Optimized Life
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Everything posted by Optimized Life
Optimized Life replied to thenondualtankie's topic in Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology
This game solely works on working memory, assumption is that WM enhancement WOULD lead to improvements in all those core functions because WM ability is like so core to everyday functioning. -
Creative Money Laundering Masterclass 2023
Optimized Life replied to thenondualtankie's topic in Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology
The only thing that seems (Imo) to matter is consistency over the long term, although maybe longer sessions are valid too. quad n back very draining I can't really do more than 30 minutes and even though it's really fun, I do it every 2 days now but maybe I could do it every day, it's just that, I feel like your brain needs rest becasue you wouldn't do heavy leg workout every day and in the rest your muscles actually grow, couldn't it be the same with the brain? -
Optimized Life replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology
Trans people have different dicks. -
Low IQ is associated with making this post.
Optimized Life replied to Zedman's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Western women have an undeserved victim complex to deal with their privilege. Everyone will be attacked these days and called a predator. I'd be shocked if he was actually a rapist, it would make no sense that he'd rape unless it was a drunk misunderstanding, which is more complicated, and in that case probably wasn't rape, just they were both drunk. He's just very extroverted and assertive, some people find that intimidating and will call it predatory. -
They were responsible adults we're not talking about 13 year olds. He was a webcam manager, frame it as "human trafficking sex pimp" but you do not have any proof nor experience of how operations went on. These girls made good money too and knew what they were doing. As for coercion, violence against women, rape and blackmail, of course I don't agree with this and it should be punished severely, I am just saying that you have no proof that he committed these things and I am yet to believe that he did do any of these things, but if proof would be found of this then, yes he would deserve a hefty sentence, no one can deny that. I am not anti justice, but I do not believe that Tate is this guilty, and like I said the burden of proof must remain. Tax evasion does not deserve a prison sentence. Almost everyone in the world evades tax, and you're far too deeply toxically ideologically left to be this passionate about tax evasion.
Running a webcam business is a business. It's not any worse than running a liquor store. Society applauds filthy rich girls on only fans, they're not spending life behind bars for it (Nor should they either) Red pill? red pill black pill Idgaf about red pill, , but tate he needs to be free man now, this is injustice at it's peak. Webcam business is legal, he dodged some tax, give him a fine. You are the evil one because you want to encage people for capitalistic or exploitative tendencies, but everyone's like that, he is not comparable to some murderous kidnapping Cartel monster, not 1% comparable. Tax evasion? stop being a dork please, literally everyone commits tax evasion. Give him fine isn't a reason for jail.
Such a biased fucking post. Women cheat far more because they have the option to, men simply dont have the option to cheat in the first place. Western women are spoilt beyond belief and spoilage degrades character, it is undeniable that women are ridiculously spoilt in the modern world, socially, politically, sexually . You have come onto this forum just to be a biased, misandrist pig, there is zero tolerance for this biased nonsense. Very Very few men take advantage of drunk women, often both parties are drunk, and if a girl wants to get drunk and get fucked then that's her choice, some girls do just like that kind of thing stop framing it as a victim dynamic. If 2 people want to get drunk and fuck then that's their choice. Your whole paragraph is you shaming others and shaming society, dude why you care so much? People cheat, people get drunk and fuck, so what, so much disgust and judgement of others. Ultimately men always get the disproportionate amount of blame and you're playing into it and it's disappointing. The truth is that we live in a women's world and men have a disproportionately lower quality of life and women have an obscene power over men in the modern world, there is nothing me or any other guy here should bother arguing with you on because you will always "win" the argument, you will always be right no matter what, that is just what has come to in society. You might as well just call me a rapist and sue me right now because you'll win the case guaranteed. You're saying "it's a sham a guy who doesn't like or even despises a woman is willing to bang her" but it's pretty weird of you to use that word here, that's like saying "shame on the poor man for working on macdonalds when he hates it who has no other options", that's a pretty weird thing to hate a man on, I mean i would only feel pitty for that, not shame or hatred. "Men who goes out preying on drunk women" is such a poor and particular way to frame it though. Lots of people go to the club, most (almost all) the men wouldn't say no to fucking multiple hot women there it's male nature, doesn't make you a predator, most people drink at least a bit, some of the men get laid a lot, many don't at all, and the women always chose who they go home with, and always instantly get laid if they feel like it, while the guys stand there depressed and alone, paying for womens drinks before they ff off. The women are always holding the power dynamic in the club, the guys always spend more money, the guys always pay for the drinks, cab, entry. The guys always have to put in 10 - 100 X the effort of the women often to no avail. 99% of guys are nice guys except from being "Horny pigs" (natural fucking instinct) to you, even the few who aren't nice or are aggressive are just broken from being an isolated rejected loser in this world which is hard for men, easy for misandrist pigs like you who just want something to complain about, just go keep spew your patriarchy nonsense Exactly. You're repulsed by fucking everything in existence, what you're saying is bascially : "boo boo bah goo gah i hate you him ha fuck men goo gah gah am men are horny pigs goo gah N
Wrong, you have no proof that they're sociopaths and they don't strike me as sociopaths at all, we could just as easily claim that you're a sociopath instead, but that wouldn't be fare either. There is no definite proof that they did victimize anyone and you certainly don't have the proof. Right now they should be freed, his captivity is is a crime now and they are net positive regardless of flaws. I don't agree with him completely nor find him that valuable or relevant consistently but he should remain a free man nonetheless Another biased topic that Leo and no one on here should spew their uninformed unwarranted opinions on, I try to avoid talking about tate or feeding this forums predictable circlejirking but this is not fair at all, free tate, there is no proof, end of.
Sales is actually notoriously easy to break into. Almost no one is willing to do it, and if you suck, you might work for free. So applicant demand for sales is not oversaturated at all. I'm considering doing commission sales at weekends to build masculine energy. Anything that will make me more likely to approach women in the day, and more tolerant to rejection, can't not be beneficial. Even though the context and intention is non sexual, the mindset is the same : keep fucking going, forget the rejections, persistence.
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Cold approach is the modern path of the archetypal warrior. Unless you're joining the army then there is no other heathy way to settle this burning, archetypal drive that most men have. Cold approach is war to me.
I don't watch all of his videos and yes he can be a bit weird but. Ultimately Owen Cook is awesome, I love the guy tbh He's just so positive & encouraging and regardless of being a bit weird, he's a thousand times better than the average human to me.
Anki & SRS apps are great
Can actually attractive women sleep with broke men Is it possible to attract a 7 + woman as a broke man who only has personality and masculinity. Is it even worth trying Or should I just masturbate to porn and build a business first TDLR, I am broke, should I even bother with 7+ girls or go monk mode until I have money
Your takes are ALWAYS the dumbest I've noticed this pattern. Its not just about getting laid though ... It means lower cost of living, sense of adventure, prettier women who aren't fucking obese or there head chain smoking cigs every day. It means starting a family, getting away from feminism or masculine women. Your take is overly simplistic and the judgement futile. Its a completely logical thing to do? lol you want guys to just accept their position and stay in the same place. You judge people because you get results in your country or you like your country, but that's you ... WHY are you judging another guys unique & sovereign erspective or choices, why? Because you're a dumbass as always. Literally it's a free world imagine calling someone degenerate because they want to live in Columbia or Poland instead of the states lol, "stay where you belong kid" no fuck you dumbass.
It's really not ridiculous at all. Why would attractive woman go for a broke man when she has so many options? Being broke isn't just the lack of status, it means you don't live in the cool place, don't have great logistics. It means no white teeth. And just OK clothes. I'm not some modal or gigachad either like a 6 in looks and i'd be a 7 if i had more money (grooming clothes hair etC..) Its just what is there to offer girls dongt care about funny guys or macho guys it doesn'g work
So should I just commit to going organic inmediately because, where I live, the difference isn't THAT much for certain foods. For eggs I can go organic for only a couple dollars more, I worked out that quality eggs would cost me an extra of $1 per day on average, $30 a month. For something as nutritious as eggs this can be a worthwhile investment. For it to be worthwhile there would need to be a visible improvement in my energy and focus and brain, but if you feel the same eating organic bananas vs normal after a while it's like ... OK, am i just throwing money away and money is extremely valuable and could be used for something else? I admit thought I have not yet ever commited to that diet, so I don't know until I try. Technically this question is pointless and I should just experiment, I am just afraid of having less money Will this tangibly allow me to use my brain better in the short term, not just long term protections. Edit : the question isn't really "is it too expensive" : It's not. I can afford to spend $1 extra a day on eggs. My point is, should I expect tangible noticeable benefits within the next week or month in how I feel, or is it more a long term protection mechanism, especially with fruits also. Has anyone noticed raw power increase from switching to organic fruits.
Optimized Life replied to D2sage's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
AI will be 10X smarter than Einstien within under a year, maybe a 1000 X smarter in a few, billion times smarter in 10 or 20 It's all fucked, your attitude is niave. Lool, Intel can't do shit Intels impact will be like throwing a pebbel in the ocean. It's the wild west of technology now and society will have to collapse -
Optimized Life replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Yeah. All it takes is to go live in some city in India, Milan, LA, Mexico city & no one with 2 brain cells left could possibly deny climate change. Many very awesome cities in the world are ruined by it also, I don't want to go live some boring place in the country just to have basic health. Not a nice trade off. -
I was about to leave this forum and ask to delte my account but I have one pressing question I am trying to make it in the online business world and I'm trying & learning about many different things, willing to try anything as I just wasnt a decent income alongside being my own boss & don't care about anything else in life currently. However I notice that : Marketing is the overarching skill that I can't ignore, and I currently making myself obsessed with it and looking at it from every possible angle. I had good research and intellectual momentum with learning this stuff and working my way through the "learning funnel" from absorption and conceptual understanding to application and experimentation. But AI just ruins my confidence and momentum because it's like. "Should I learn copywriting also?" Is there any point or will AI just do all this very soon? (I don't want to be a copywriter so my fundamental question is not whether AI replaces jobs but despite AI is it still worth it to learn and practice the different elements like copywriting and other business aspects in order to synthesize this into a cohesive form and apply it to building personal brands and selling my own products?) Or ... is the only fucking thing I should be learning these days is "Prompt engineering" and getting AI to do everything? I fucking hate AI, its overcomplicating everything too much.
"Most developed" doesn't automatically imply better country to live. Not all parts of all less developed countries are bad places to live. Some are simply cheaper yet have most of what you need, without danger or war. Some developed countries are horrible places to live and actually are quite hard to survive with inflation and have extreme rates of depression. Developed is a spectrum and isn't always black and white, although considering the ultra undeveloped countries like Iraq or certain african countries this black and white concept is relevant and of course no one should live there
And that's why I love learning about marketing currently. It's pretty exiting how creative it can get.
Have you thought that thought through? Have you started a business?