Optimized Life

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Everything posted by Optimized Life

  1. You could say this about anything though? Why would you do something liek a headless chicken instead of put concsious thought into it to improve your results? Why paint a room with some technique & conscious thought? Might as well just randomly slather it on the wall & make a giant mess right. But I agree that at a master level of game it's probably completely natural but this advice isn't good for beginners, you need guidance if you're not naturally socially intelligent from genetics/upbringing, but my point is everything is science in a sense anyway, nothing is truly natural which Leo has cogently explained before
  2. Wouldn't it have been / be better if you just took the high level position & worked tons of hours in your company, lived extremely frugally, worked non stop & suffered for several months - 1/2 year or however long necessary - then quit with everything saved, live in like a caravan in a cheap country & then focus 100% of your efforts on your business (and let say the saving give you couple years of free time to go all in) ? Part of this answer comes from my intuitive sense of the "Going full circle" concept because I know about people who have worked like 100 hours killing themselves for months & then quit & invested all the money going all in. 9-5 just seems too prolonged & half assed unless your only doing it to put food on the table, but for actually building savings & investments, I'd personally rather kill myself working more with more responsibility, find a higher salary too & then go 100 hours & quit & invest everything I can from that living on a friends couch & not paying rent. I suppose I'm thinking about it quite simply though, if your main investment is personal skills & mental abilities & building an audiance over time that require consistent patient approach than I suppose 9-5 works better because you can do both simultaneously & allowing natural exponential growth to occur over time without missing sharp market or cultural trends, but then again then again I am overthinking bye.
  3. It's the most important thing you can do in your life. Maybe not for others, some jobs are enjoyable, if someone else is content if no regrets that's great. But if you're having the thought consistently then it's certainly the most important thing for you. I am the same, within my context & brain & personality I just can't not have complete creative autonomy & I can't live a life without freedom variety excitement risk novelty ect... I can't live a life where I'm not travelling every month & doing random stuff, I still dream of this life every second. But I am a very weird & different individual. I regret it, I never followed my natural inclinations & as a creative person it will drive you insane if you don't follow & express yourself after a while, but of course I need time & security + some basic needs & distractions met helps a lot in allowing me to flollow these inclinations. I also see money & freedom as a direct aphrodisasic to creative energy : What better spark than to be conversing with different people? To be in some wild forest one week, to be in paris the next? I need that spark and all the jobs & life I've lived, never give me anything near this spark.
  4. Leo is just a dude who smokes DMT & occasionally makes useful self help videos, don't overvalue him, he makes excellent videos yes but that says nothing about his quality of character.
  5. If Immigration is ONE FACTOR according to you, then state that in your paragraph. One factor does not equal THIS IS DUE TO X Your emotional bias & desire to be contrarian is very obvious from the get go, I really doubt your just "stating the facts". Nice meeting you, STEVEN CROWDER HAHAHAHA.
  6. ^^^ This video is an excellent big picture outlook but it's not sufficient to actually make money, it lacks the details which is down to personal decision on how you want to make your money ... E.G a business, what kind of business? Affiliate Marketing? How do you do that? Is it worth it? How much do you need to start? Nothing? who should I learn from? Or you want to teach something? What? ... How specifically will you build clients? The problem is it's different for everyone depending on your background, country ect... although with the internet there are now certain money making trades that anyone can do. I'd start with Leo's video for big picture > Then google a list of all the ways to make money online + in real world, stay open minded to any possibility. Keep a long list & just research each option that appeals to you. Also, don't be against having a job at first either, you can do this to kickstart your bank account ... This may enable you to further invest in some form of business or education if needed. There's just too many angles to view this problem & I can't give you an exhaustive answer as the path is unique to everyone, but this should be a good basis to get started. Making money is really difficult to start & requires so much energy, but becomes really easy to make MORE money once you already have a bit. Getting from 0 to 10K is monumentally harder & heavier than getting from 40K to 50K or even 100k to 200K, probably is like this with YouTube subscribers & making friends & anything else.
  7. Beautiful women are just ... Beautiful (& feminine). That's it! Beauty is something which I appreciate much, 1 of my highest values. Architecture, colours, starlight, sun sets ... and of course women I love beauty. Isn't that a more pleasant & accepting way to perceive reality? Let your mind remain open, you only need to find 1 (or 2 or 3 or like 10) beautiful girl who isn't a bitch, it doesn't matter how the other 150 million of them are, you can only date so many at once.
  8. tbh bro, this "Just live a little" is a social matrix linguistic pattern I've started to notice which is used as a subtle peer pressure tactic & it's annoying as hell, happened to me the other day when I was told to try some vodka & I was trying to logically explain how taking vodka in this context & the consequential aftermath would actually lead to less/negative "living" for the next several hours but this went over their head & inspite of my own reasoning I still felt compulsed to prove myself as a not too tight, tense boring guy amongst the lingering vibration of peer pressure within my physiologly that no logical reasoning could deter. The phrase has like a powerful linguistic god like status amongst the demonic arbiters of the social Matrix, it can be used for the most non sensical things like "why aren't u licking ur cats asshole bro?" and could probably work to a stupid teenager. Back to the discussion To be fair to Leo, I had not watched the video before I made my comments nor anticipated such an unusual and unexpected title and stream of thoughts & associations ... Partial apology & some props to Leo for been clearly nuanced & making an interesting video My tone in some my comments was agressive & exaggerated & reactive - This is not represents my character I was triggered due to my contextual background of growing up insanely stupid & terrible at navigating life (also miserable) from lack of //negative socialization experience I'm sure Leo pointed out this counter somewhere in the video anyway I have some good points to make + challenges to statements from the video which should hopefully be interesting & mentally stimulating, Points mix : - Social Matrix >> The radio - It's not purely socialization per se, but constant ingesting of external thought vibrations >> My dad is very dumb due to all the constant external thought stimulas he recieves from tv & radio, but maybe that is a too obvious & common sense point for Leo to mention, or maybe he did mention that anyway >> Or the need for silence, a lack of enough silence makes you dumb - Talking to much makes you dumber than if you just listened to & observed other people - but also theres key counter point which is that imo a full consistent hermit would be dumb & stunted due to not having enough experience observing & listening to people, seeing social, non verbal & linguistic behvaiors and patterns within & between individuals, although I guess he did mention that in some sense Ohh and Leo ... wtf was this stuff about "Modern technology has nullified the physical strength differences between men & women?" Am I remebering that right or something because men are dinifitevly physically stronger than women this is kindergarten knowledge.
  9. It's not black and white. There's more to life than just improving yourself or being lost in thinking. Socialization is 1 of the best ways to improve yourself, and to at least be happy and enjoy life as a shared connected intimate experience vs being a creepy introvert. Meditation you can do for 10 - 30 minutes per day & get benefit from, I'm not gonna spend my life in solitude go fuck whoever if you promote that crap. You can learn think grow plan ect... via discussion. This whole talk is a waste of time & not a priority. It's a biased idea, biased to strong introverts like Leo. I would never trade places with Leo, I have zero envy of him & his life, I don't want his life so fuck this place anyway. He is valuable in specific segments but I wouldn't take life advice from him or most people, I decide how I live my life it's unique to everyone, hence WHY THESE DISCUSSIONS ARE FUCKING STUPID & I HATE MOST OF SELF HELP LOOL. This forum just sucks 90% of the time I've got to admit, so much waffling nonsense.
  10. 1 of the dumbest things he's said yet, socializing engages the brain & lack of it makes you dumb in practical life just like not learning to count, read or write or hear would dampen your competence in navigating life. Maybe all Joe Brogans Diet Pollution weed or whisky use rotted his mind not socializing. He is an extroverted guy, of course he likes to socialize just like a straight man likes vagina lol this is absurd nonsense.
  11. Amen on this one, wish I realized this sooner. ^^^
  12. Looool "He asked for my phone number" ohhh wow boohoo. Talk about 1st world western woman problems. "Constantly on the defence", so fucking dramatic. I saw a 1 foot midget recently, she smiled at me but I felt too awkward & walked past. She had a normal even attractive face but disproportionately 1 foot body, I'm sure she'd have craved for normal human life & connection, maybe this stupid woman could stop complaining and appreciate her existence as an attractive healthy western human and drop her undeserved victim complex. I must admit though, asking str8 for the number just from a smile is autistic level game but ironically what that guy needs is lots of approaches & coaching to become the smooth guy women want, he's just confused about social interactions yet this low IQ bitch has to suddenly go into a victim complex & post it on social media for attention ... hunny these guys just needs to learn social skills, we don't need to fabricate a gender war
  13. Retarded posts like these highlight everything wrong with this community. Just be spiritual & have a dating life too, maybe gtfo the internet for a bit.
  14. Wrong Wrong biased answer. Local high street is obviously a bad idea but that's what big cities are for. There's 8/9 billion people, this "red flag" shit is meaningless unless you're a local loony. Girls aren't always more receptive on a night out, they can actually be more receptive in the day, in a night out they're often busy with their friends & the day is less dangerous than the night. Many guys don't want to drink alcohol, sleep 5 Hours, waste cash & spend an hour queuing to some venue, just so they can approach the scraps that 20 other guys competing for. Confidently approaching a woman in the day makes her day, it's not a red flag. If it is a red flag then you don't want that girl anyway. My take is maybe you're being too puss to try do Day game on your own, so then you project that onto charasmatic men who embrace unconventional challenges. Deleted final sentence as it was petty and unnecessary.
  15. Of all the people you could mention, you had to go with this guy lool ... And what is it with this pattern of finding cringe meme cliché youtubers just to put Leo down lol. "This guy is so much better than Leo ect.." I think Leo's how to get laid series was excellent. However, social circle game is a legit thing but Hamza is the last person I'd go looking for advice on it, the gold is usually hidden within people with less subscribers or that you meet in real life, Hamza is just a fucking meme.
  16. That paragraph is fucking overcomplicated & badly written, got bored really fast. Being a creep is not esoteric thing attributed to some complex multivariate equation. It's a pretty simple & obvious thing once you observe it within yourself & others.
  17. World's huge place, careful generalizing from small sample sizes ... your intuition could be right, but you'd have to travel a lot to know, maybe it's the opposite ratio in some places. Also continent/country/city, weather, music genre, culture, ticket/entry system, club's marketing/club promoters/bouncers attitudes & process, prices & many random unpredictable variables.
  18. Thanks but do you have page links? I can't find them
  19. They do that stuff in local Mediterranean & south America. It's more about culture & grandiosity than class, great staff great atmosphere, the social stimulation & vibe u get is well worth the insulin spike. There's 1 restaurant I'll never forget in particular. But ye, I wish I was a man of class already, unfortunately I'm not yet, I'll take the compliment.
  20. You're completely misconstruing and misdirecting my lingo here. When I said occasionally enjoying life in that way I was envisioning u go to a nice resteruant with your friends and they have a special kind of ice cream sundae with artistic presentation & fire and all this and you drink a little, it's a fun celebratory or relaxatory stimilus, and an occasional thing that isn't exactly some lunchtime street corner daily event that u do out of convenience. What I wasn't advocating was just going to some creepy MacDonald's packed with people and stressed out underpaid workers, that's a soulless treat. Use your imagination a little. * P.S ; I do eat at MacDonald's occasionally lol but it's not what I'm advocating as enjoying life.
  21. Health is mostly a distraction focus on mental health first, it's wayy more related to your life, mind, thoughts, environment, psychology, guilt, lying and bad energy ect.. You are right though ... The compromising of ones authenticity & values to fit with others is what's truly unhealthy, that alone is poisonous and very dark. Any health work is fucking pointless if you don't work on those above which I'm still working on. I've tried being a perfect health nut without working on the mental/social/spiritual side and I still felt like I was in total hell. Mental health environment and social life , always comes first and is 80% of health. Who cares if you die at 70 if you had a healthy mind and happy life. I'm not saying I plan to eat tasty food or junk or get fat ... but it might happen, I don't know I can't predict the future. But I'll ensure with all my heart that I fix the mental stuff, how I relate to others, guilt, lying, compromising, bad environments, bad energy, addiction to negative moods. I'll put 95% of my focus on that, hence I start to wonder if gym is just a distraction these days, all my time really should go into the mental and energetic stuff Also, I didn't even read your paragraph but I agree with the spirit of the question, not with all foods though, but certainly alcohol... People that NEVER drink anything ever are really weird to me, it's not bad if done with moderation and timing, especially if you actually workout and have good mental health, you can still drink and be extremely healthy and get some fun/relaxation out of it ... maybe you'll lose some health points by like 0.3%, but living a boring life is pointless anyway. I drink gin sometimes. Note I'm saying SOMETIMES, like way way less than normal people in society do it, and doing it in a calculated way like finish drinking several hours before sleep, with water and socially like 1/2 times a week ... NEVER EVER Eating an ice cream doesnt fit me , you can't just frame everything as about "craving it", it's about appreciating the experience, the taste and the art of the cooking ... Maybe they used some crazy fire techniques and you see all the cream dripping out and it's all aesthetic and super tasty and you appreciate it with your friends, you tip the waiter handsomely laugh smile, go home have a drink or 2, get it out your system . Why not have these experiences sometimes?
  22. I didn't read your post because I don't have the energy to do it. I believe negative emotions are higher than no emotions, or lethargy. Depression has power > energy can be converted, but not created. Sometimes pain so deep can lead to something beautiful. I think deep depression or frustration is very close on a spectrum to determination, or courage. Maybe I just spewing some nonsense thou, I'm sleep deficient.
  23. There's 2 angles to think about this & maybe you would benefit from no,2 more . (I prefer approach 2) Some sort of mindfulness, attitude or personality shift (which you're pointing to) Focus on improving yourself, set goals and get to action .... your insecurity, hatred and jealousy of other's success might wither away ... I've experienced this phenomena myself ... Instead of thinking my way out of jealousy for others, I just start doing shit with my life & it withers away. In fact ... when u build momentum that jealousy you have for other successful people, it turns into inspiration, you start to enjoy watching people win, you get energy from each other. Another aspect is this ... Be so busy & productive that you don't even have time for jealousy. It's easy to get jealous & crazy when you're sitting around on a forum all day ... I've experienced this myself. Be proactive.
  24. That's embarrassing. You probably had a high paying job / lot of savings as well. 33% if you knew about it from 2 years ago is laughable. Should've made at least 1000%.