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Everything posted by lostingenosmaze

  1. Professor Dave's still yet to debunk Leo's 9-hour thesis on science, really shows his Stage Orange picking easy cherries for clicks
  2. Biblical dogma edited and tailored for the new generation and zoomie audience, wild 💀
  3. @Princess Arabia Upboat to this, this is normie stuff especially compared to the other weird shit he shared here
  4. Success is not one person, much less Donald Trump.
  5. Damn man, thirties is not that old
  6. I think the "gay masculinity" term you're looking for is bara.
  7. I'm not the kind of guy who participates in sloppy-toppies-with-a-twist, but the moderators do respond promptly to my reports and don't peeve at me no matter how many petty ones I throw out. So I appreciate that
  8. @Leo Gura Is your future episode on investing gonna focus on finances or is it gonna be about the act of investing as a whole? I had an impression it was going to be the latter
  9. You might as well ask what "Juggling keyboard parts when trascending the meditative state" means. Like wtf are you talking about
  10. True all sports do cause brain damage. This is how years of doing sports can ruin one's mind: Play safe out there folks
  11. In Leo's Alien-Consciousness eyes, the former is the human [bullshitter] being honest while the latter he'll always call out for it's human bullshit and not being the Absolute Love he thinks everyone should strive for, whatever that means.
  12. Maybe not so much the N part unless they're an exhibitionist
  13. 30 Ways Society Fucks You In The Ass 💀
  14. @Spiritedness https://youtu.be/rCrYZVnSMh4?si=ubx8yrHBp5EV5byD
  15. Women aren't like what they are portrayed in the movies? No way Sherlock