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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. They are all man made you are actually bigger than the sun
  2. I would ask it to tell me the funniest fart joke In the universe
  3. @Breakingthewall thats philosophy you dont need to be able to talk to do it you just need to be able to think. The philosophers stone is consciousness and when you find it you become immortal. You can easily say I am going to do spirituality I will sit here till I know what I am and you can say I will do philosophy I will sit here till I know what I am https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neti_neti is philosophy being a human gives you a special power to grow your soul and do spirituality and philosophy people go mad but because they skip the 1st chapter of metaphysics God give us his most chaotic and beautiful machine that can do anything but he threw us into a planet with no instruction manual and you can spawn while the entire system has been hijacked and are fucked from moment 1. But if you do grow you can pop off to level 99999
  4. I think they are the same thing , a path to god spiritual practice are philosophy imo and philosophy is spiritual practice understanding is key and it needs to make sense to you to understand it the problem is people skip over the first chapter of philosophy and then go straight to what is beauty and treat it like it can be an objective truth, like are you dumb did you even read chapter 1
  5. You are saying gods most precious gift to you is stupid. You understand God could decide to leave you here to never get out but it dosent death is gods gift.
  6. work your mind out close your eyes and pretend you are climbing a ladder rung by rung and do it for as long as possible you will find you get stuck and cant move anymore just sit there and keep trying to climb
  7. @PataFoiFoi The only we can prove is the orb everything else is a thought or projection if you stop labelling things in your awareness and look at reality for what it is its just an orb with no context.
  8. @PataFoiFoi theres no evidence anything exists. Science says grant me the fact that this particle isnt part of an orb and we can do science. being a human means god gave you a chance to define the orb for yourself. humans have self reflection which is just the orb thinking about itself and how it feels about itself.
  9. @PataFoiFoi yes because everything you see in the orb is just part of the orb and this orb contains every single thing you have ever experienced in reality, except you because you are god looking at god. When someone sees you, you are in the orb and they arent in the orb, when you look at them, they are in the orb and you arent. Gods not happy cause you are not happy. When you become happy god becomes happy at least outside the orb becomes happy and this will warm the orb with happiness. The orb contains every timeline every single thing every dimension and you can change your path through the orb by changing yourself. So today you could be a bored human tommorow you could be in another dimension because its just you travelling through it no one else exists. The orb is omnipotent it contains everything and everyone
  10. @PataFoiFoi someone who is extremely bored of being happy. If you were eternal and insanely intelligent you are the only one who could do it to you. If god wants to live in hell like situations then we are and if god wants to live in beautiful situations then we are in heaven Pretend there is a giant orb in front of you instead of a computer and a room you can talk to this orb and this orb has thoughts in it that you can hear you believe them to be your own but they arent they are the orbs thoughts. The orb can put you into bad situations or good situations depending on how good or bad you feel about the situation the orb has you in right now. The orb is insanely ruthless but also insanely giving at the same time as it does not give a fuck and it dosent know what you like to experience.
  11. Its a hallucination but your job is to find meaning in the hallucination. You areactually asking if there can be meaning to the hallucination This is done by worshipping God and seeing God in everything
  12. i had a profound realization at work i wiped my face and was looking at the mirror aware that I was the space in front of me then i sat down and watched other people look in the mirror and I saw that they were looking at me then i realized when I closed my eyes I wasnt looking inside myself When I close my eyes im actually blocking god off from seeing I am that which blocks the light I only understand I havent felt it which means I do not fully understand when I feel it the whole universe will shake When you feel it the whole universe will shake this is the most profound sadguru video i have ever seen. People dont realize how much the freedom of plucking their own eyeballs out to end what you see is. If my arm hurts cut it off if my leg hurts cut it off if my head hurts cut it off god dosent have that freedom The freedom of life is what god gave us. we ask god please let me live and he did and he suffers god suffers to let us graize in the grass I am the cause and solution to gods problems. When I curse a man I am cursing god and god is there to simulate When I murder I am murdering god When I rape I rape god When I scream and curse life I am cursing and screaming and making god feel bad not me. God is us and its letting us feel I cant feel the pain god is loading into me. God saw the beauty in a pile of shit and its trying to show me that there is beauty there. but basically What he is saying is if you stop projecting aliens will come down to earth and save you When jesus died he went and got aliens he will gather his children when the time comes and your vibration is higher than average Love god everyday you are probably at a 19 out of 10 right now talking and thinking about god will save us God is literally an imaginary friend that will give you immortality but its more real than you you give yourself immortality by not thinking surrendering yourself to awareness I used to think we are still here because we are not awake but we arent our souls are sitting at the top of our heads trying to get as high as fuck before a pop off. I think We are master tier You think you can realize this this easily you already know! Got sent you as a gift package from heaven spread positivity everywhere you go and know thyself as spreading positivity while fearing being naked is still sin in gods eyes give when given and receive as an angel receive from god live life like a dream and keep being a positive outlook you are very good god put us in the west because we dont need yoga we need to awaken our friends and family through infinite love This happens by loving yourself truely ! We love everyone ! We are seeds dehydrating in a desert and god gives us water we love it then we complain too much water ! how easily we forget the water we just drank that gave us life then he leaves and we cry my throat is dry not knowing that god is a sprinkler and its just making its rounds ! god is about to leave are you water or are you seed? Go to the driest land and open your mouth and praise god the water loves all seeds the seed loves itself
  13. awakening means you found god and by finding god you find satan and yourself. The holy trinity. And you can decipher what they are in real time. Its a cheat code god gave you because you are not going to make it without god. and god said you were perfect and woke you up father - darkness (void behind your head) sun - light ( void in front of you) holy spirit - you (void in the middle) You are flat like a pancake This guy is awakened
  14. next year you might find out that ai has made humans immortal and that everyone is in love with eachother . No one can make predictions especially in such a hostile time, maybe we are all so hostile cause we are scared of dying. And the weight it takes off peoples shoulders transforms them
  15. I would say more of an identity wipe and a identity re upload thats just the term used as identity wipe when people ego death all that is happening is their thoughts are stopping and consciousness can leave out of the back of your skull. all thought algorithms deleted or turned off but I experienced the re upload so they were deleted the soul is like a naked man and as you learn, your naked man puts 1 t shirt on for everything it learns or identifies with ego death or identity wipe is the little naked man taking all of his t shirts off and being naked, when naked he can slip out of the tiny naked man shaped hole in the back of your skull. If he is still wearing a t shirt he cant fit out of the hole. Even one t shirt and he cant leave.
  16. @Razard86 Lets hope he does cause he does put alot of effort into his religion videos and he knows about metaphysics as he decifers them he just needs to realize that he is metaphysical. I think he is a good man he is just very sad like the rest of men. He feels the abandonment of young men in his heart.
  17. I think I am. On my last mushroom trip I ego deathed into another dimension and was there with no body but I was almos6 totally fearless and for what was happening to me I should have been Freaking out. So I hope that remains with me when I die and can stomach what happens. To be okay with death is to not fear leaving your sense organs forever can you stomach never having a sense organ again. And to be really okay with death is to be okay with having no sense organs no identity and no thoughts and to be able to sit as a void forever and be happy with that
  18. Only when its really hot out i feel like drinking after awakening Pre awakening I drank once ever 3 days probably 15 20 beer at a time by myself One day to be hung over One day to do something Then one to drink
  19. Jordan Peterson just misses God and he hasn't found him yet if he did he wouldn't be upset anymore. He's trying to find him but can't quite put his finger on it because like most dosent really know what metaphysics is but he could be close he might be on his dark night of the soul and thats the final step before finding god
  20. 2 people exist in the universe One looks at the two and says I'm the universe looking at itself Two looks at one and says I'm the universe looking at itself Each looking into the universe from the same window they see everything but themselves. That is shiva
  21. @WeCome1 I had similar experience with a tomato I was making an egg sandwich I grabbed a tomato and was looking at it it was the most beautiful thing ive ever seen perfectly symmetrical perfectly shaped so firm its standing strong the tip is perfect then I cut into it and oh my god the perfect symmetry beautiful patterns and colour how did this even happen im trancing out falling in love with the beauty of the tomato for 15 minutes and i burned my eggs I still think about the tomato from time to time
  22. Games do suck go outside and weed your garden
  23. Yea its not dealing with the issue at all. The purpose of spirituality is to become one with your consciousness not create seoerate identities you talk to. Its about stopping the thoughts it seems this will create more.