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Everything posted by AuroraDream

  1. Here's more of my awful take on politics according to the radically open minded leo The one who (said ) was committed to truly questioning everything, all his beliefs to death, science... just not vaccine science of course, that can't ever be questioned, especially considering pharma's criminal history, nothing to see there,
  2. This video here got taken down, it was a montage video of Biden being very creepy and inappropriately touchy with various women and girls.
  3. More of Biden being really creepy and touchy, but now with a child. This needs to be exposed, much like the pedophilia and sex trafficking ring of Jeffry Epstein, which has exposed that top people in government and in wealth associated with him, and as CIndy Mccain admitted that “We all knew what he was doing” , yet with many visits to Epstein island have been documented from top people in government, celebrities, and wealthy influencers, this suggests that these people who visted knew about what he was doing and were in on it. heres the video of Cindy Mccain addmitting this below.
  4. This is quite illuminating as well, 6:22 particularly peaked my interest.
  5. @Zeroguy well when the president of the United States, director of cdc, and director of nih, all say you wont get covid if you have the vaccines, (yes they said that, and i can pull of the quotes and videos verbatim,) when tons of people who had the shots catch and spread covid, then it undeniably calls for question, skepticism, and deep investigation this is just common sense investigation. when people get banned and censored for posting stuff like this and questioning the growingly apparent corruption and deceitfulness of the government and pharma, then thats the real insanity
  6. How can a claim like this be made when transmission wasn't even tested in their trials?
  7. Pfizer did not even test for for viral transmission during their trials before the vac entered the market, which the entire rollout was based on "you're getting it to protect others" Enjoy Maybe the fines will be trillions this time? I guess some criminals don't learn from their mistakes.
  8. @Ulax yes many people got vacced under the heavily pushed idea that vaccines prevent transmission of covid 19 from person to person. It was heavily pushed. Civil War started. People were bullied and told they were bad if they didnt because they would be spreading covid and killing granny. People lost their jobs because the mandates were introduced as a means to stop transmission and "protect" people at work. Its now common knowledge that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, aad the video above proves another shocking point, that Pfizer never even tested for transmission efficacy, let alone transmission, in their trials at all before the rollout. How people here don't see the problem here is baffling.
  9. @Ulax i already explained, read. Watch video
  10. @Leo Gura spare eveyone your arrogance. Would be a nice breathe of fresh air
  11. @Consept I just showed you footage of the Pfizer ceo saying it was about stopping transmission. The fucking head of the company itself, i dont think there's more i can do for you. The connection with phrama and government are suspically very close so they're hardly separate entities. It would hold up in court. Countless people lost their jobs through mandates on the premise that they were getting it to prevent transmission to their coworkers. Have people all of sudden just forgot about all this?? @Leo Gura Nothing surprising about this lol... then the people who lost their jobs over the mandates should just get their jobs back... You are in for a rude awakening soon man. You doubled down on the wrong thing, without having and open enough mind to study and look into basic government corruption thats becoming more and more overwhelmingly blatant. Truth is coming out, and its gonna be hard for such a "truth lover" like yourself to accept.
  12. "Our highest priority".... "but we don't test for transmission in our clinical trials"....
  13. @Consept uhhhh..... Here you go and here you go In case you weren't aware, that's the Pfizer CEO speaking in the video. Cheers.
  14. @Consept I dont know where you're from but in UK and north America the MAIN reason that was so heavily pushed to get the vaccine was to get it protect OTHERS because they (the gov, news media, and pharma rep) ALL pushed so hard that you're doing it to protect others. Because or significant transmission reduction. I'm surprised you don't know about this. This was the main point of the civil war in UK and North America. All the disagreements and bullying was based on this very fact that those who don't get vaccinated are basically murderers. I dont know if you're honestly trying to gaslight or just don't know. That was the entire narrative surrounding it. The UK and Canadian gov at one point even declared that this was a pandemic of the "unvaccinated" which is now clearly not true, countless people who got the vac got covid and spread it. I wish people would stop acting like this was never true.
  15. @Tefikos What do you even mean dude? I'm trying to expose something that I believe is true that is being so arrogantly and immediately denied on here, a forum thats supposed to be about "truth at all costs" mentality
  16. and it is a good compariosn, alex talks about pharma corruption in his show a lot so its valid to biring it up, and i just proved they are criminals, but i guess "billion" wont even wake people up
  17. @Tefikos maybe do some research into the trial, pfizer knew people would die from their drugs and continued to push and promote the drugs, hence the "billion" number in their fine, I don't believe alex's misninformation caused any deaths but please correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. Too bad Jones couldn't quite reach that Pfizer level of criminality, but no matter, once the truth about the vax stuff comes out he'll never have a chance!!
  19. Wow! Thar's almost as bad as what Pfizer had to pay for unethical promotion of dangerous drugs that they knew were dangerous!
  20. Whats his shtick?... I dont know guys but cmon, anyone who has 666 as a decoration above their mediation space shouldn't be trusted....
  21. I really liked last of us 1, angry joe's and the critical drinkers review really put into words well what I agree what's wrong with the game if you wanna check those videos out. There's a lot to say about it, but basically, I just found it very very boring, slow, and pointless, wishy washy, and the ending was unsatisfying and depressing and left me without caring or hoping for anything more from the next story or game. like it took ellie murdering hundreds of people, who had nothing to do with the problem, to get revenge on the 1 person, she set out on 2 basically suicide missions to hunt her down and find her, and in the end when she finally has her, she lets her go, and thats somehow supposed to be beautiful and symbolic how she finally leanred her lesson the getting revenge is bad? Yet she brutally murdered everyone in her way of this one person who didnt deserve to die, yeah i just dont see the beauty in it, at least the execution, the ideas were interesting, the perspective flip and all that, kinda cool, but i think the execution coulda been better, the writing, less convenient encounters that push the plot along in a way that seems too lucky and convenient, less of that and I would have probably liked it more, but hard to say