 minutes after I started having thought loops where reality would repeat the same thing then after the same 5 second repeating 5000 times i could see it was happening and I fell out of my body. I was then in the void for infinite time it was a constant repeating and roiling of sadness and loneliness with no way to express them so they just swell and swell each moment more lonely and sad than the last till it becomes so much that you pass out in the void. Then I would wake up in the void and go through it again. It felt like a baby is crying and it just cries and cries forever it dosent know how much time has passed since it started as babies don't know what time is. This happened forever and ever. Until I slowly I stopped crying and pouting and became the void. Waking state the same as non waking state both were void of emotion. When you are in the void there is no self reflection so it feels like you were dreaming. Then I open my eyes I hallucinate a place where a sea of souls was going around a giant bull skeleton. I looked around me and every other souls eyes were closed and they were screaming and terrifies in their own void. I wasn't scared anymore an the giant bull skeleton saw I wasn't scared and picked me up and threw me into the abyss. Then my eyes opened in this dimension. I woke up only knowing that I had died and not remembering the void because me, my body wasn't there so it must have been a dream. I was already depressed and had extreme death anxiety but this shot it through the roof, everyday I was plagued with the fear of doom looming over me. You can never run from death and it was the worst feelings ever. Then after 8 years of that I was going to kill myself but decided to try mushrooms before killing myself to heal me. Then the shrooms literally told me that i was in the void and I was dead and I came back from dead and they showed me through telepathy what consciousness is. The thing that travels between dimensions, our eternal soul. My death anxiety and fear of literally anything were washed away in one trip. It feels like god was guiding me for him to kill me instead of me killing myself. Sorry for the long post. I have a picture I drew of what it looked like.
  24. @Demeter yes I had 2 grams of mushroom the first time I had it. Within 20 minutes my ego had completely dissolved. ( I had an nde in college and visited the void for a night it was not fun and is what started my 8 years of depression) And as I was trancing out my mind starts saying hey! remembered 8 years ago when you died. And I said to myself yes. And then a voice says watch this. Then reality and me begin to seperate and hover. And the voice said to me you are completely safe everything in your mind cannot be hurt and you are making everything up about reality. Then it felt like god touched my forhead pressure was building it felt like something was pushing on it. Instantly I knew what consciousness was and every neuron in my brain stood in unison and it felt like they were throwing a party and each neuron in my brain starts saying I love you I love you you are the most perfect being to ever exist. Love is shooting up my body into my brain and exploding like fireworks or lightning. Each burst bringing more ecstacy. I started convulsing and screaming and crying and laughing for 6 hours then I cry for 6 more days as I grieve myself. The most beautiful thing that God has given me. I don't even have to meditate for more than 5 minutes to see the void anymore its around us all the time. I can just stare at the wall and everything turns grey and then like crunches in then dissapears.