Optimized Life

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Everything posted by Optimized Life

  1. If you want to learn or get encouragement about either investing or trading, DON'T go to this forum for advice, lool. You can make a lot of money doing either, investing is the recommended strategy for 95% of people. Most people on this forum have a grandpa boomer attitude to investing and it's embarrassing. As long as you have self control, patience and are good with research, you should be at least doubling your money every year just from investing alone ... But you must focus on generating an income for yourself first. Get good at both, income generation and investing. If you make 50K/year, then you can make 100K + per year easily from investing, a 2X these days is not some crazy casino thing it's actually very moderate, so I have no idea what these grandpas are saying here about "just ensure you beat inflation" lool. Here's some ideas for you for investing : Crypto (very smart idea when the market is crashed, this is when you buy, when the fear index is as high as possible) Stocks (Not my favourite, but if you do good research ... just look at the TESLA chart over the last decade) Oil, Gold, Silver ect... Doesn't take much research to know when to buy these, either buy in the right season, or hold a long time view, look at how much oil has gone up this year, this is pretty predictable if you 1. Look at world events or 2. Learn to read the chart (Not very hard at all, very basic) Companies related to where the future is headed (5 - 10 Years) >> Tech, VR, AR, Self driving vehicles, DEFI ... If you invest in well researched/established companies in these sectors, It's hard to put to words on how much an X gain you could get back, consider how much society will change in 5 or 10 years & these companies will be generating Billions and trillions.
  2. About 95% of men including myself are not at the stage yet where we can be picky with anything other than looks. Like Leo said, "you gotta settle for something". I'll never settle for looks (< 7/10) but I'm not going around with a checklist, not at my current stage or SMV ... I'm sure Leo DiCaprio has a tight checklist. If he's fucking a 8 then I want to emulate something he's doing. Ultimately, He's a funny ass guy, and we all need some genuinely funny guys who don't give a f*** in our lives. All these serious "High conscious" people, and all the serious vampire normies flooding society, it just drains me of energy. I respect people of charisma because that in itself is valuable and uplifting.
  3. I can 100% intuit what you are saying from some past experiences. Long Tangent (Past Experience of this energy) : There was one time where (after a long dry spell) I was travelling and I had 2 dates at the same time (They weren't actually that attractive & now would be below my standards, but crucially I just felt like a player at the time) . I was riding along this E scooter on a hot day, and my body language & aura just felt like a man of value ... As I was riding, this genuinely hot girl (like 2X hotter than the girls I was dating) was walking opposite (some distance away on the pavement) ... and I noticed her looked over me at least 3 or 4 times, except it wasn't a normal look, hard to put into words, but a combination of intense intrigue, sexual attraction ... It was like I I had this giant magnetic field around my body or "energy body" ... Unfortunately I didn't have the genuine confidence, mindset, boldness or approach habit so I didn't approach and kept riding. I think due to this I lost that state as I started to realize I missed an oppurtunity & pussied out. 2. How can this be achieved ... Especially around "scary hot" women, or people who seem higher value, are smarter more successful ect.. I'm assuming there's no quick fix, probably a mix of solutions right? 3. Also, How do you constantly maintain this energy after harsh or constant rejections, some bad interactions or a horrible night out? @JonasVE12
  4. Too overcomplicated, it's just too much for me. Yes tags are such gem that I've overlooked. I "used tags" but in a messy way basically ruining the point of them with my old journal. This time I will decide to internalize a tag system in my mind and lay it out, spend hours just thinking about this 1 thing. this is like the most important feature tbh. What do you mean by that? Like section groups? or ..
  5. I feel like looking for "More books" on the topic is just avoiding time spent applying the concept. Leo Explained it pretty well. But it's gotta be a muscle that you build I reckon, so far I only understand it via massive experience of doing the inverse (Rigidity) , and then tracing the consequences of that and how it made me stuck ... of course Watching leos blog and seeing summary notes of it, helped me gain this awareness. My next step is to actually apply the concept more and get a taste of the results. "How could I use more requisite variety in my life?" >> Let your mind fill in the blanks. Or : "In what ways am I being rigid/repetitive in my life?" "What alternatives am I overlooking?" "How is my paradigm/lens/outlook on my problem limiting me?" It seems like a concept which only has meaning when applied to your unique problem and circumstances.
  6. Take the good, leave the bad ... Andrew Tate is the type of guy I need when I'm feeling demotivated, complaining about my life or doing minimum wage jobs. He has such a strong internal locus of control and self - discipline, he's probably barely read a self help book but he gained that through discipline since a young age. He is enjoying himself and he has many of the things I want : Discipline, charisma, money, freedom, masculinity ... He escaped the matrix. However, I wouldn't carelessly recommend him because young impressionable guys who can't think for themselves might blindly internalise and agree with everything he says ... which would be a bad thing. Like 60-70% of His view on politics, and family are wrong. About 50 - 70% of his attitude on women are completely wrong and toxic. Having said that, I'm not judging the guy, I'll just learn what I need from him ... Take the good, leave the bad. The funny thing about Andrew Tate is ... It would be wrong to cancel culture or completely dismiss this guy, he's got something going, he as leader qualities, he's funny he's charasmatic. I also resonate highly with his perspective on escaping the matrix, getting multiple passports, becoming your own man ect... He's clearly a leader and helping others escape that want it, it's shame he also has so many stupid ideas though ... If he just a bit more self awareness he could at least let the clearly toxic parts of himself die out ... and he'd just be all raw value. Yet ideology stubbornly persists and much of his mental energy is consumed by that nature of him.
  7. Remove Coffee from that sentence. Coffee ages your skin. Coffee makes you sweaty and dehydrated. Coffee ruins sleep, increases cortisol, reduces creativity. It's time we all stop promoting coffee in the self help world. Huge social matrix trap. Trying to quit myself ... my life will improve dramatically.
  8. Only YOU can decide what's a waste of time ... Not Leo, Mr guru, Tony Robins, Obama, Trump ... your mum, best friend. Real self help is just ... obtaining what YOU want right? Can it really be anything else? We all want different things, we're all different.