
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by AuroraDream

  1. I see, glad to know what i shared didn't apply to you. Psychedelic therapy helped me tremendously with my depression and moving forward in life. There really isn't anything better that I know of. I know youre not looking for anything spiritual, but psychedelics can really help with depression and emotional "issues" more than anything else. Spirituality to me is just connecting with yourself and finding your own bliss, which is completely unique to you, so I wouldn't worry about that too much. You wouldn't even have to do therapy with them, just do some micro dosing or take a dose that feels right, comfortable, and isn't pushing yourself, then contemplate whatever is bothering you and that you want to change.
  2. i don't think its the abundance of techniques and information that's the problem, its the massive amounts of pressure and pushiness to change and be "better" given off from the YouTube channel and the forum. i think an abundance of techniques and different approaches to things are great, can allow someone to freely explore for themselves and have fun and play with what works and what doesn't. But the amount of what i would call, "spiritual bullying" going on here, which is trying to push someone somewhere bluntly, with lots of arrogant energy and setting high expectations expectations can make someone feel overwhelmed and feel like they're "not enough". Not to mention the amount of people who buy into this, can make newcomers feel overwhelmed and like they dont know what to do. Just so you know, all of this actualized stuff is bs, its just a more elite/arrogant form of comparing themselves to one another, which makes "newbies" feel like theyre not doing it right or "getting it" there's nothing you need to get, just follow your heart and what feels right to you
  3. @Cocolove damn sorry you also got heart problems after. Again, I dont think its as rare as they say.
  4. @herghly wow yeah exactly. This idea that heart issues are more common with cororna rather than the vaxx i think is a complete lie and just made up. But thats just a gut feeling. Couldn't prove it.
  5. yep, ive seen enough sketchy things happening with this pandemic that has make me started to question the whole thing, not to mention the fact that there is actual evidence to possibly suggest that the virus came from a lab. really sorry you have this heart issue. i truly believe now that the data given my the mainstream about the vaccines and other stuff is not accurate. not something i can prove, just a feeling. ive heard of lots of people in my city getting myocrditis after the vaccine, i dont think its as rare as theyre saying.
  6. agreed glad people are starting to wake up here
  7. i think getting back in your body and out of your head is key, go for a steam sauna, massage, relax, hot tub, weed, whatever works for you, then see the contrast. when i enter lots of pleasure i begin to see my own overthinking as irrelevant and not something to engage in, really helps me out.
  8. should you even engage with people who intimidate you and make you uncomfortable? i really mean that! I saw for myself that i thought i wanted the hot girls because that was the only way to prove my self worth, but then saw i actually wanted to build connections with people who were nice, comfortable to be around, and weren't intimidating. I just want to be myself and attract what i naturally attract, and stop the painful striving to get someone better so that i feel better
  9. maybe theres a way you can anonymously send a complaint to the professor? as long as he keeps your complaint private
  10. @PurpleTree yep, while the damage of what's being hidden continues.... looks like people are catching on,
  11. yep. people who have been reporting side effects have been getting demonized and censored. im sorry you have this.