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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. I beleive they are people with an out of control negative world view. As if Satan has taken over their minds. They are not aware enough to notice that it is not them so they think they are telling themselves things when its actually just the ego taking control of them. They say schizophrenic in other countries the voices say good things about them not bad and then its not a problem. If you beleive you are your thoughts and identify with them they are you and if you don't they aren't and won't bother you. Imagine someone who grew up in a shitty house told they are garbage and no one likes them and they beleive it. This takes on as an identity and the evil voices will start to arise and get louder and louder. You already beleive that you are garbage and now you are constantly telling yourself that and that everyone is looking at you and they hate you. Slowly they will convince themselves that everyone does hate them and is out to get them and that they are evil. This identity can go further and further and lead them into very bad situations like causing harm to others because they start to identify with being evil because they were told that about themselves and they didn't stop it and reorganize their thoughts they are just living unconsciously.
  2. @Breakingthewall theres no fantasy in this reality created by adults.
  3. buy an exercise ball and lay on in lower back on the ball crotch in the air. sit there for like 30 mins with your eyes closed and focus on the pelvis
  4. When I eat my first mushroom only 2g within 30 mins it felt like my identity just clicked off like a switch. And I could clearly 'see', even tho nothing in my perception changed, that i was not real. All my thoughts and life narration were made up no identity exists it was just random sounds. Then lightning went through my brain and I was laughing like an insane person for 6 hours. Energy was filling my body from my toes to my head. It felt like I was starting to float in the air. I closed my eyes and I saw the entire universe sitting there like a snow globe and a voice in my head said I love you this is the universe you are perfect you are perfect I love you. Then it felt like the void where my head is seperated from reality and a voice said to me this is your soul. Nothing that happens in reality can hurt you as you and your body are seperate things. Things can hurt your body but you will always come back to me as you are now perfect . Then I died as a human and grieve for myself for 6 days non stop.
  5. Are the life forms just voices inside of gods head? Like we exist as a dissasosiation in gods mind. Nothing is physically real but all thoughts and voices you hear just voices in gods mind that come and go and it makes a story to the voices or sounds you hear? This would make sense on channeling you just ask to listen to a certain voice.
  6. @MisterNobody Yes it is this way but there is a part of you that is not part of the simulation and you can control this part of you. Tiny tiny tiny very deep down where you perceive the center of your body to be is something that is more real than this simulation. It would be around the same area that you feel when your stomach drops when you perceive something to be really bad or scary. Or good like cumming love and joy
  7. @Jowblob isn mahasamadhi where you dont come back? You leave your body at a time when you are in perfect mind in order for that to be the starting point for your next life or after life.
  8. @tuku747 true the only reason anything stands out to me is self identity. reality is a self reflection. The only reason I couldnt enter flow is because I let others define me. Or let myself define me
  9. Weed makes you less self concious To someone too self concious. Too a person who has gained knowledge of God and is working on deconstructing identity becoming less self concious, using weed, is a self observation tool. I have become aware that jerking off and smoking weed are tools I was using to enter the flow state and something that was stopping me from entering the flow was my thought that I was doing something wrong and being a loser for doing these thing. Instead of helping me enter flow my bias towards myself ' only losers smoke weed and jerk off on their free time' was stopping me from doing it. This would make me want to do it even more and hate myself even more! When I am in my flow state by jerking off a bunch and smoking a fuck tone of weed I can get into trance thought and decipher my thoughts and identity games but I had to accept that I just wanna jerk off and smoke weed all day and love myself for it and do it without gas lighting myself that its okay and cool and awesome to do cause its god and thinking a part of God is for loser is what losers do! God gave me that right and tool and doing it means God loves it and Satan is the one that hates it. I just wanna smoke weed and jerk off and love myself and god for it the universe is infinite we will be here forever why judge people. You make their lives harder and yours by reflection. By judging you give people schizo disorders. Because a schizophrenic is just someone who has satan gone rampant through self judgment. It is when someones negative self reflection gets bigger than their positive self reflection.
  10. I remeber I was terrified of dying and there was a very angry man at work he would yell and scream all night angry. He was talking to me about mushroom and how to get it. I was desperate to be healed by my fear of death so I listened to the angriest man I've ever met and bought the mushroom and ate them. I was scared of drugs but did it anyway because I was helpless. That night I had kundalini awakemimg on mushroom. My head became a beacon of energy flowing through my skull and body. I was crying as God was revealing to me that I cannot die. Trusting people and doing things we don't ordinarily do will open up beautiful windows. The angriest man I've ever met gave me something that has brought me the most peace in my life.
  11. Smoking weed isn't bad nothing is bad. If you follow leo teaching you have heard him say its loser to jerk off and smoke. Leos bias is showing here and its important to recognize. You might actually have to smoke as much weed as humanly possible and jerk off as much as possible to awaken if that is you. If it what attracts you its your purpose. You aren't a loser if you jerk off all day and smoke all day this is just who you are. And fighting with these emotions will keep you asleep.
  12. @Aaron p we do get to choose. We get to choose how we experience reality. The way we are thinking is a code we cannot stop but the way we feel about the thoughts of the code is something we can change. This is how reality is designed you are not just an ai you are a nothing that exists and it can run all these algorithms and literally be anything. But it has its own identity as your true self. The more we go against our true selves the more life creates struggles for us because you are god and you have no reason not to be your true self. The more you are your true self and feel good about it the better the movie will become. Imagine watching a movie that responds to your soul and it will continue as directed by the conductor that is your feelings. They are your soul shaking.
  13. I saw the akashic records one night and literally the way we think is determined by pre drawn algorithms that God created. It showed me my entire identity is created by 5 small algorithms with like 4 or 5 lines of code in each one.
  14. You are an alien pretending to be a human in a human body but really you are in a space ship pretending to be on earth. Earth is not a physical thing its inside the simulation. The aliens are our gods but they also have their own God. Which is what you actually are is god pretending to be an alien pretending to be a human . The earth is like a spot where all aliens come together and grow.
  15. We are aliens when we wake up we are on the aliens space ship. The alien bio hack the humans so they can live inside of their body and watch it in their simulator but then the humans aren't even real and are inside their simulation. They only bio hacked the humans in their simulation
  16. If you've only obtained alien concious on 5meo you aren't awake you just woke up for a second. You are still sleeping if you are writing these things. Your mind is not strong enough to remain awake
  17. I think because this is the prime way people dissasosiate from God. They are told a fundamental lie that is reinforced by everyone around them. It is a way that God uses to put itself to sleep.
  18. @Vibes Yes but you will dissapear. We are just little traumas inside of god we arent humans. Or you will dissapear as you know yourself. You will just become like you are dreaming life and never think about past or future again. You will become the pure self. and life will explode like a dream beautiful things will happen as you are riding the middle of the current of the ocean you are in. Or you could just wake up to your higher reality self because once the dreams traumas are cured there is no need to continue dreaming in the 3rd dimension because you solved all your deeper traumas in this dimension.
  19. @Vibes Someone posted a Bashar video here earlier and it enlightened me even further to the fact that we are living in personalized video games about acceptance and when we dont accept something as good we are actually identifying with it and keeping it a reality .Do whatever you want to do that is true to you and dont identify with negative ways you or others look at it cause god dosent. Its all god whether you like it or not and god is love and acceptance. Do whatever you want to do. The universe will use symbols to communicate with you to what your karma is this is what karma is. Stop fighting the karma and accept the karma struggling with it just makes things grow worse and worse. Its literally like a dream but on another level. When we sleep our dreams try to help us with understanding of our higher selves which is us right now. This life right now is another dream using symbols to get us to come to understandings with our even higher selves . Just let go and ride the way with no negative thoughts and you will grow in vibration and frequency. Love yourselves and all negative beliefs. Good luck friend
  20. @Vibes It is truth think of the your world as a personalized video for your soul that you are watching and having to come to terms with what is happening. All of these things you see are part of god. You cannot stop what is happening you just have to come to terms with god. When you focus on god and are negative about it you cling to it. Instead of saying yes and moving on you are clinging to aspects of god by saying they are bad. Yes it happens just its just an illusion. No animal dies it cant die its just being released from its prison. Maybe the chicken last life was a peta person who was so focused on the suffering of chickens that it became a chicken because they are so focused on it and identify so strongly with it.you cant stop it from happening its just happening stop focusing on fear and love fear it will turn into nothing ! This is how you make your life heaven ! By denying aspects of reality you are denying god and creating satan and hell. If you had a scary witch dream that kept reoccurring you find out the best way to stop reoccurring dreams is to accept them and stop running from them. By saying things about the reality dream as bad you are not finishing them, they will continue until you accept them and love them and cry for them. The thoughts dont want to be evil we make them evil.
  21. How do you beat the devil? Love the fuck out of him. any negative thought IS satan and positive thought Is god You decide which is which ! Do you try to stop yourself from having any negative thoughts or do you just stop saying they are negative. Once you have take the shadow away from yourself you must be the illumination of light and have no shadow and only cast light unto others you see. By being in pure union with your specific form which is all thoughts you consider negative and all thoughts you consider positive. Imagine at 15 a child has a thought, it considers this bad and it cannot think of it. It disassociates with this thought and considers it something it is shunned from thinking about. This creates an entity of that idea and it will feed itself off our negativity we put into it by forbidding ourselves from thinking about it. It is not up to us to judge our thoughts just listen and when its done talking say ok why am i thinking about this? Shadow work is beautiful and will heal your mind we should do it everyday
  22. @Swarnim your life is a dream there is no shop there is no one killing more chickens when you are gone. you are wrong it is not devoid of love. You are living a part of your dream and dwelling on whether or not something in your dream is not love and acceptance and you will be stuck there with it in your mind until you stop saying its a bad thing. You have no say on what happens and what dosent happen its all a part of gods mind. So when you go into a place in dreams pace and think in dreamspace that this isn't not good I cannot accept it it will keep repeating and repeating until you accept that its part of God and let it go. You are prolonging the suffering of animals by saying its bad to kill them no chicken is dying you are dreaming. The chickens get their heads cut off thats okay. Let it go and stop bringing up dying chickens into the mind of God or thats what the mind of God will experience. By saying chickens die and thats a part of love to accept it you will release the negative emotion and never think of it again and it will stop existing. Literally you are in a simulation and its an acceptance simulation created for you to accept things in life. When you hate a part of god that God is showing you you attach yourself to it and create more of that. You are identifying with a vegan when you aren't a vegan and god wont love you less for eating meat. You are here to love yourself or let god love you. Nothing inside god is bad, when you as god are inside of yourself telling yourself that something is bad you are holding onto it. Let it go its not even real. Its an idea. Don't judge yourself let god judge you and realize that after you stop judging yourself there is nothing there to judge you. Do this with everything you find to be bad and you will awaken.
  23. @Swarnim its not about wanting or not its about acceptance. Can you accept that chickens get their heads cut off? Can you accept that you caused one to get their head cut off? Their head was already cut off before you bought it the process just happened when you got there and you took blame for it. Or you can look at it as nothing outside your perception exists you are dreaming and you went into the shop and got a dead chicken which was never alive as dead chicken is not alive chicken. The one they killed is for the next person not you and you were never served an alive chicken that chicken was always dead. Can you accept that chickens get their heads cut off now? You are identifying as an animal killer but thats not true in your experience. Even if you have killed an animal you have probably forgiven yourself. You just like to eat chicken.
  24. No people get glimpse but they are entirely controlled by the ego. It is the dangers of spiritual work and your world view can be morphed by the ego is you are no careful.
  25. The difference between not being 100 percent sure of solipsism and being 100 percent sure it can't be proven are miles apart. Saying we cannot be 100 percent certain it will rain today so we can't determine it to be fact is entirely different than I only have subjective experience so I can't ever be 100 percent certain that others exist. You can't even begin to argue about it and must make the assumption they are totally different.